******************************************************************************* JPL/HORIZONS (2022 BX1) 2024-May-10 02:34:57 Rec #:50620101 (+COV) Soln.date: 2023-Sep-01_05:53:52 # obs: 232 (2020-2022) IAU76/J2000 helio. ecliptic osc. elements (au, days, deg., period=Julian yrs): EPOCH= 2459608.5 ! 2022-Jan-29.00 (TDB) Residual RMS= .11508 EC= .4253268981392169 QR= .8696669646861153 TP= 2459694.9914338775 OM= 290.0173694807934 W= 300.2105885062282 IN= 2.957338745876516 A= 1.513324639469198 MA= 314.2091172211989 ADIST= 2.15698231425228 PER= 1.86169 N= .5294267969999999 ANGMOM= .019152046 DAN= 1.02104 DDN= 1.57708 L= 230.2611714 B= -2.5553909 MOID= .00056283 TP= 2022-Apr-25.4914338775 Asteroid physical parameters (km, seconds, rotational period in hours): GM= n.a. RAD= n.a. ROTPER= 2.549 H= 21.65 G= .150 B-V= n.a. ALBEDO= n.a. STYP= n.a. ASTEROID comments: 1: soln ref.= JPL#41, PHA OCC=0 2: source=ORB ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* Ephemeris / WWW_USER Fri May 10 02:34:57 2024 Pasadena, USA / Horizons ******************************************************************************* Target body name: (2022 BX1) {source: JPL#41} Center body name: Earth (399) {source: DE441} Center-site name: GEOCENTRIC ******************************************************************************* Start time : A.D. 2061-May-15 00:00:00.0000 UT Stop time : A.D. 2061-Jul-15 00:00:00.0000 UT Step-size : 360 minutes ******************************************************************************* Target pole/equ : undefined Target radii : undefined Center geodetic : 0.0, 0.0, -6378.137 {E-lon(deg),Lat(deg),Alt(km)} Center cylindric: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 {E-lon(deg),Dxy(km),Dz(km)} Center pole/equ : ITRF93 {East-longitude positive} Center radii : 6378.137, 6378.137, 6356.752 km {Equator_a, b, pole_c} Target primary : Sun Vis. interferer : MOON (R_eq= 1737.400) km {source: DE441} Rel. light bend : Sun {source: DE441} Rel. lght bnd GM: 1.3271E+11 km^3/s^2 Small-body perts: Yes {source: SB441-N16} Atmos refraction: NO (AIRLESS) RA format : HMS Time format : CAL Calendar mode : Mixed Julian/Gregorian EOP file : eop.240509.p240802 EOP coverage : DATA-BASED 1962-JAN-20 TO 2024-MAY-09. PREDICTS-> 2024-AUG-01 Units conversion: 1 au= 149597870.700 km, c= 299792.458 km/s, 1 day= 86400.0 s Table cut-offs 1: Elevation (-90.0deg=NO ),Airmass (>38.000=NO), Daylight (NO ) Table cut-offs 2: Solar elongation ( 0.0,180.0=NO ),Local Hour Angle( 0.0=NO ) Table cut-offs 3: RA/DEC angular rate ( 0.0=NO ) ******************************************************************************* Initial IAU76/J2000 heliocentric ecliptic osculating elements (au, days, deg.): EPOCH= 2459608.5 ! 