******************************************************************************* JPL/HORIZONS (2022 AE1) 2024-May-04 18:24:39 Rec #:50617958 (+COV) Soln.date: 2023-Jun-29_06:51:35 # obs: 108 (2022-2023) IAU76/J2000 helio. ecliptic osc. elements (au, days, deg., period=Julian yrs): EPOCH= 2459659.5 ! 2022-Mar-21.00 (TDB) Residual RMS= .12891 EC= .5461562985504008 QR= .6675556490499953 TP= 2459529.1642747717 OM= 102.203512988355 W= 268.2934261545325 IN= 6.296986933734036 A= 1.470893276513014 MA= 72.0104960380567 ADIST= 2.274230903976034 PER= 1.78394 N= .55250006 ANGMOM= .017476396 DAN= 1.04921 DDN= 1.01563 L= 10.4865866 B= -6.2941826 MOID= 1.63E-6 TP= 2021-Nov-10.6642747717 Asteroid physical parameters (km, seconds, rotational period in hours): GM= n.a. RAD= n.a. ROTPER= n.a. H= 23.48 G= .150 B-V= n.a. ALBEDO= n.a. STYP= n.a. ASTEROID comments: 1: soln ref.= JPL#20, OCC=0 2: source=ORB ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* Ephemeris / WWW_USER Sat May 4 18:24:39 2024 Pasadena, USA / Horizons ******************************************************************************* Target body name: (2022 AE1) {source: JPL#20} Center body name: Moon (301) {source: DE441} Center-site name: BODYCENTRIC ******************************************************************************* Start time : A.D. 2023-Jul-01 00:00:00.0000 UT Stop time : A.D. 2023-Jul-03 00:00:00.0000 UT Step-size : 10 minutes ******************************************************************************* Target pole/equ : undefined Target radii : undefined Center geodetic : 0.0, 0.0, -1737.4 {E-lon(deg),Lat(deg),Alt(km)} Center cylindric: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 {E-lon(deg),Dxy(km),Dz(km)} Center pole/equ : MEAN_ME (high precision) {East-longitude positive} Center radii : 1737.4, 1737.4, 1737.4 km {Equator_a, b, pole_c} Target primary : Sun Vis. interferer : EARTH (R_eq= 6378.137) km {source: DE441} Rel. light bend : Sun, EARTH {source: DE441} Rel. lght bnd GM: 1.3271E+11, 3.9860E+05 km^3/s^2 Small-body perts: Yes {source: SB441-N16} Atmos refraction: NO (AIRLESS) RA format : HMS Time format : CAL Calendar mode : Mixed Julian/Gregorian EOP file : eop.240503.p240727 EOP coverage : DATA-BASED 1962-JAN-20 TO 2024-MAY-03. PREDICTS-> 2024-JUL-26 Units conversion: 1 au= 149597870.700 km, c= 299792.458 km/s, 1 day= 86400.0 s Table cut-offs 1: Elevation (-90.0deg=NO ),Airmass n.a. , Daylight (NO ) Table cut-offs 2: Solar elongation ( 0.0,180.0=NO ),Local Hour Angle( 0.0=NO ) Table cut-offs 3: RA/DEC angular rate ( 0.0=NO ) ******************************************************************************* Initial IAU76/J2000 heliocentric ecliptic osculating elements (au, days, deg.): EPOCH= 2459659.5 ! 2022-Mar-21.00 (TDB) Residual RMS= .12891 EC= .5461562985504008 QR= .6675556490499953 TP= 2459529.1642747717 OM= 102.203512988355 W= 268.2934261545325 IN= 6.296986933734036 Equivalent ICRF heliocentric cartesian coordinates (au, au/d): X=-1.316972795154597E+00 Y= 8.511088506776469E-01 Z= 4.989187070603857E-01 VX=-1.167435127744107E-02 VY=-4.679347277397276E-03 VZ=-5.417429640510096E-04 Asteroid physical parameters (km, seconds, rotational period in hours): GM= n.a. RAD= n.a. ROTPER= n.a. H= 23.48 G= .150 B-V= n.a. ALBEDO= n.a. STYP= n.a. ******************************************************************************* Date__(UT)__HR:MN delta deldot RNG_3sigma RNGRT_3sig ************************************************************************** $$SOE 2023-Jul-01 00:00 0.05547675989807 -1.9381854 35.3314 0.0000123 2023-Jul-01 00:10 0.05546903365867 -1.9149399 35.2704 0.0000123 2023-Jul-01 00:20 0.05546140065645 -1.8916878 35.2096 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 00:30 0.05545386091787 -1.8684291 35.1487 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 00:40 0.05544641446890 -1.8451639 35.0878 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 00:50 0.05543906133505 -1.8218925 35.0270 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 01:00 0.05543180154136 -1.7986149 34.9662 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 01:10 0.05542463511239 -1.7753312 34.9054 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 01:20 0.05541756207224 -1.7520415 34.8446 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 01:30 0.05541058244451 -1.7287461 34.7838 