******************************************************************************* JPL/HORIZONS (2023 HO6) 2024-May-04 23:31:12 Rec #:50656313 (+COV) Soln.date: 2024-Mar-04_04:48:01 # obs: 984 (199 days) IAU76/J2000 helio. ecliptic osc. elements (au, days, deg., period=Julian yrs): EPOCH= 2460134.5 ! 2023-Jul-09.00 (TDB) Residual RMS= .18662 EC= .4222876863015959 QR= 1.013342725103902 TP= 2460145.3273047432 OM= 99.32631548251167 W= 199.650825860561 IN= 8.309904377173009 A= 1.754061149600006 MA= 355.4063559465649 ADIST= 2.49477957409611 PER= 2.32314 N= .424264779 ANGMOM= .020651583 DAN= 2.39291 DDN= 1.03117 L= 298.786401 B= -2.7858244 MOID= .0121278 TP= 2023-Jul-19.8273047432 Asteroid physical parameters (km, seconds, rotational period in hours): GM= n.a. RAD= n.a. ROTPER= n.a. H= 21.37 G= .150 B-V= n.a. ALBEDO= n.a. STYP= n.a. ASTEROID comments: 1: soln ref.= JPL#77, PHA OCC=1 radar( 3 delay, 1 Dop.) 2: source=ORB ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* Ephemeris / WWW_USER Sat May 4 23:31:13 2024 Pasadena, USA / Horizons ******************************************************************************* Target body name: (2023 HO6) {source: JPL#77} Center body name: Earth (399) {source: DE441} Center-site name: GEOCENTRIC ******************************************************************************* Start time : A.D. 2023-Jun-26 00:00:00.0000 UT Stop time : A.D. 2023-Jul-10 00:00:00.0000 UT Step-size : 120 minutes ******************************************************************************* Target pole/equ : undefined Target radii : undefined Center geodetic : 0.0, 0.0, -6378.137 {E-lon(deg),Lat(deg),Alt(km)} Center cylindric: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 {E-lon(deg),Dxy(km),Dz(km)} Center pole/equ : ITRF93 {East-longitude positive} Center radii : 6378.137, 6378.137, 6356.752 km {Equator_a, b, pole_c} Target primary : Sun Vis. interferer : MOON (R_eq= 1737.400) km {source: DE441} Rel. light bend : Sun {source: DE441} Rel. lght bnd GM: 1.3271E+11 km^3/s^2 Small-body perts: Yes {source: SB441-N16} Atmos refraction: NO (AIRLESS) RA format : HMS Time format : CAL Calendar mode : Mixed Julian/Gregorian EOP file : eop.240503.p240727 EOP coverage : DATA-BASED 1962-JAN-20 TO 2024-MAY-03. PREDICTS-> 2024-JUL-26 Units conversion: 1 au= 149597870.700 km, c= 299792.458 km/s, 1 day= 86400.0 s Table cut-offs 1: Elevation (-90.0deg=NO ),Airmass (>38.000=NO), Daylight (NO ) Table cut-offs 2: Solar elongation ( 0.0,180.0=NO ),Local Hour Angle( 0.0=NO ) Table cut-offs 3: RA/DEC angular rate ( 0.0=NO ) ******************************************************************************* Initial IAU76/J2000 heliocentric ecliptic osculating elements (au, days, deg.): EPOCH= 2460134.5 ! 2023-Jul-09.00 (TDB) Residual RMS= .18662 EC= .4222876863015959 QR= 1.013342725103902 TP= 2460145.3273047432 OM= 99.32631548251167 W= 199.650825860561 IN= 8.309904377173009 Equivalent ICRF heliocentric cartesian coordinates (au, au/d): X= 2.894921941895420E-01 Y=-8.902144525178382E-01 Z=-4.061924153600486E-01 VX= 1.882161153718424E-02 VY= 7.549965262726431E-03 VZ= 1.364569086954404E-04 Asteroid physical parameters (km, seconds, rotational period in hours): GM= n.a. RAD= n.a. ROTPER= n.a. H= 21.37 G= .150 B-V= n.a. ALBEDO= n.a. STYP= n.a. ********************************************************************************************************************************* Date__(UT)__HR:MN R.A._____(ICRF)_____DEC APmag S-brt delta deldot S-O-T /r T-O-M/MN_Illu% Cnst ********************************************************************************************************************************* $$SOE 