2022-Jan-29.00 (TDB) Residual RMS= .11508 EC= .4253268981392169 QR= .8696669646861153 TP= 2459694.9914338775 OM= 290.0173694807934 W= 300.2105885062282 IN= 2.957338745876516 Equivalent ICRF heliocentric cartesian coordinates (au, au/d): X=-9.221537286200845E-01 Y= 8.216199813556579E-01 Z= 3.244453446101037E-01 VX=-5.615035633477819E-03 VY=-1.388086417649554E-02 VZ=-6.611315890498438E-03 Asteroid physical parameters (km, seconds, rotational period in hours): GM= n.a. RAD= n.a. ROTPER= 2.549 H= 21.65 G= .150 B-V= n.a. ALBEDO= n.a. STYP= n.a. ******************************************************************************* Date__(UT)__HR:MN delta deldot *************************************************** $$SOE 2061-May-15 00:00 0.22990311204116 -9.6120580 2061-May-15 06:00 0.22851553318882 -9.6061092 2061-May-15 12:00 0.22712886534994 -9.5994470 2061-May-15 18:00 0.22574321187558 -9.5920669 2061-May-16 00:00 0.22435867675903 -9.5839644 2061-May-16 06:00 0.22297536466670 -9.5751348 2061-May-16 12:00 0.22159338097341 -9.5655729 2061-May-16 18:00 0.22021283180302 -9.5552735 2061-May-17 00:00 0.21883382407316 -9.5442309 2061-May-17 06:00 0.21745646554478 -9.5324390 2061-May-17 12:00 0.21608086487610 -9.5198915 2061-May-17 18:00 0.21470713168002 -9.5065816 2061-May-18 00:00 0.21333537658510 -9.4925019 2061-May-18 06:00 0.21196571129911 -9.4776449 2061-May-18 12:00 0.21059824867401 -9.4620022 2061-May-18 18:00 0.20923310277231 -9.4455654 2061-May-19 00:00 0.20787038893251 -9.4283254 2061-May-19 06:00 0.20651022383396 -9.4102726 2061-May-19 12:00 0.20515272555892 -9.3913971 2061-May-19 18:00 0.20379801365146 -9.3716887 2061-May-20 00:00 0.20244620917211 -9.3511366 2061-May-20 06:00 0.20109743474719 -9.3297299 2061-May-20 12:00 0.19975181461275 -9.3074571 2061-May-20 18:00 0.19840947465129 -9.2843070 2061-May-21 00:00 0.19707054242277 -9.2602676 2061-May-21 06:00 0.19573514718809 -9.2353272 2061-May-21 12:00 0.19440341992590 -9.2094739 2061-May-21 18:00 0.19307549334285 -9.1826956 2061-May-22 00:00 0.19175150187733 -9.1549804 2061-May-22 06:00 0.19043158169777 -9.1263163 2061-May-22 12:00 0.18911587069526 -9.0966914 2061-May-22 18:00 0.18780450847186 -9.0660938 2061-May-23 00:00 0.18649763632504 -9.0345120 2061-May-23 06:00 0.18519539722855 -9.0019344 2061-May-23 12:00 0.18389793581109 -8.9683496 2061-May-23 18:00 0.18260539833266 -8.9337463 2061-May-24 00:00 0.18131793266003 -8.8981136 2061-May-24 06:00 0.18003568824057 -8.8614406 2061-May-24 12:00 0.17875881607633 -8.8237166 2061-May-24 18:00 0.17748746869746 -8.7849311 2061-May-25 00:00 0.17622180013596 -8.7450738 2061-May-25 06:00 0.17496196589941 -8.7041346 2061-May-25 12:00 0.17370812294550 -8.6621035 2061-May-25 18:00 0.17246042965636 -8.6189707 2061-May-26 00:00 0.17121904581373 -8.5747267 2061-May-26 06:00 0.16998413257396 -8.5293619 2061-May-26 12:00 0.16875585244335 -8.4828672 2061-May-26 18:00 0.16753436925330 -8.4352334 2061-May-27 00:00 0.16631984813531 -8.3864516 2061-May-27 06:00 0.16511245549516 -8.3365130 2061-May-27 12:00 0.16391235898663 -8.2854092 2061-May-27 18:00 0.16271972748402 -8.2331317 2061-May-28 00:00 