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Planetary Satellite Physical Parameters

The following table lists currently available physical parameters for planetary satellites. Tables are grouped by planet. Table column headings are described below.

Satellites of Earth

Planet GM: 398600.436 ± 0.001 km3 s-2 (ref: DE440)

Mean Radius
Mean Density
Moon 4902.800 ±0.001 [DE440] 1737.4 ±0.1 [1] 3.344 ±0.001 [*]

Satellites of Mars

Planet GM: 42828.37362 ± 0.0008 km3 s-2 (ref: MAR097)

Mean Radius
Mean Density
Phobos 0.0007087 ±0.0000006 [MAR097] 11.08 ±0.04 [1] 1.872 ±0.076 [*]
Deimos 0.0000962 ±0.0000028 [MAR097] 6.2 ±0.24 [1] 1.471 ±0.166 [*]

Satellites of Jupiter

Planet GM: 126686531.9 ± 0.42 km3 s-2 (ref: JUP365)

Mean Radius
Mean Density
Io 5959.91547 ±0.00135 [JUP365] 1821.49 ±0.50 [1] 3.5276 ±0.0029 [*]
Europa 3202.71210 ±0.00181 [JUP365] 1560.80 ±0.30 [1] 3.0130 ±0.0017 [*]
Ganymede 9887.83275 ±0.00247 [JUP365] 2631.20 ±1.70 [1] 1.9416 ±0.0038 [*]
Callisto 7179.28340 ±0.00324 [JUP365] 2410.30 ±1.50 [1] 1.8340 ±0.0034 [*]
Amalthea 0.16456 ±0.00867 [JUP365] 83.50 ±3.00 [1] 1.0111 ±0.1213 [*]
Thebe 0.03015 ±0.01250 [JUP365] 49.30 ±4.00 [1] 0.9000 ±0.4327 [*]
Adrastea 0.00014 ±0.00020 [JUP365] 8.20 ±4.00 [1] 0.9018 ±1.8507 [*]
Metis 0.00250 ±0.00160 [JUP365] 21.50 ±4.00 [1] 0.9002 ±0.7642 [*]
Himalia 0.15155 ±0.05763 [JUP344] 85.00 ±10.00 [1] 0.8827 ±0.4580 [*]

Satellites of Saturn

Planet GM: 37931206.23 ± 0.24 km3 s-2 (ref: SAT441)

Mean Radius
Mean Density
Mimas 2.50349 ±0.00014 [SAT441] 198.20 ±0.40 [1] 1.1501 ±0.0070 [*]
Enceladus 7.21037 ±0.00009 [SAT441] 252.10 ±0.20 [1] 1.6097 ±0.0038 [*]
Tethys 41.21353 ±0.00031 [SAT441] 531.10 ±0.60 [1] 0.9840 ±0.0033 [*]
Dione 73.11607 ±0.00005 [SAT441] 561.40 ±0.40 [1] 1.4781 ±0.0032 [*]
Rhea 153.94175 ±0.00041 [SAT441] 763.50 ±0.60 [1] 1.2372 ±0.0029 [*]
Titan 8978.13710 ±0.00025 [SAT441] 2574.76 ±0.02 [1] 1.8814 ±0.0001 [*]
Hyperion 0.37049 ±0.00005 [SAT441] 135.00 ±4.00 [1] 0.5386 ±0.0479 [*]
Iapetus 120.51511 ±0.00242 [SAT441] 734.30 ±2.80 [1] 1.0887 ±0.0125 [*]
Phoebe 0.55479 ±0.00108 [SAT441] 106.50 ±0.70 [1] 1.6428 ±0.0326 [*]
Janus 0.12662 ±0.00007 [SAT415] 89.2 ±0.8 [1] 0.6381 ±0.0172 [*]
Epimetheus 0.03514 ±0.00002 [SAT415] 58.2 ±1.2 [1] 0.6375 ±0.0394 [*]
Helene 0.00048 ±0.00002 [SAT441] 18.00 ±0.40 [1] 0.2918 ±0.0217 [*]
Atlas 0.00037 ±0.00001 [SAT415] 15.1 ±0.8 [1] 0.3850 ±0.0613 [*]
Prometheus 0.01071 ±0.00001 [SAT415] 43.1 ±1.2 [1] 0.4784 ±0.0400 [*]
Pandora 0.00926 ±0.00002 [SAT415] 40.6 ±1.5 [1] 0.4948 ±0.0549 [*]
Pan 0.00028 ±0.00014 [SAT415] 14.0 ±1.2 [1] 0.3650 ±0.2052 [*]