2023-Jun-26 00:00 15 29 13.74 +06 05 56.8 16.624 n.a. 0.04650681756177 -7.4168603 129.5933 /T 51.1/ 46.9532 Ser 2023-Jun-26 02:00 15 29 13.49 +05 57 57.4 16.607 n.a. 0.04614995123045 -7.4113768 129.6057 /T 50.2/ 47.7623 Ser 2023-Jun-26 04:00 15 29 13.27 +05 49 50.1 16.589 n.a. 0.04579335174042 -7.4057706 129.6192 /T 49.4/ 48.5734 Ser 2023-Jun-26 06:00 15 29 13.08 +05 41 34.9 16.572 n.a. 0.04543702509750 -7.4000376 129.6337 /T 48.5/ 49.3862 Ser 2023-Jun-26 08:00 15 29 12.92 +05 33 11.5 16.554 n.a. 0.04508097750615 -7.3941736 129.6492 /T 47.7/ 50.2007 Ser 2023-Jun-26 10:00 15 29 12.79 +05 24 39.8 16.537 n.a. 0.04472521537676 -7.3881743 129.6658 /T 46.8/ 51.0166 Ser 2023-Jun-26 12:00 15 29 12.69 +05 15 59.5 16.519 n.a. 0.04436974533329 -7.3820350 129.6835 /T 46.0/ 51.8337 Ser 2023-Jun-26 14:00 15 29 12.62 +05 07 10.4 16.501 n.a. 0.04401457422127 -7.3757512 129.7023 /T 45.1/ 52.6519 Ser 2023-Jun-26 16:00 15 29 12.59 +04 58 12.5 16.483 n.a. 0.04365970911612 -7.3693179 129.7222 /T 44.3/ 53.4709 Ser 2023-Jun-26 18:00 15 29 12.59 +04 49 05.3 16.464 n.a. 0.04330515733189 -7.3627301 129.7433 /T 43.5/ 54.2907 Ser 2023-Jun-26 20:00 15 29 12.62 +04 39 48.8 16.446 n.a. 0.04295092643030 -7.3559826 129.7656 /T 42.6/ 55.1109 Ser 2023-Jun-26 22:00 15 29 12.69 +04 30 22.8 16.427 n.a. 0.04259702423033 -7.3490699 129.7890 /T 41.8/ 55.9315 Ser 2023-Jun-27 00:00 15 29 12.79 +04 20 46.9 16.408 n.a. 0.04224345881817 -7.3419864 129.8136 /T 40.9/ 56.7522 Ser 2023-Jun-27 02:00 15 29 12.93 +04 11 01.0 16.389 n.a. 0.04189023855758 -7.3347262 129.8395 /T 40.1/ 57.5728 Ser 2023-Jun-27 04:00 15 29 13.10 +04 01 04.7 16.370 n.a. 0.04153737210082 -7.3272831 129.8666 /T 39.3/ 58.3931 Ser 2023-Jun-27 06:00 15 29 13.31 +03 50 58.0 16.351 n.a. 0.04118486840008 -7.3196509 129.8950 /T 38.4/ 59.2129 Ser 2023-Jun-27 08:00 15 29 13.56 +03 40 40.4 16.331 n.a. 0.04083273671938 -7.3118229 129.9248 /T 37.6/ 60.0320 Ser 2023-Jun-27 10:00 15 29 13.85 +03 30 11.8 16.312 n.a. 0.04048098664705 -7.3037922 129.9558 /T 36.8/ 60.8503 Ser 2023-Jun-27 12:00 15 29 14.17 +03 19 31.9 16.292 n.a. 0.04012962810886 -7.2955518 129.9882 /T 35.9/ 61.6674 Ser 2023-Jun-27 14:00 15 29 14.54 +03 08 40.3 16.272 n.a. 0.03977867138173 -7.2870940 130.0219 /T 35.1/ 62.4831 Ser 2023-Jun-27 16:00 15 29 14.94 +02 57 36.8 16.252 n.a. 0.03942812710805 -7.2784113 130.0571 /T 34.3/ 63.2973 Ser 2023-Jun-27 18:00 15 29 15.39 +02 46 21.1 16.231 n.a. 0.03907800631074 -7.2694956 130.0937 /T 33.5/ 64.1097 Ser 2023-Jun-27 20:00 15 29 15.88 +02 34 52.9 16.211 n.a. 0.03872832040907 -7.2603383 130.1317 /T 32.7/ 64.9201 Ser 2023-Jun-27 22:00 15 29 16.41 +02 23 11.8 16.190 n.a. 0.03837908123520 -7.2509309 130.1712 /T 31.8/ 65.7283 Ser 2023-Jun-28 00:00 15 29 16.99 +02 11 17.6 16.169 n.a. 0.03803030105145 -7.2412641 130.2122 /T 31.0/ 66.5339 Ser 2023-Jun-28 02:00 15 29 17.61 +01 59 09.8 16.148 n.a. 0.03768199256861 -7.2313284 130.2547 /T 30.2/ 67.3368 Ser 2023-Jun-28 04:00 15 29 18.27 +01 46 48.2 16.126 n.a. 0.03733416896493 -7.2211140 130.2988 /T 29.4/ 68.1368 Ser 2023-Jun-28 06:00 15 29 18.99 +01 34 12.3 16.105 n.a. 0.03698684390627 -7.2106105 130.3445 /T 28.7/ 68.9335 Ser 2023-Jun-28 08:00 15 29 19.75 +01 21 21.8 16.083 n.a. 0.03664003156700 -7.1998070 130.3918 /T 27.9/ 69.7267 Ser 2023-Jun-28 10:00 15 29 20.56 +01 08 16.2 16.061 n.a. 0.03629374665222 -7.1886924 130.4407 /T 27.1/ 70.5163 Ser 2023-Jun-28 12:00 15 29 21.42 +00 54 55.3 16.039 n.a. 0.03594800442083 -7.1772549 130.4912 /T 26.3/ 71.3018 Ser 2023-Jun-28 14:00 15 29 22.33 +00 41 18.5 16.016 n.a. 0.03560282070995 -7.1654822 