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 01:40 0.05540369625236 -1.7054449 34.7231 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 01:50 0.05539690351844 -1.6821381 34.6624 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 02:00 0.05539020426494 -1.6588258 34.6017 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 02:10 0.05538359851357 -1.6355082 34.5410 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 02:20 0.05537708628558 -1.6121853 34.4804 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 02:30 0.05537066760172 -1.5888573 34.4197 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 02:40 0.05536434248226 -1.5655244 34.3592 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 02:50 0.05535811094701 -1.5421865 34.2986 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 03:00 0.05535197301529 -1.5188439 34.2381 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 03:10 0.05534592870594 -1.4954966 34.1776 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 03:20 0.05533997803731 -1.4721448 34.1171 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 03:30 0.05533412102729 -1.4487886 34.0567 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 03:40 0.05532835769327 -1.4254281 33.9963 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 03:50 0.05532268805217 -1.4020635 33.9359 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 04:00 0.05531711212042 -1.3786948 33.8755 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 04:10 0.05531162991397 -1.3553222 33.8152 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 04:20 0.05530624144828 -1.3319458 33.7550 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 04:30 0.05530094673834 -1.3085657 33.6947 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 04:40 0.05529574579864 -1.2851821 33.6345 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 04:50 0.05529063864320 -1.2617950 33.5744 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 05:00 0.05528562528554 -1.2384046 33.5143 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 05:10 0.05528070573872 -1.2150110 33.4542 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 05:20 0.05527588001527 -1.1916144 33.3941 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 05:30 0.05527114812728 -1.1682148 33.3341 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 05:40 0.05526651008632 -1.1448123 33.2742 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 05:50 0.05526196590350 -1.1214072 33.2143 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 06:00 0.05525751558942 -1.0979994 33.1544 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 06:10 0.05525315915420 -1.0745892 33.0946 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 06:20 0.05524889660749 -1.0511767 33.0348 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 06:30 0.05524472795841 -1.0277619 32.9751 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 06:40 0.05524065321564 -1.0043450 32.9154 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 06:50 0.05523667238734 -0.9809262 32.8558 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 07:00 0.05523278548118 -0.9575054 32.7962 0.0000122 2023-Jul-01 07:10 0.05522899250436 -0.9340830 32.7367 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 07:20 0.05522529346359 -0.9106589 32.6772 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 07:30 0.05522168836506 -0.8872334 32.6178 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 07:40 0.05521817721451 -0.8638064 32.5584 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 07:50 0.05521476001716 -0.8403783 32.4991 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 08:00 0.05521143677776 -0.8169490 32.4398 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 08:10 0.05520820750056 -0.7935187 32.3806 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 08:20 0.05520507218931 -0.7700875 32.3215 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 08:30 0.05520203084729 -0.7466555 32.2624 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 08:40 0.05519908347728 -0.7232230 32.2033 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 08:50 0.05519623008156 -0.6997899 32.1444 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 09:00 0.05519347066193 -0.6763564 32.0855 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 09:10 0.05519080521971 -0.6529227 32.0266 