Planetary Satellite Mean Elements
These mean orbital parameters are not intended for ephemeris computation.
Accurate ephemerides should be obtained from our Horizons system.
Mean orbital parameters are primarily useful in describing the general shape
and orientation of a planetary satellite's orbit.
Mean elements, in this context, are simply the elements of a precessing ellipse which has been fit in a least squares sense to the numerically integrated orbit. Please see the warning above.
Table column headings are described below.
Satellites of
Table Column Descriptions
Satellite | IAU name or designation of the satellite |
Code | JPL satellite ID |
Ephemeris | planetary satellite ephemeris ID used to derive the mean elements |
Frame | reference frame of the mean elements |
Epoch | epoch of the osculating mean elements |
a | semi-major Axis |
e | eccentricity |
ω | argument of periapsis |
M | mean anomaly |
i | inclination with respect to the reference plane |
node | longitude of the ascending node measured from the node of the reference plane on the ICRF equator |
P | sidereal period |
Papsis | argument of periapsis precession period |
Pnode | longitude of the ascending node precession period |
R.A. | right ascension of the Laplace-plane pole postion w.r.t. ICRF |
Dec. | declination of the Laplace-plane pole postion w.r.t. ICRF |
Tilt | angle between the planet's equatorial and Laplace planes |
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