130.5435 /T 25.6/ 72.0831 Ser 2023-Jun-28 16:00 15 29 23.30 +00 27 25.4 15.994 n.a. 0.03525821196050 -7.1533615 130.5974 /T 24.8/ 72.8598 Ser 2023-Jun-28 18:00 15 29 24.31 +00 13 15.6 15.971 n.a. 0.03491419524405 -7.1408794 130.6531 /T 24.1/ 73.6318 Ser 2023-Jun-28 20:00 15 29 25.39 -00 01 11.4 15.948 n.a. 0.03457078829110 -7.1280219 130.7106 /T 23.4/ 74.3986 Ser 2023-Jun-28 22:00 15 29 26.52 -00 15 56.0 15.925 n.a. 0.03422800952077 -7.1147743 130.7699 /T 22.7/ 75.1602 Ser 2023-Jun-29 00:00 15 29 27.70 -00 30 58.8 15.901 n.a. 0.03388587807199 -7.1011215 130.8310 /T 22.0/ 75.9161 Ser 2023-Jun-29 02:00 15 29 28.95 -00 46 20.3 15.877 n.a. 0.03354441383638 -7.0870473 130.8939 /T 21.4/ 76.6660 Ser 2023-Jun-29 04:00 15 29 30.26 -01 02 01.1 15.853 n.a. 0.03320363749268 -7.0725352 130.9588 /T 20.7/ 77.4098 Ser 2023-Jun-29 06:00 15 29 31.63 -01 18 01.6 15.829 n.a. 0.03286357054317 -7.0575675 131.0255 /T 20.1/ 78.1471 Ser 2023-Jun-29 08:00 15 29 33.06 -01 34 22.4 15.805 n.a. 0.03252423535172 -7.0421260 131.0942 /T 19.5/ 78.8775 Ser 2023-Jun-29 10:00 15 29 34.56 -01 51 04.2 15.780 n.a. 0.03218565518409 -7.0261915 131.1648 /T 19.0/ 79.6009 Ser 2023-Jun-29 12:00 15 29 36.12 -02 08 07.5 15.755 n.a. 0.03184785425011 -7.0097439 131.2374 /T 18.5/ 80.3168 Ser 2023-Jun-29 14:00 15 29 37.76 -02 25 33.0 15.730 n.a. 0.03151085774818 -6.9927623 131.3120 /T 18.0/ 81.0251 Ser 2023-Jun-29 16:00 15 29 39.47 -02 43 21.3 15.704 n.a. 0.03117469191210 -6.9752246 131.3886 /T 17.5/ 81.7253 Ser 2023-Jun-29 18:00 15 29 41.25 -03 01 33.2 15.679 n.a. 0.03083938406028 -6.9571077 131.4672 /T 17.1/ 82.4171 Ser 2023-Jun-29 20:00 15 29 43.10 -03 20 09.3 15.653 n.a. 0.03050496264754 -6.9383875 131.5479 /T 16.8/ 83.1003 Ser 2023-Jun-29 22:00 15 29 45.03 -03 39 10.3 15.627 n.a. 0.03017145731972 -6.9190387 131.6307 /T 16.5/ 83.7746 Ser 2023-Jun-30 00:00 15 29 47.05 -03 58 37.1 15.600 n.a. 0.02983889897100 -6.8990346 131.7156 /T 16.2/ 84.4396 Lib 2023-Jun-30 02:00 15 29 49.14 -04 18 30.4 15.574 n.a. 0.02950731980439 -6.8783476 131.8025 /T 16.0/ 85.0949 Lib 2023-Jun-30 04:00 15 29 51.32 -04 38 51.1 15.547 n.a. 0.02917675339515 -6.8569483 131.8916 /T 15.9/ 85.7403 Lib 2023-Jun-30 06:00 15 29 53.59 -04 59 39.9 15.519 n.a. 0.02884723475775 -6.8348061 131.9828 /T 15.8/ 86.3755 Lib 2023-Jun-30 08:00 15 29 55.94 -05 20 57.8 15.492 n.a. 0.02851880041615 -6.8118890 132.0761 /T 15.8/ 87.0000 Lib 2023-Jun-30 10:00 15 29 58.39 -05 42 45.6 15.464 n.a. 0.02819148847779 -6.7881633 132.1716 /T 15.9/ 87.6137 Lib 2023-Jun-30 12:00 15 30 00.94 -06 05 04.4 15.436 n.a. 0.02786533871138 -6.7635936 132.2691 /T 16.0/ 88.2161 Lib 2023-Jun-30 14:00 15 30 03.58 -06 27 55.0 15.408 n.a. 0.02754039262862 -6.7381427 132.3687 /T 16.2/ 88.8069 Lib 2023-Jun-30 16:00 15 30 06.33 -06 51 18.5 15.380 n.a. 0.02721669357019 -6.7117719 132.4705 /T 16.5/ 89.3859 Lib 2023-Jun-30 18:00 15 30 09.19 -07 15 16.0 15.351 n.a. 0.02689428679591 -6.6844403 132.5742 /T 16.8/ 89.9526 Lib 2023-Jun-30 20:00 15 30 12.15 -07 39 48.5 15.322 n.a. 0.02657321957966 -6.6561049 132.6800 /T 17.1/ 90.5067 Lib 2023-Jun-30 22:00 15 30 15.23 -08 04 57.2 15.293 n.a. 0.02625354130867 -6.6267209 132.7879 /T 17.5/ 91.0480 Lib 2023-Jul-01 00:00 15 30 18.43 -08 30 43.2 15.263 n.a. 0.02593530358797 -6.5962410 132.8976 /T 18.0/ 91.5761 Lib 2023-Jul-01 02:00 15 30 21.74 -08 57 07.7 15.233 n.a. 0.02561856034967 -6.5646158 133.0092 /T 18.5/ 92.0906 Lib 2023-Jul-01 04:00 15 30 25.19 -09 24 12.0 15.203 n.a. 0.02530336796747 -6.5317932 133.1227 /T 19.1/ 92.5913 Lib 2023-Jul-01 06:00 15 30 28.77 -09 51 57.4 15.173 n.a. 0.02498978537650 -6.4977188 133.2380 /T 19.6/ 