Satellites of Uranus

Planet GM: 5793951.3 ± 4.4 km3 s-2 (ref: URA111)

Mean Radius
Mean Density
Ariel 83.5 ±1.4 [URA111] 578.9 ±0.6 [1] 1.539 ±0.026 [*]
Umbriel 85.1 ±1.9 [URA111] 584.7 ±2.8 [1] 1.523 ±0.041 [*]
Titania 226.9 ±4.1 [URA111] 788.9 ±1.8 [1] 1.653 ±0.032 [*]
Oberon 205.3 ±5.8 [URA111] 761.4 ±2.6 [1] 1.664 ±0.050 [*]
Miranda 4.3 ±0.2 [URA111] 235.8 ±0.7 [1] 1.178 ±0.053 [*]

Satellites of Neptune

Planet GM: 6835099.97 ± 9.63 km3 s-2 (ref: NEP097)

Mean Radius
Mean Density
Triton 1428.49546 ±0.61603 [NEP097] 1352.60 ±2.40 [1] 2.0649 ±0.0110 [*]
Nereid 0.00000 ±0.00000 [NEP101] 170.00 ±25.00 [1] n/a
Naiad 0.00853 ±0.00480 [NEP097] 29.00 ±6.00 [1] 1.2511 ±1.0478 [*]
Thalassa 0.02359 ±0.00522 [NEP097] 40.00 ±8.00 [1] 1.3184 ±0.8432 [*]
Despina 0.11673 ±0.25263 [NEP097] 74.00 ±10.00 [1] 1.0304 ±2.2689 [*]
Galatea 0.18990 ±0.76278 [NEP097] 79.00 ±12.00 [1] 1.3777 ±5.5695 [*]
Larissa 0.25484 ±3.12230 [NEP097] 96.00 ±7.00 [1] 1.0303 ±12.626 [*]
Proteus 2.58342 ±2.42070 [NEP097] 208.00 ±8.00 [1] 1.0269 ±0.9695 [*]

Satellites of Pluto

Planet GM: 869.3 ± 0.4 km3 s-2 (ref: PLU060)

Mean Radius
Mean Density
Charon 106.1 ±0.3 [PLU060] 606.0 ±0.5 [2] 1.853 ±0.004 [*]
Nix 0.0015 ±0.0005 [PLU060] 18.0 ±1.0 [3] 0.88 ±0.31 [*]
Hydra 0.0020 ±0.0003 [PLU060] 18.5 ±1.0 [3] 1.21 ±0.19 [*]
Kerberos <0.0002 [PLU060] 6.0 ±1.0 [3] n/a
Styx <0.0003 [PLU060] 5.2 ±1.0 [3] n/a


Table Column Descriptions

GM See glossary definition of GM.
Mean Radius Radius of a sphere with the equivalent volume of the planetary satellite.
Mean Density Density computed using the volume of a sphere with the specified mean radius and mass (derived from GM) of the planet.

Mean Radius References

  1. B. A. Archinal, C. H. Acton, M. F. A’Hearn, et al. (2018) "Report of the IAU Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements: 2015". Celest.~Mech. 130:22.
  2. Francis Nimmo, Orkan Umurhan, Carey M. Lisse, Carver J. Bierson, Tod R. Lauer, Marc W. Buie, Henry B. Throop, Josh A. Kammer, James H. Roberts, William B. McKinnon, Amanda M. Zangari, Jeffrey M. Moore, S. Alan Stern, Leslie A. Young, Harold A. Weaver, Cathy B. Olkin, Kim Ennico (2017) "Mean radius and shape of Pluto and Charon from New Horizons images". Icarus 287:12-29.
  3. S. Alan Stern, William M. Grundy, William B. McKinnon, Harold A. Weaver, Leslie A. Young (2018) "The Pluto System After New Horizons". Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 56:357-392.
  4. R. A. Jacobson (2021) "The Orbits of the Regular Jovian Satellites and the Orientation of the Pole of Jupiter". submitted to AJ  : .
  5. R. A. Jacobson (2021) "The Orbits of the Major Saturnian Satellites,the Trajectories of Spacecraft at Saturn, the Gravity Field of the Saturnian System, and the Orientation of Saturn's Pole". personal communication to Horizons/NAIF.