0.16153473105341 -8.1796725 2061-May-28 06:00 0.16035754092219 -8.1250235 2061-May-28 12:00 0.15918832944694 -8.0691771 2061-May-28 18:00 0.15802727007885 -8.0121257 2061-May-29 00:00 0.15687453732692 -7.9538623 2061-May-29 06:00 0.15573030671826 -7.8943799 2061-May-29 12:00 0.15459475475544 -7.8336718 2061-May-29 18:00 0.15346805887057 -7.7717319 2061-May-30 00:00 0.15235039737567 -7.7085541 2061-May-30 06:00 0.15124194940955 -7.6441330 2061-May-30 12:00 0.15014289488022 -7.5784634 2061-May-30 18:00 0.14905341440333 -7.5115407 2061-May-31 00:00 0.14797368923591 -7.4433606 2061-May-31 06:00 0.14690390120542 -7.3739194 2061-May-31 12:00 0.14584423263389 -7.3032140 2061-May-31 18:00 0.14479486625677 -7.2312418 2061-Jun-01 00:00 0.14375598513662 -7.1580008 2061-Jun-01 06:00 0.14272777257110 -7.0834898 2061-Jun-01 12:00 0.14171041199553 -7.0077080 2061-Jun-01 18:00 0.14070408687940 -6.9306558 2061-Jun-02 00:00 0.13970898061707 -6.8523338 2061-Jun-02 06:00 0.13872527641239 -6.7727440 2061-Jun-02 12:00 0.13775315715714 -6.6918888 2061-Jun-02 18:00 0.13679280530322 -6.6097718 2061-Jun-03 00:00 0.13584440272854 -6.5263974 2061-Jun-03 06:00 0.13490813059659 -6.4417710 2061-Jun-03 12:00 0.13398416920952 -6.3558991 2061-Jun-03 18:00 0.13307269785501 -6.2687894 2061-Jun-04 00:00 0.13217389464656 -6.1804504 2061-Jun-04 06:00 0.13128793635772 -6.0908920 2061-Jun-04 12:00 0.13041499824980 -6.0001253 2061-Jun-04 18:00 0.12955525389366 -5.9081626 2061-Jun-05 00:00 0.12870887498545 -5.8150176 2061-Jun-05 06:00 0.12787603115639 -5.7207053 2061-Jun-05 12:00 0.12705688977715 -5.6252418 2061-Jun-05 18:00 0.12625161575668 -5.5286451 2061-Jun-06 00:00 0.12546037133605 -5.4309342 2061-Jun-06 06:00 0.12468331587752 -5.3321299 2061-Jun-06 12:00 0.12392060564925 -5.2322543 2061-Jun-06 18:00 0.12317239360609 -5.1313312 2061-Jun-07 00:00 0.12243882916691 -5.0293857 2061-Jun-07 06:00 0.12172005798906 -4.9264448 2061-Jun-07 12:00 0.12101622174051 -4.8225367 2061-Jun-07 18:00 0.12032745787027 -4.7176916 2061-Jun-08 00:00 0.11965389937800 -4.6119410 2061-Jun-08 06:00 0.11899567458327 -4.5053182 2061-Jun-08 12:00 0.11835290689560 -4.3978579 2061-Jun-08 18:00 0.11772571458592 -4.2895964 2061-Jun-09 00:00 0.11711421056049 -4.1805718 2061-Jun-09 06:00 0.11651850213833 -4.0708234 2061-Jun-09 12:00 0.11593869083296 -3.9603922 2061-Jun-09 18:00 0.11537487213977 -3.8493206 2061-Jun-10 00:00 0.11482713532992 -3.7376523 2061-Jun-10 06:00 0.11429556325206 -3.6254326 2061-Jun-10 12:00 0.11378023214283 -3.5127078 2061-Jun-10 18:00 0.11328121144742 -3.3995256 2061-Jun-11 00:00 0.11279856365130 -3.2859348 2061-Jun-11 06:00 0.11233234412414 -3.1719850 2061-Jun-11 12:00 0.11188260097714 -3.0577270 2061-Jun-11 18:00 0.11144937493463 -2.9432125 2061-Jun-12 00:00 0.11103269922102 -2.8284936 2061-Jun-12 06:00 0.11063259946391 -2.7136233 2061-Jun-12 12:00 0.11024909361398 -2.5986551 2061-Jun-12 18:00 0.10988219188249 -2.4836426 