93.0778 Lib 2023-Jul-01 08:00 15 30 32.48 -10 20 25.2 15.143 n.a. 0.02467787419856 -6.4623354 133.3548 /T 20.3/ 93.5499 Lib 2023-Jul-01 10:00 15 30 36.34 -10 49 36.8 15.112 n.a. 0.02436769887290 -6.4255831 133.4733 /T 20.9/ 94.0071 Lib 2023-Jul-01 12:00 15 30 40.34 -11 19 33.6 15.081 n.a. 0.02405932679263 -6.3873991 133.5932 /T 21.6/ 94.4492 Lib 2023-Jul-01 14:00 15 30 44.50 -11 50 17.1 15.050 n.a. 0.02375282844675 -6.3477176 133.7144 /T 22.4/ 94.8759 Lib 2023-Jul-01 16:00 15 30 48.82 -12 21 48.8 15.018 n.a. 0.02344827756774 -6.3064695 133.8368 /T 23.1/ 95.2869 Lib 2023-Jul-01 18:00 15 30 53.31 -12 54 10.4 14.987 n.a. 0.02314575128487 -6.2635828 133.9602 /T 23.9/ 95.6818 Lib 2023-Jul-01 20:00 15 30 57.97 -13 27 23.3 14.955 n.a. 0.02284533028280 -6.2189818 134.0843 /T 24.7/ 96.0605 Lib 2023-Jul-01 22:00 15 31 02.81 -14 01 29.3 14.923 n.a. 0.02254709896552 -6.1725875 134.2091 /T 25.5/ 96.4226 Lib 2023-Jul-02 00:00 15 31 07.84 -14 36 30.1 14.891 n.a. 0.02225114562522 -6.1243174 134.3342 /T 26.3/ 96.7678 Lib 2023-Jul-02 02:00 15 31 13.08 -15 12 27.5 14.858 n.a. 0.02195756261576 -6.0740852 134.4593 /T 27.2/ 97.0958 Lib 2023-Jul-02 04:00 15 31 18.52 -15 49 23.3 14.826 n.a. 0.02166644653021 -6.0218011 134.5843 /T 28.0/ 97.4065 Lib 2023-Jul-02 06:00 15 31 24.18 -16 27 19.2 14.793 n.a. 0.02137789838184 -5.9673713 134.7086 /T 28.9/ 97.6995 Lib 2023-Jul-02 08:00 15 31 30.07 -17 06 17.3 14.761 n.a. 0.02109202378771 -5.9106982 134.8321 /T 29.8/ 97.9746 Lib 2023-Jul-02 10:00 15 31 36.19 -17 46 19.4 14.728 n.a. 0.02080893315401 -5.8516804 134.9542 /T 30.7/ 98.2315 Lib 2023-Jul-02 12:00 15 31 42.58 -18 27 27.6 14.695 n.a. 0.02052874186178 -5.7902126 135.0745 /T 31.6/ 98.4701 Lib 2023-Jul-02 14:00 15 31 49.22 -19 09 43.8 14.662 n.a. 0.02025157045183 -5.7261857 135.1925 /T 32.5/ 98.6901 Lib 2023-Jul-02 16:00 15 31 56.15 -19 53 10.1 14.629 n.a. 0.01997754480696 -5.6594869 135.3078 /T 33.5/ 98.8913 Lib 2023-Jul-02 18:00 15 32 03.37 -20 37 48.5 14.597 n.a. 0.01970679632965 -5.5899997 135.4196 /T 34.4/ 99.0734 Lib 2023-Jul-02 20:00 15 32 10.90 -21 23 41.2 14.564 n.a. 0.01943946211294 -5.5176042 135.5274 /T 35.4/ 99.2364 Lib 2023-Jul-02 22:00 15 32 18.76 -22 10 50.2 14.531 n.a. 0.01917568510188 -5.4421771 135.6304 /T 36.3/ 99.3800 Lib 2023-Jul-03 00:00 15 32 26.96 -22 59 17.6 14.499 n.a. 0.01891561424238 -5.3635924 135.7280 /T 37.3/ 99.5040 Lib 2023-Jul-03 02:00 15 32 35.53 -23 49 05.4 14.467 n.a. 0.01865940461430 -5.2817213 135.8192 /T 38.3/ 99.6084 Lib 2023-Jul-03 04:00 15 32 44.50 -24 40 15.9 14.435 n.a. 0.01840721754464 -5.1964331 135.9033 /T 39.2/ 99.6929 Lib 2023-Jul-03 06:00 15 32 53.87 -25 32 51.0 14.403 n.a. 0.01815922069675 -5.1075954 135.9792 /T 40.2/ 99.7574 Lib 2023-Jul-03 08:00 15 33 03.68 -26 26 52.6 14.372 n.a. 0.01791558813055 -5.0150749 136.0460 /T 41.2/ 99.8019 Lib 2023-Jul-03 10:00 15 33 13.96 -27 22 22.8 14.341 n.a. 0.01767650032856 -4.9187381 136.1026 /T 42.2/ 99.8261 Lib 2023-Jul-03 12:00 15 33 24.73 -28 19 23.4 14.311 n.a. 0.01744214418201 -4.8184523 136.1478 /T 43.2/ 99.8301 Lib 2023-Jul-03 14:00 15 33 36.04 -29 17 56.1 14.281 n.a. 0.01721271293070 -4.7140866 136.1805 /T 44.2/ 99.8137 Lib 2023-Jul-03 16:00 15 33 47.91 -30 18 02.6 14.252 n.a. 0.01698840604997 -4.6055130 136.1994 /T 45.2/ 99.7769 Lup 2023-Jul-03 18:00 15 34 00.39 -31 19 44.4 14.224 n.a. 0.01676942907789 -4.4926077 136.2031 /T 46.2/ 99.7196 Lup 2023-Jul-03 20:00 15 34 13.52 -32 23 02.8 14.196 n.a. 0.01655599337515 -4.3752529 136.1904 /T 47.2/ 99.6418 Lup 2023-Jul-03 22:00 15 34 27.34 -33 27 58.9 14.169 n.a. 0.01634831581043 -4.2533379 136.1597 /T 48.2/ 99.5435 Lup 2023-Jul-04 