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 09:20 0.05518823375570 -0.6294888 31.9678 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 09:30 0.05518575627022 -0.6060549 31.9091 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 09:40 0.05518337276312 -0.5826210 31.8505 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 09:50 0.05518108323373 -0.5591875 31.7919 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 10:00 0.05517888768090 -0.5357542 31.7333 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 10:10 0.05517678610299 -0.5123214 31.6749 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 10:20 0.05517477849787 -0.4888892 31.6165 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 10:30 0.05517286486292 -0.4654578 31.5582 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 10:40 0.05517104519502 -0.4420271 31.4999 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 10:50 0.05516931949057 -0.4185974 31.4418 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 11:00 0.05516768774546 -0.3951688 31.3837 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 11:10 0.05516614995511 -0.3717414 31.3256 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 11:20 0.05516470611445 -0.3483153 31.2677 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 11:30 0.05516335621789 -0.3248907 31.2098 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 11:40 0.05516210025939 -0.3014676 31.1520 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 11:50 0.05516093823238 -0.2780463 31.0943 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 12:00 0.05515987012983 -0.2546267 31.0366 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 12:10 0.05515889594421 -0.2312091 30.9791 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 12:20 0.05515801566749 -0.2077935 30.9216 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 12:30 0.05515722929116 -0.1843801 30.8642 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 12:40 0.05515653680621 -0.1609690 30.8069 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 12:50 0.05515593820316 -0.1375604 30.7496 0.0000121 2023-Jul-01 13:00 0.05515543347202 -0.1141543 30.6925 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 13:10 0.05515502260232 -0.0907508 30.6354 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 13:20 0.05515470558311 -0.0673502 30.5784 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 13:30 0.05515448240293 -0.0439524 30.5216 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 13:40 0.05515435304984 -0.0205577 30.4648 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 13:50 0.05515431751143 0.0028338 30.4081 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 14:00 0.05515437577477 0.0262221 30.3514 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 14:10 0.05515452782647 0.0496070 30.2949 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 14:20 0.05515477365264 0.0729883 30.2385 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 14:30 0.05515511323890 0.0963660 30.1821 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 14:40 0.05515554657039 0.1197400 30.1259 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 14:50 0.05515607363176 0.1431101 30.0698 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 15:00 0.05515669440717 0.1664761 30.0137 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 15:10 0.05515740888032 0.1898380 29.9578 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 15:20 0.05515821703438 0.2131957 29.9019 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 15:30 0.05515911885208 0.2365490 29.8462 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 15:40 0.05516011431563 0.2598979 29.7905 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 15:50 0.05516120340677 0.2832421 29.7350 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 16:00 0.05516238610678 0.3065816 29.6795 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 16:10 0.05516366239642 0.3299162 29.6242 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 16:20 0.05516503225598 0.3532458 29.5690 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 16:30 0.05516649566527 0.3765704 29.5139 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 16:40 0.05516805260361 0.3998898 29.4589 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 16:50 0.05516970304987 0.4232038 29.4040 