2061-Jun-13 00:00 0.10953189669665 -2.3686399 2061-Jun-13 06:00 0.10919820267330 -2.2537012 2061-Jun-13 12:00 0.10888109661080 -2.1388805 2061-Jun-13 18:00 0.10858055749933 -2.0242319 2061-Jun-14 00:00 0.10829655654904 -1.9098092 2061-Jun-14 06:00 0.10802905723563 -1.7956656 2061-Jun-14 12:00 0.10777801536285 -1.6818541 2061-Jun-14 18:00 0.10754337914063 -1.5684271 2061-Jun-15 00:00 0.10732508927830 -1.4554360 2061-Jun-15 06:00 0.10712307909120 -1.3429317 2061-Jun-15 12:00 0.10693727461979 -1.2309641 2061-Jun-15 18:00 0.10676759475965 -1.1195823 2061-Jun-16 00:00 0.10661395140107 -1.0088343 2061-Jun-16 06:00 0.10647624957696 -0.8987671 2061-Jun-16 12:00 0.10635438761769 -0.7894265 2061-Jun-16 18:00 0.10624825731177 -0.6808572 2061-Jun-17 00:00 0.10615774407143 -0.5731030 2061-Jun-17 06:00 0.10608272710230 -0.4662062 2061-Jun-17 12:00 0.10602307957665 -0.3602079 2061-Jun-17 18:00 0.10597866880971 -0.2551481 2061-Jun-18 00:00 0.10594935643931 -0.1510656 2061-Jun-18 06:00 0.10593499860844 -0.0479978 2061-Jun-18 12:00 0.10593544615134 0.0540193 2061-Jun-18 18:00 0.10595054478342 0.1549508 2061-Jun-19 00:00 0.10598013529530 0.2547632 2061-Jun-19 06:00 0.10602405375170 0.3534246 2061-Jun-19 12:00 0.10608213169547 0.4509043 2061-Jun-19 18:00 0.10615419635732 0.5471732 2061-Jun-20 00:00 0.10624007087137 0.6422036 2061-Jun-20 06:00 0.10633957449705 0.7359696 2061-Jun-20 12:00 0.10645252284686 0.8284465 2061-Jun-20 18:00 0.10657872812032 0.9196116 2061-Jun-21 00:00 0.10671799934384 1.0094438 2061-Jun-21 06:00 0.10687014261533 1.0979236 2061-Jun-21 12:00 0.10703496135394 1.1850333 2061-Jun-21 18:00 0.10721225655350 1.2707570 2061-Jun-22 00:00 0.10740182703895 1.3550805 2061-Jun-22 06:00 0.10760346972503 1.4379916 2061-Jun-22 12:00 0.10781697987575 1.5194796 2061-Jun-22 18:00 0.10804215136455 1.5995358 2061-Jun-23 00:00 0.10827877693266 1.6781533 2061-Jun-23 06:00 0.10852664844637 1.7553268 2061-Jun-23 12:00 0.10878555715050 1.8310530 2061-Jun-23 18:00 0.10905529391862 1.9053300 2061-Jun-24 00:00 0.10933564949794 1.9781579 2061-Jun-24 06:00 0.10962641474893 2.0495382 2061-Jun-24 12:00 0.10992738087840 2.1194742 2061-Jun-24 18:00 0.11023833966563 2.1879705 2061-Jun-25 00:00 0.11055908368080 2.2550333 2061-Jun-25 06:00 0.11088940649545 2.3206704 2061-Jun-25 12:00 0.11122910288456 2.3848906 2061-Jun-25 18:00 0.11157796901952 2.4477043 2061-Jun-26 00:00 0.11193580265220 2.5091231 2061-Jun-26 06:00 0.11230240329009 2.5691596 2061-Jun-26 12:00 0.11267757236171 2.6278278 2061-Jun-26 18:00 0.11306111337275 2.6851426 2061-Jun-27 00:00 0.11345283205314 2.7411198 2061-Jun-27 06:00 0.11385253649468 2.7957762 2061-Jun-27 12:00 0.11426003727941 2.8491296 2061-Jun-27 18:00 0.11467514759944 2.9011983 2061-Jun-28 00:00 0.11509768336756 2.9520016 2061-Jun-28 06:00 0.11552746331970 3.0015594 2061-Jun-28 12:00 0.11596430910892 3.0498921 2061-Jun-28 18:00 0.11640804539161 3.0970209 2061-Jun-29 00:00 0.11685849990594 