00:00 15 34 41.92 -34 34 33.7 14.144 n.a. 0.01614661836366 -4.1267611 136.1097 /T 49.2/ 99.4246 Lup 2023-Jul-04 02:00 15 34 57.32 -35 42 47.8 14.119 n.a. 0.01595112764004 -3.9954321 136.0388 /T 50.2/ 99.2853 Lup 2023-Jul-04 04:00 15 35 13.58 -36 52 41.6 14.096 n.a. 0.01576207428795 -3.8592738 135.9456 /T 51.2/ 99.1254 Lup 2023-Jul-04 06:00 15 35 30.80 -38 04 15.2 14.073 n.a. 0.01557969231455 -3.7182240 135.8287 /T 52.2/ 98.9450 Lup 2023-Jul-04 08:00 15 35 49.05 -39 17 28.3 14.053 n.a. 0.01540421829424 -3.5722384 135.6865 /T 53.1/ 98.7443 Lup 2023-Jul-04 10:00 15 36 08.42 -40 32 20.3 14.033 n.a. 0.01523589046594 -3.4212926 135.5177 /T 54.1/ 98.5232 Lup 2023-Jul-04 12:00 15 36 29.01 -41 48 50.1 14.016 n.a. 0.01507494771741 -3.2653843 135.3209 /T 55.1/ 98.2819 Lup 2023-Jul-04 14:00 15 36 50.94 -43 06 56.2 13.999 n.a. 0.01492162845662 -3.1045360 135.0948 /T 56.0/ 98.0204 Lup 2023-Jul-04 16:00 15 37 14.34 -44 26 36.7 13.985 n.a. 0.01477616937295 -2.9387970 134.8384 /T 57.0/ 97.7388 Lup 2023-Jul-04 18:00 15 37 39.35 -45 47 49.1 13.973 n.a. 0.01463880409348 -2.7682453 134.5506 /T 57.9/ 97.4374 Lup 2023-Jul-04 20:00 15 38 06.14 -47 10 30.4 13.962 n.a. 0.01450976174337 -2.5929902 134.2305 /T 58.9/ 97.1161 Lup 2023-Jul-04 22:00 15 38 34.90 -48 34 37.2 13.953 n.a. 0.01438926542222 -2.4131730 133.8774 /T 59.8/ 96.7753 Nor 2023-Jul-05 00:00 15 39 05.86 -50 00 05.5 13.947 n.a. 0.01427753061227 -2.2289688 133.4909 /T 60.7/ 96.4149 Nor 2023-Jul-05 02:00 15 39 39.26 -51 26 50.6 13.943 n.a. 0.01417476353771 -2.0405872 133.0707 /T 61.6/ 96.0354 Nor 2023-Jul-05 04:00 15 40 15.41 -52 54 47.4 13.941 n.a. 0.01408115949784 -1.8482725 132.6167 /T 62.5/ 95.6367 Nor 2023-Jul-05 06:00 15 40 54.64 -54 23 50.3 13.941 n.a. 0.01399690120001 -1.6523033 132.1291 /T 63.3/ 95.2191 Nor 2023-Jul-05 08:00 15 41 37.36 -55 53 53.2 13.944 n.a. 0.01392215712090 -1.4529921 131.6083 /T 64.1/ 94.7829 Nor 2023-Jul-05 10:00 15 42 24.05 -57 24 49.3 13.948 n.a. 0.01385707992658 -1.2506830 131.0550 /T 65.0/ 94.3283 Nor 2023-Jul-05 12:00 15 43 15.27 -58 56 31.6 13.956 n.a. 0.01380180498284 -1.0457501 130.4702 /T 65.7/ 93.8555 Nor 2023-Jul-05 14:00 15 44 11.73 -60 28 52.4 13.966 n.a. 0.01375644898764 -0.8385944 129.8550 /T 66.5/ 93.3649 TrA 2023-Jul-05 16:00 15 45 14.24 -62 01 43.9 13.978 n.a. 0.01372110875601 -0.6296403 129.2107 /T 67.2/ 92.8565 TrA 2023-Jul-05 18:00 15 46 23.82 -63 34 57.8 13.992 n.a. 0.01369586018591 -0.4193318 128.5391 /T 68.0/ 92.3308 TrA 2023-Jul-05 20:00 15 47 41.72 -65 08 25.5 14.009 n.a. 0.01368075743006 -0.2081277 127.8418 /T 68.6/ 91.7880 TrA 2023-Jul-05 22:00 15 49 09.53 -66 41 58.3 14.028 n.a. 0.01367583229436 0.0035032 127.1208 /T 69.3/ 91.2285 TrA 2023-Jul-06 00:00 15 50 49.24 -68 15 27.1 14.050 n.a. 0.01368109387808 0.2150870 126.3782 /T 69.9/ 90.6525 TrA 2023-Jul-06 02:00 15 52 43.40 -69 48 42.8 14.074 n.a. 0.01369652846534 0.4261505 125.6162 /T 70.5/ 90.0603 TrA 2023-Jul-06 04:00 15 54 55.37 -71 21 36.2 14.099 n.a. 0.01372209967036 0.6362259 124.8372 /T 71.1/ 89.4524 Aps 2023-Jul-06 06:00 15 57 29.63 -72 53 57.7 14.127 n.a. 0.01375774883318 0.8448561 124.0434 /T 71.6/ 88.8289 Aps 2023-Jul-06 08:00 16 00 32.26 -74 25 37.5 14.157 n.a. 0.01380339565532 1.0515999 123.2372 /T 72.1/ 88.1903 Aps 2023-Jul-06 10:00 16 04 11.78 -75 56 25.6 14.189 n.a. 0.01385893905960 1.2560357 122.4210 /T 72.5/ 87.5369 Aps 2023-Jul-06 12:00 16 08 40.42 -77 26 10.9 14.223 n.a. 0.01392425825274 1.4577664 121.5971 /T 72.9/ 86.8691 Aps 2023-Jul-06 14:00 16 14 16.43 -78 54 41.0 14.258 n.a. 0.01399921396515 1.6564218 120.7679 /T 73.3/ 86.1873 Aps 2023-Jul-06 16:00 16 21 28.12 -80 21 