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 17:00 0.05517144698240 0.4465124 29.3492 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 17:10 0.05517328437909 0.4698154 29.2945 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 17:20 0.05517521521734 0.4931127 29.2399 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 17:30 0.05517723947408 0.5164042 29.1855 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 17:40 0.05517935712577 0.5396898 29.1311 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 17:50 0.05518156814837 0.5629693 29.0769 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 18:00 0.05518387251737 0.5862426 29.0228 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 18:10 0.05518627020779 0.6095097 28.9688 0.0000120 2023-Jul-01 18:20 0.05518876119418 0.6327704 28.9149 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 18:30 0.05519134545059 0.6560245 28.8612 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 18:40 0.05519402295062 0.6792720 28.8076 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 18:50 0.05519679366737 0.7025128 28.7541 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 19:00 0.05519965757351 0.7257466 28.7007 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 19:10 0.05520261464118 0.7489735 28.6474 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 19:20 0.05520566484209 0.7721933 28.5943 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 19:30 0.05520880814746 0.7954058 28.5413 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 19:40 0.05521204452805 0.8186109 28.4885 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 19:50 0.05521537395414 0.8418087 28.4357 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 20:00 0.05521879639555 0.8649988 28.3831 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 20:10 0.05522231182161 0.8881812 28.3306 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 20:20 0.05522592020121 0.9113558 28.2783 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 20:30 0.05522962150276 0.9345225 28.2261 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 20:40 0.05523341569420 0.9576811 28.1740 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 20:50 0.05523730274301 0.9808316 28.1221 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 21:00 0.05524128261620 1.0039738 28.0703 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 21:10 0.05524535528032 1.0271076 28.0186 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 21:20 0.05524952070146 1.0502328 27.9671 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 21:30 0.05525377884524 1.0733495 27.9157 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 21:40 0.05525812967681 1.0964574 27.8645 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 21:50 0.05526257316089 1.1195564 27.8134 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 22:00 0.05526710926171 1.1426465 27.7624 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 22:10 0.05527173794306 1.1657275 27.7116 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 22:20 0.05527645916825 1.1887993 27.6609 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 22:30 0.05528127290015 1.2118618 27.6104 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 22:40 0.05528617910119 1.2349148 27.5601 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 22:50 0.05529117773330 1.2579583 27.5099 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 23:00 0.05529626875798 1.2809922 27.4598 0.0000119 2023-Jul-01 23:10 0.05530145213630 1.3040163 27.4099 0.0000118 2023-Jul-01 23:20 0.05530672782883 1.3270305 27.3601 0.0000118 2023-Jul-01 23:30 0.05531209579572 1.3500347 27.3105 0.0000118 2023-Jul-01 23:40 0.05531755599666 1.3730288 27.2611 0.0000118 2023-Jul-01 23:50 0.05532310839090 1.3960127 27.2118 0.0000118 2023-Jul-02 00:00 0.05532875293723 1.4189863 27.1627 0.0000118 2023-Jul-02 00:10 0.05533448959398 1.4419494 27.1137 0.0000118 2023-Jul-02 00:20 0.05534031831907 1.4649020 27.0649 0.0000118 2023-Jul-02 00:30 0.05534623906994 1.4878439 27.0163 0.0000118 2023-Jul-02 00:40 0.05535225180360 1.5107750 26.9678 0.0000118 2023-Jul-02 00:50 0.05535835647661 1.5336953 26.9195 0.0000118 2023-Jul-02 01:00 0.05536455304511 1.5566045 26.8713 0.0000118 2023-Jul-02 01:10 0.05537084146476 1.5795027 26.8233 0.0000118 2023-Jul-02 01:20 0.05537722169080 1.6023896 26.7755 