3.1429674 2061-Jun-29 06:00 0.11731550354299 3.1877535 2061-Jun-29 12:00 0.11777889041100 3.2314019 2061-Jun-29 18:00 0.11824849789303 3.2739353 2061-Jun-30 00:00 0.11872416669800 3.3153770 2061-Jun-30 06:00 0.11920574090621 3.3557504 2061-Jun-30 12:00 0.11969306800899 3.3950794 2061-Jun-30 18:00 0.12018599894323 3.4333878 2061-Jul-01 00:00 0.12068438812108 3.4706999 2061-Jul-01 06:00 0.12118809345467 3.5070399 2061-Jul-01 12:00 0.12169697637722 3.5424324 2061-Jul-01 18:00 0.12221090185952 3.5769017 2061-Jul-02 00:00 0.12272973842327 3.6104727 2061-Jul-02 06:00 0.12325335815064 3.6431700 2061-Jul-02 12:00 0.12378163669095 3.6750182 2061-Jul-02 18:00 0.12431445326432 3.7060422 2061-Jul-03 00:00 0.12485169066272 3.7362667 2061-Jul-03 06:00 0.12539323524858 3.7657163 2061-Jul-03 12:00 0.12593897695110 3.7944158 2061-Jul-03 18:00 0.12648880926043 3.8223899 2061-Jul-04 00:00 0.12704262922008 3.8496630 2061-Jul-04 06:00 0.12760033741742 3.8762598 2061-Jul-04 12:00 0.12816183797264 3.9022046 2061-Jul-04 18:00 0.12872703852624 3.9275218 2061-Jul-05 00:00 0.12929585022487 3.9522356 2061-Jul-05 06:00 0.12986818770621 3.9763701 2061-Jul-05 12:00 0.13044396908252 3.9999494 2061-Jul-05 18:00 0.13102311592300 4.0229973 2061-Jul-06 00:00 0.13160555323514 4.0455376 2061-Jul-06 06:00 0.13219120944528 4.0675938 2061-Jul-06 12:00 0.13278001637815 4.0891895 2061-Jul-06 18:00 0.13337190923545 4.1103480 2061-Jul-07 00:00 0.13396682657402 4.1310924 2061-Jul-07 06:00 0.13456471028295 4.1514457 2061-Jul-07 12:00 0.13516550556015 4.1714308 2061-Jul-07 18:00 0.13576916088841 4.1910704 2061-Jul-08 00:00 0.13637562801061 4.2103868 2061-Jul-08 06:00 0.13698486190459 4.2294025 2061-Jul-08 12:00 0.13759682075728 4.2481396 2061-Jul-08 18:00 0.13821146593818 4.2666200 2061-Jul-09 00:00 0.13882876197261 4.2848656 2061-Jul-09 06:00 0.13944867651361 4.3028978 2061-Jul-09 12:00 0.14007118031382 4.3207380 2061-Jul-09 18:00 0.14069624719615 4.3384075 2061-Jul-10 00:00 0.14132385402334 4.3559271 2061-Jul-10 06:00 0.14195398066672 4.3733175 2061-Jul-10 12:00 0.14258660997364 4.3905994 2061-Jul-10 18:00 0.14322172773312 4.4077929 2061-Jul-11 00:00 0.14385932264000 4.4249180 2061-Jul-11 06:00 0.14449938625680 4.4419944 2061-Jul-11 12:00 0.14514191297361 4.4590417 2061-Jul-11 18:00 0.14578689996505 4.4760789 2061-Jul-12 00:00 0.14643434714423 4.4931248 2061-Jul-12 06:00 0.14708425711352 4.5101979 2061-Jul-12 12:00 0.14773663511180 4.5273162 2061-Jul-12 18:00 0.14839148895750 4.5444975 2061-Jul-13 00:00 0.14904882898789 4.5617588 2061-Jul-13 06:00 0.14970866799328 4.5791171 2061-Jul-13 12:00 0.15037102114766 4.5965886 2061-Jul-13 18:00 0.15103590593391 4.6141889 2061-Jul-14 00:00 0.15170334206472 4.6319332 2061-Jul-14 06:00 0.15237335139938 4.6498361 2061-Jul-14 12:00 0.15304595785608 4.6679116 2061-Jul-14 18:00 0.15372118732041 4.6861730 2061-Jul-15 00:00 0.15439906755099 4.7046328 $$EOE ******************************************************************************* Column meaning: TIME Times PRIOR to 1962 are UT1, a mean-solar time closely related to the prior but now-deprecated GMT. Times AFTER 1962 are in UTC, the current civil or "wall-clock" time-scale. UTC is kept within 0.9 seconds of UT1 using integer leap-seconds for 1972 and later years. Conversion from the internal Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB) of solar system dynamics to the non-uniform civil UT time-scale requested for output has not been determined for UTC times after the next July or January 1st. Therefore, the last known leap-second is used as a constant over future intervals. Time tags refer to the UT time-scale conversion from TDB on Earth regardless of observer location within the solar system, although clock rates may differ due to the local gravity field and no analog to "UT" may be defined for that location. Any 'b' symbol in the 1st-column denotes a B.C. date. First-column blank (" ") denotes an A.D. date. CALENDAR SYSTEM Mixed calendar mode was active such that calendar dates after AD 1582-Oct-15 (if any) are in the modern Gregorian system. Dates prior to 1582-Oct-5 (if any) are in the Julian calendar system, which is automatically extended for dates prior to its adoption on 45-Jan-1 BC. The Julian calendar is useful for matching historical dates. The Gregorian calendar more accurately corresponds to the Earth's orbital motion and seasons. A "Gregorian-only" calendar mode is available if such physical events are the primary interest. NOTE: "n.a." in output means quantity "not available" at the print-time. 'delta deldot' = Apparent range ("delta", light-time aberrated) and range-rate ("delta-dot") of the target center relative to the observer. A positive "deldot" means the target center is moving away from the observer, negative indicates movement toward the observer. Units: AU and KM/S Computations by ... Solar System Dynamics Group, Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA General site: https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ Mailing list: https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/email_list.html System news : https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/news.html User Guide : https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/manual.html Connect : browser https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/app.html#/x API https://ssd-api.jpl.nasa.gov/doc/horizons.html command-line telnet ssd.jpl.nasa.gov 6775 e-mail/batch https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ftp/ssd/hrzn_batch.txt scripts https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ftp/ssd/SCRIPTS Author : Jon.D.Giorgini@jpl.nasa.gov ******************************************************************************* !$$SOF COMMAND = '2022 BX1' START_TIME = '2061-05-15' STOP_TIME = '2061-07-15' STEP_SIZE = '6 hour' QUANTITIES = '20'