41.0 14.295 n.a. 0.01408364983924 1.8516623 119.9355 /T 73.7/ 85.4917 Aps 2023-Jul-06 18:00 16 31 01.72 -81 46 50.6 14.333 n.a. 0.01417739393540 2.0431803 119.1020 /T 74.0/ 84.7828 Aps 2023-Jul-06 20:00 16 44 17.42 -83 09 39.4 14.373 n.a. 0.01428026032391 2.2307020 118.2696 /T 74.3/ 84.0610 Oct 2023-Jul-06 22:00 17 03 44.73 -84 29 14.5 14.414 n.a. 0.01439205073130 2.4139883 117.4400 /T 74.5/ 83.3267 Oct 2023-Jul-07 00:00 17 34 25.26 -85 43 49.4 14.457 n.a. 0.01451255621098 2.5928348 116.6152 /T 74.7/ 82.5801 Oct 2023-Jul-07 02:00 18 26 57.42 -86 49 15.4 14.500 n.a. 0.01464155880972 2.7670713 115.7966 /T 74.9/ 81.8219 Oct 2023-Jul-07 04:00 19 59 54.42 -87 35 12.8 14.544 n.a. 0.01477883320460 2.9365614 114.9859 /L 75.1/ 81.0522 Oct 2023-Jul-07 06:00 22 10 49.47 -87 43 29.2 14.589 n.a. 0.01492414828801 3.1012008 114.1843 /L 75.2/ 80.2715 Oct 2023-Jul-07 08:00 23 58 38.63 -87 10 43.0 14.635 n.a. 0.01507726868195 3.2609159 113.3931 /L 75.3/ 79.4803 Oct 2023-Jul-07 10:00 01 01 23.61 -86 15 46.8 14.682 n.a. 0.01523795616626 3.4156617 112.6134 /L 75.3/ 78.6789 Oct 2023-Jul-07 12:00 01 37 15.27 -85 12 21.6 14.729 n.a. 0.01540597100927 3.5654200 111.8462 /L 75.4/ 77.8677 Oct 2023-Jul-07 14:00 01 59 26.04 -84 06 01.4 14.776 n.a. 0.01558107319242 3.7101966 111.0921 /L 75.4/ 77.0472 Oct 2023-Jul-07 16:00 02 14 14.96 -82 59 00.9 14.824 n.a. 0.01576302352402 3.8500195 110.3521 /L 75.4/ 76.2177 Oct 2023-Jul-07 18:00 02 24 45.89 -81 52 20.6 14.873 n.a. 0.01595158463960 3.9849361 109.6265 /L 75.3/ 75.3797 Hyi 2023-Jul-07 20:00 02 32 35.06 -80 46 30.8 14.921 n.a. 0.01614652188920 4.1150112 108.9160 /L 75.3/ 74.5335 Hyi 2023-Jul-07 22:00 02 38 36.83 -79 41 48.1 14.970 n.a. 0.01634760411391 4.2403248 108.2208 /L 75.2/ 73.6795 Hyi 2023-Jul-08 00:00 02 43 23.90 -78 38 21.7 15.018 n.a. 0.01655460431542 4.3609694 107.5414 /L 75.1/ 72.8183 Hyi 2023-Jul-08 02:00 02 47 17.04 -77 36 16.9 15.067 n.a. 0.01676730022410 4.4770484 106.8777 /L 75.0/ 71.9500 Hyi 2023-Jul-08 04:00 02 50 30.04 -76 35 36.7 15.116 n.a. 0.01698547477163 4.5886742 106.2301 /L 74.8/ 71.0753 Hyi 2023-Jul-08 06:00 02 53 12.38 -75 36 22.6 15.164 n.a. 0.01720891647519 4.6959662 105.5985 /L 74.7/ 70.1944 Hyi 2023-Jul-08 08:00 02 55 30.78 -74 38 35.0 15.213 n.a. 0.01743741974052 4.7990493 104.9829 /L 74.5/ 69.3077 Hyi 2023-Jul-08 10:00 02 57 30.15 -73 42 13.8 15.261 n.a. 0.01767078509126 4.8980526 104.3833 /L 74.3/ 68.4158 Hyi 2023-Jul-08 12:00 02 59 14.14 -72 47 18.2 15.309 n.a. 0.01790881933210 4.9931078 103.7996 /L 74.2/ 67.5188 Hyi 2023-Jul-08 14:00 03 00 45.53 -71 53 47.2 15.357 n.a. 0.01815133565290 5.0843483 103.2316 /L 74.0/ 66.6173 Hyi 2023-Jul-08 16:00 03 02 06.47 -71 01 39.6 15.404 n.a. 0.01839815368090 5.1719080 102.6791 /L 73.8/ 65.7116 Hyi 2023-Jul-08 18:00 03 03 18.65 -70 10 53.7 15.451 n.a. 0.01864909948749 5.2559206 102.1419 /L 73.5/ 64.8021 Hyi 2023-Jul-08 20:00 03 04 23.41 -69 21 28.0 15.498 n.a. 0.01890400555591 5.3365186 101.6198 /L 73.3/ 63.8892 Hyi 2023-Jul-08 22:00 03 05 21.84 -68 33 20.7 15.544 n.a. 0.01916271071541 5.4138331 101.1124 /L 73.1/ 62.9733 Hyi 2023-Jul-09 00:00 03 06 14.82 -67 46 29.8 15.590 n.a. 0.01942506004727 5.4879929 100.6196 /L 72.9/ 62.0547 Hyi 2023-Jul-09 02:00 03 07 03.08 -67 00 53.7 15.636 n.a. 0.01969090476726 5.5591239 100.1410 /L 72.6/ 61.1337 Hor 2023-Jul-09 04:00 03 07 47.21 -66 16 30.3 15.681 n.a. 0.01996010208901 5.6273493 99.6762 /L 72.4/ 60.2109 Hor 2023-Jul-09 06:00 03 08 27.73 -65 33 17.7 15.725 n.a. 0.02023251507198 5.6927889 99.2251 /L 72.2/ 59.2864 Hor 2023-Jul-09 08:00 03 09 05.05 -64 51 13.9 15.770 n.a. 0.02050801245732 5.7555589 98.7872 /L 71.9/ 58.3608 Hor 2023-Jul-09 10:00 03 09 39.55 -64 10 17.1 15.813 n.a. 0.02078646849482 5.8157719 98.3622 /L 71.7/ 57.4342 Hor 2023-Jul-09 12:00 03 10 11.52 -63 30 25.3 15.857 n.a. 0.02106776276331 5.8735368 97.9498 /L 71.4/ 56.5072 Hor 2023-Jul-09 14:00 03 10 41.24 -62 51 36.6 15.899 n.a. 0.02135177998689 5.9289586 97.5497 /L 71.2/ 55.5799 Hor 2023-Jul-09 16:00 03 11 08.94 -62 13 49.1 15.942 n.a. 0.02163840984880 5.9821382 97.1615 /L 70.9/ 54.6528 Hor 2023-Jul-09 18:00 03 11 34.81 -61 37 01.0 15.984 n.a. 0.02192754680467 6.0331731 96.7849 /L 70.7/ 53.7262 Hor 2023-Jul-09 20:00 03 11 59.03 -61 01 10.6 16.025 n.a. 0.02221908989645 6.0821565 96.4196 /L 70.5/ 52.8003 Hor 2023-Jul-09 22:00 03 12 21.76 -60 26 15.9 16.066 n.a. 0.02251294256820 6.1291779 96.0652 /L 70.3/ 51.8756 Hor 2023-Jul-10 00:00 03 12 43.12 -59 52 15.4 16.106 n.a. 0.02280901248469 6.1743233 95.7214 /L 70.0/ 50.9524 Hor $$EOE ********************************************************************************************************************************* Column meaning: TIME Times PRIOR to 1962 are UT1, a mean-solar time closely related to the prior but now-deprecated GMT. Times AFTER 1962 are in UTC, the current civil or "wall-clock" time-scale. UTC is kept within 0.9 seconds of UT1 using integer leap-seconds for 1972 and later years. Conversion from the internal Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB) of solar system dynamics to the non-uniform civil UT time-scale requested for output has not been determined for UTC times after the next July or January 1st. Therefore, the last known leap-second is used as a constant over future intervals. Time tags refer to the UT time-scale conversion from TDB on Earth regardless of observer location within the solar system, although clock rates may differ due to the local gravity field and no analog to "UT" may be defined for that location. Any 'b' symbol in the 1st-column denotes a B.C. date. First-column blank (" ") denotes an A.D. date. CALENDAR SYSTEM Mixed calendar mode was active such that calendar dates after AD 1582-Oct-15 (if any) are in the modern Gregorian system. Dates prior to 1582-Oct-5 (if any) are in the Julian calendar system, which is automatically extended for dates prior to its adoption on 45-Jan-1 BC. The Julian calendar is useful for matching historical dates. The Gregorian calendar more accurately corresponds to the Earth's orbital motion and seasons. A "Gregorian-only" calendar mode is available if such physical events are the primary interest. NOTE: "n.a." in output means quantity "not available" at the print-time. 'R.A._____(ICRF)_____DEC' = Astrometric right ascension and declination of the target center with respect to the observing site (coordinate origin) in the reference frame of the planetary ephemeris (ICRF). Compensated for down-leg light-time delay aberration. Units: RA in hours-minutes-seconds of time, HH MM SS.ff{ffff} DEC in degrees-minutes-seconds of arc, sDD MN SC.f{ffff} 'APmag S-brt' = The asteroids' approximate apparent airless visual magnitude and surface brightness using the standard IAU H-G system magnitude model: APmag = H + 5*log10(delta) + 5*log10(r) - 2.5*log10((1-G)*phi_1 + G*phi_2) For solar phase angles >90 deg, the error could exceed 1 magnitude. For phase angles >120 degrees, output values are rounded to the nearest integer to indicate error could be large and unknown. For Earth-based observers, the estimated dimming due to atmospheric absorption (extinction) is available as a separate, requestable quantity. Surface brightness is the average airless visual magnitude