0.0000118 2023-Jul-02 01:30 0.05538369367805 1.6252652 26.7279 0.0000118 2023-Jul-02 01:40 0.05539025738086 1.6481294 26.6804 0.0000118 2023-Jul-02 01:50 0.05539691275315 1.6709821 26.6331 0.0000118 2023-Jul-02 02:00 0.05540365974841 1.6938231 26.5859 0.0000118 2023-Jul-02 02:10 0.05541049831971 1.7166523 26.5390 0.0000118 2023-Jul-02 02:20 0.05541742841965 1.7394697 26.4922 0.0000118 2023-Jul-02 02:30 0.05542445000043 1.7622751 26.4456 0.0000118 2023-Jul-02 02:40 0.05543156301380 1.7850684 26.3991 0.0000118 2023-Jul-02 02:50 0.05543876741109 1.8078495 26.3529 0.0000118 2023-Jul-02 03:00 0.05544606314320 1.8306184 26.3068 0.0000118 2023-Jul-02 03:10 0.05545345016059 1.8533748 26.2609 0.0000118 2023-Jul-02 03:20 0.05546092841330 1.8761187 26.2152 0.0000118 2023-Jul-02 03:30 0.05546849785096 1.8988500 26.1696 0.0000118 2023-Jul-02 03:40 0.05547615842274 1.9215686 26.1243 0.0000118 2023-Jul-02 03:50 0.05548391007743 1.9442744 26.0791 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 04:00 0.05549175276337 1.9669672 26.0341 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 04:10 0.05549968642849 1.9896470 25.9894 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 04:20 0.05550771102028 2.0123137 25.9447 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 04:30 0.05551582648585 2.0349671 25.9003 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 04:40 0.05552403277185 2.0576071 25.8561 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 04:50 0.05553232982455 2.0802337 25.8121 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 05:00 0.05554071758979 2.1028468 25.7682 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 05:10 0.05554919601299 2.1254462 25.7246 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 05:20 0.05555776503916 2.1480319 25.6811 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 05:30 0.05556642461294 2.1706036 25.6379 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 05:40 0.05557517467849 2.1931615 25.5948 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 05:50 0.05558401517962 2.2157052 25.5520 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 06:00 0.05559294605970 2.2382348 25.5093 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 06:10 0.05560196726171 2.2607501 25.4669 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 06:20 0.05561107872822 2.2832511 25.4246 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 06:30 0.05562028040141 2.3057375 25.3825 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 06:40 0.05562957222304 2.3282095 25.3407 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 06:50 0.05563895413448 2.3506667 25.2991 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 07:00 0.05564842607671 2.3731092 25.2576 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 07:10 0.05565798799029 2.3955368 25.2164 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 07:20 0.05566763981541 2.4179494 25.1754 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 07:30 0.05567738149185 2.4403470 25.1346 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 07:40 0.05568721295900 2.4627295 25.0940 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 07:50 0.05569713415587 2.4850966 25.0536 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 08:00 0.05570714502105 2.5074484 25.0134 0.0000117 2023-Jul-02 08:10 0.05571724549278 2.5297848 24.9734 0.0000116 2023-Jul-02 08:20 0.05572743550888 2.5521056 24.9337 0.0000116 2023-Jul-02 08:30 0.05573771500681 2.5744108 24.8941 0.0000116 2023-Jul-02 08:40 0.05574808392363 2.5967002 24.8548 0.0000116 2023-Jul-02 08:50 0.05575854219602 2.6189738 24.8157 0.0000116 2023-Jul-02 09:00 0.05576908976029 2.6412315 24.7768 0.0000116 2023-Jul-02 09:10 0.05577972655235 2.6634731 24.7382 0.0000116 2023-Jul-02 09:20 0.05579045250774 2.6856987 24.6998 0.0000116 2023-Jul-02 09:30 0.05580126756163 2.7079080 24.6615 0.0000116 2023-Jul-02 09:40 0.05581217164881 2.7301010 24.6235 0.0000116 2023-Jul-02 09:50 0.05582316470370 2.7522776 24.5858 0.0000116 2023-Jul-02 10:00 0.05583424666034 2.7744377 24.5482 0.0000116 2023-Jul-02 10:10 0.05584541745240 2.7965812 24.5109 0.0000116 2023-Jul-02 10:20 0.05585667701319 2.8187081 24.4738 0.0000116 2023-Jul-02 10:30 0.05586802527564 2.8408182 24.4370 0.0000116 2023-Jul-02 10:40 0.05587946217233 2.8629114 24.4003 0.0000116 2023-Jul-02 10:50 0.05589098763545 2.8849877 24.3639 0.0000116 2023-Jul-02 11:00 0.05590260159686 2.9070470 24.3278 0.0000116 2023-Jul-02 11:10 0.05591430398802 2.9290891 24.2918 0.0000116 2023-Jul-02 11:20 0.05592609474007 2.9511140 24.2561 0.0000116 2023-Jul-02 11:30 0.05593797378376 2.9731216 24.2207 0.0000116 2023-Jul-02 11:40 0.05594994104949 2.9951118 24.1854 0.0000116 2023-Jul-02 11:50 0.05596199646733 3.0170845 24.1504 0.0000116 2023-Jul-02 12:00 0.05597413996695 3.0390396 24.1157 0.0000116 2023-Jul-02 12:10 0.05598637147771 3.0609771 24.0812 0.0000116 2023-Jul-02 12:20 0.05599869092860 3.0828968 24.0469 0.0000115 2023-Jul-02 12:30 0.05601109824827 3.1047987 24.0128 0.0000115 2023-Jul-02 12:40 0.05602359336500 3.1266827 23.9790 0.0000115 2023-Jul-02 12:50 0.05603617620676 3.1485486 23.9455 0.0000115 2023-Jul-02 13:00 0.05604884670114 3.1703965 23.9121 0.0000115 2023-Jul-02 13:10 0.05606160477541 3.1922262 23.8791 0.0000115 2023-Jul-02 13:20 0.05607445035650 3.2140376 23.8462 0.0000115 2023-Jul-02 13:30 0.05608738337099 3.2358307 23.8137 0.0000115 2023-Jul-02 13:40 0.05610040374512 3.2576053 23.7813 0.0000115 2023-Jul-02 13:50 0.05611351140481 3.2793615 23.7492 0.0000115 2023-Jul-02 14:00 0.05612670627563 3.3010990 23.7174 0.0000115 2023-Jul-02 14:10 0.05613998828282 3.3228179 23.6858 0.0000115 2023-Jul-02 14:20 0.05615335735130 3.3445180 23.6544 0.0000115 2023-Jul-02 14:30 0.05616681340565 3.3661992 23.6233 0.0000115 2023-Jul-02 14:40 0.05618035637012 3.3878615 23.5925 0.0000115 2023-Jul-02 14:50 0.05619398616865 3.4095048 23.5619 0.0000115 2023-Jul-02 15:00 0.05620770272483 3.4311290 23.5316 0.0000115 2023-Jul-02 15:10 0.05622150596196 3.4527341 23.5015 0.0000115 2023-Jul-02 15:20 0.05623539580298 3.4743199 23.4716 0.0000115 2023-Jul-02 15:30 0.05624937217054 3.4958864 23.4421 0.0000115 2023-Jul-02 15:40 0.05626343498696 3.5174334 23.4127 0.0000115 2023-Jul-02 15:50 0.05627758417426 3.5389610 23.3837 0.0000115 2023-Jul-02 16:00 0.05629181965412 3.5604690 23.3549 0.0000115 2023-Jul-02 16:10 0.05630614134792 3.5819574 23.3263 0.0000115 2023-Jul-02 16:20 0.05632054917674 3.6034261 23.2980 0.0000115 2023-Jul-02 16:30 0.05633504306133 3.6248749 23.2700 0.0000114 2023-Jul-02 16:40 0.05634962292215 3.6463039 23.2422 0.0000114 2023-Jul-02 16:50 0.05636428867934 3.6677130 23.2147 0.0000114 2023-Jul-02 17:00 0.05637904025275 3.6891020 23.1875 0.0000114 2023-Jul-02 17:10 0.05639387756192 3.7104709 23.1605 0.0000114 2023-Jul-02 17:20 0.05640880052608 3.7318196 23.1337 0.0000114 2023-Jul-02 17:30 0.05642380906417 3.7531481 23.1073 0.0000114 2023-Jul-02 17:40 0.05643890309485 3.7744563 23.0811 0.0000114 2023-Jul-02 17:50 0.05645408253645 3.7957440 23.0551 0.0000114 2023-Jul-02 18:00 0.05646934730704 3.8170114 23.0295 0.0000114 2023-Jul-02 18:10 0.05648469732438 3.8382581 23.0041 0.0000114 2023-Jul-02 18:20 0.05650013250592 3.8594843 22.9789 0.0000114 2023-Jul-02 18:30 0.05651565276887 3.8806897 22.9541 0.0000114 2023-Jul-02 18:40 0.05653125803012 3.9018744 22.9295 0.0000114 2023-Jul-02 18:50 0.05654694820626 3.9230383 22.9051 0.0000114 2023-Jul-02 19:00 0.05656272321366 3.9441813 22.8811 0.0000114 2023-Jul-02 19:10 0.05657858296834 3.9653033 22.8573 0.0000114 2023-Jul-02 19:20 0.05659452738606 3.9864043 22.8338 0.0000114 2023-Jul-02 19:30 0.05661055638232 4.0074841 22.8105 0.0000114 2023-Jul-02 19:40 0.05662666987233 4.0285428 22.7875 0.0000114 2023-Jul-02 19:50 0.05664286777103 4.0495803 22.7648 0.0000114 2023-Jul-02 20:00 0.05665914999308 4.0705964 22.7424 0.0000114 2023-Jul-02 20:10 0.05667551645289 4.0915911 22.7202 0.0000114 2023-Jul-02 20:20 0.05669196706456 4.1125645 22.6983 0.0000114 2023-Jul-02 20:30 0.05670850174197 4.1335162 22.6767 0.0000113 2023-Jul-02 20:40 0.05672512039869 4.1544465 22.6553 0.0000113 2023-Jul-02 20:50 0.05674182294807 4.1753550 22.6343 0.0000113 2023-Jul-02 21:00 0.05675860930316 4.1962419 22.6135 0.0000113 2023-Jul-02 21:10 0.05677547937677 4.2171070 22.5929 0.0000113 2023-Jul-02 21:20 0.05679243308145 4.2379502 22.5727 0.0000113 2023-Jul-02 21:30 0.05680947032949 4.2587716 22.5527 0.0000113 2023-Jul-02 21:40 0.05682659103291 4.2795710 22.5330 0.0000113 2023-Jul-02 21:50 0.05684379510351 4.3003483 22.5136 0.0000113 2023-Jul-02 22:00 0.05686108245280 4.3211036 22.4944 0.0000113 2023-Jul-02 22:10 0.05687845299208 4.3418367 22.4755 0.0000113 2023-Jul-02 22:20 0.05689590663238 4.3625476 