of a square-arcsecond of the illuminated portion of the apparent disk. It is computed only if the target radius is known. Units: MAGNITUDES & MAGNITUDES PER SQUARE ARCSECOND 'delta deldot' = Apparent range ("delta", light-time aberrated) and range-rate ("delta-dot") of the target center relative to the observer. A positive "deldot" means the target center is moving away from the observer, negative indicates movement toward the observer. Units: AU and KM/S 'S-O-T /r' = Sun-Observer-Target apparent SOLAR ELONGATION ANGLE seen from the observers' location at print-time. The '/r' column provides a code indicating the targets' apparent position relative to the Sun in the observers' sky, as described below: Case A: For an observing location on the surface of a rotating body, that body rotational sense is considered: /T indicates target TRAILS Sun (evening sky: rises and sets AFTER Sun) /L indicates target LEADS Sun (morning sky: rises and sets BEFORE Sun) Case B: For an observing point that does not have a rotational model (such as a spacecraft), the "leading" and "trailing" condition is defined by the observers' heliocentric ORBITAL motion: * If continuing in the observers' current direction of heliocentric motion would encounter the targets' apparent longitude first, followed by the Sun's, the target LEADS the Sun as seen by the observer. * If the Sun's apparent longitude would be encountered first, followed by the targets', the target TRAILS the Sun. Two other codes can be output: /* indicates observer is Sun-centered (undefined) /? Target is aligned with Sun center (no lead or trail) The S-O-T solar elongation angle is numerically the minimum separation angle of the Sun and target in the sky in any direction. It does NOT indicate the amount of separation in the leading or trailing directions, which would be defined along the equator of a spherical coordinate system. Units: DEGREES 'T-O-M/MN_Illu%' = Target-Observer-Moon LUNAR ELONGATION angle and illuminated percentage. The apparent lunar elongation angle between target body center and Moon center, seen from the observing site, along with fraction of the lunar disk illuminated by the Sun. A negative lunar elongation angle indicates the target center is behind the Moon. Units: DEGREES & PERCENT 'Cnst' = Constellation ID; the 3-letter abbreviation for the name of the constellation containing the target centers' astrometric position, as defined by IAU (1930) boundary delineation. See documentation for list of abbreviations. Computations by ... Solar System Dynamics Group, Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA General site: https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ Mailing list: https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/email_list.html System news : https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/news.html User Guide : https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/manual.html Connect : browser https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/app.html#/x API https://ssd-api.jpl.nasa.gov/doc/horizons.html command-line telnet ssd.jpl.nasa.gov 6775 e-mail/batch https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ftp/ssd/hrzn_batch.txt scripts https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ftp/ssd/SCRIPTS Author : Jon.D.Giorgini@jpl.nasa.gov ********************************************************************************************************************************* !$$SOF COMMAND = '2023 HO6' START_TIME = '2023-06-26' STOP_TIME = '2023-07-10' STEP_SIZE = '2 hours' QUANTITIES = '1,9,20,23,25,29'