22.4570 0.0000113 2023-Jul-02 22:30 0.05691344328447 4.3832362 22.4386 0.0000113 2023-Jul-02 22:40 0.05693106285890 4.4039025 22.4206 0.0000113 2023-Jul-02 22:50 0.05694876526597 4.4245464 22.4028 0.0000113 2023-Jul-02 23:00 0.05696655041574 4.4451678 22.3853 0.0000113 2023-Jul-02 23:10 0.05698441821802 4.4657667 22.3681 0.0000113 2023-Jul-02 23:20 0.05700236858240 4.4863430 22.3512 0.0000113 2023-Jul-02 23:30 0.05702040141823 4.5068968 22.3346 0.0000113 2023-Jul-02 23:40 0.05703851663460 4.5274278 22.3182 0.0000113 2023-Jul-02 23:50 0.05705671414042 4.5479360 22.3021 0.0000113 2023-Jul-03 00:00 0.05707499384432 4.5684215 22.2863 0.0000113 $$EOE ******************************************************************************* Column meaning: TIME Times PRIOR to 1962 are UT1, a mean-solar time closely related to the prior but now-deprecated GMT. Times AFTER 1962 are in UTC, the current civil or "wall-clock" time-scale. UTC is kept within 0.9 seconds of UT1 using integer leap-seconds for 1972 and later years. Conversion from the internal Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB) of solar system dynamics to the non-uniform civil UT time-scale requested for output has not been determined for UTC times after the next July or January 1st. Therefore, the last known leap-second is used as a constant over future intervals. Time tags refer to the UT time-scale conversion from TDB on Earth regardless of observer location within the solar system, although clock rates may differ due to the local gravity field and no analog to "UT" may be defined for that location. Any 'b' symbol in the 1st-column denotes a B.C. date. First-column blank (" ") denotes an A.D. date. CALENDAR SYSTEM Mixed calendar mode was active such that calendar dates after AD 1582-Oct-15 (if any) are in the modern Gregorian system. Dates prior to 1582-Oct-5 (if any) are in the Julian calendar system, which is automatically extended for dates prior to its adoption on 45-Jan-1 BC. The Julian calendar is useful for matching historical dates. The Gregorian calendar more accurately corresponds to the Earth's orbital motion and seasons. A "Gregorian-only" calendar mode is available if such physical events are the primary interest. NOTE: "n.a." in output means quantity "not available" at the print-time. STATISTICAL UNCERTAINTIES Output includes formal +/- 3 standard-deviation statistical orbit uncertainty quantities. There is a 99.7% (1-D) or 98.9% (2-D) chance the actual value is within given bounds. These statistical calculations assume observational data errors are random. If there are systematic biases (such as timing, reduction or star-catalog errors), results can be optimistic. Because the epoch covariance is mapped using linearized variational partial derivatives, results can also be optimistic for times far from the solution epoch, particularly for objects having close planetary encounters. 'delta deldot' = Apparent range ("delta", light-time aberrated) and range-rate ("delta-dot") of the target center relative to the observer. A positive "deldot" means the target center is moving away from the observer, negative indicates movement toward the observer. Units: AU and KM/S 'RNG_3sigma RNGRT_3sig' = Range and range rate (radial velocity) formal 3-standard-deviation uncertainties. Units: KM, KM/S Computations by ... Solar System Dynamics Group, Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA General site: https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ Mailing list: https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/email_list.html System news : https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/news.html User Guide : https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/manual.html Connect : browser https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/app.html#/x API https://ssd-api.jpl.nasa.gov/doc/horizons.html command-line telnet ssd.jpl.nasa.gov 6775 e-mail/batch https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ftp/ssd/hrzn_batch.txt scripts https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ftp/ssd/SCRIPTS Author : Jon.D.Giorgini@jpl.nasa.gov ******************************************************************************* !$$SOF COMMAND = '2022 AE1' START_TIME = '2023-Jul-01' STOP_TIME = '2023-Jul-03' STEP_SIZE = '10 min' QUANTITIES = '20,39' CENTER = '@301'