******************************************************************************* JPL/HORIZONS 177P/Barnard 2024-May-08 16:04:13 Rec #:90001118 (+COV) Soln.date: 2021-Apr-15_23:27:46 # obs: 1702 (1889-2006) IAU76/J2000 helio. ecliptic osc. elements (au, days, deg., period=Julian yrs): EPOCH= 2453849.5 ! 2006-Apr-24.0000000 (TDB) RMSW= n.a. EC= .9544420406209868 QR= 1.107271122596795 TP= 2453976.18324182 OM= 272.0677211344989 W= 60.45355083971904 IN= 31.21645855446403 A= 24.3046689906588 MA= 358.9579497161305 ADIST= 47.5020668587208 PER= 119.82371170863 N= .008225636 ANGMOM= .025305786 DAN= 1.47151 DDN= 4.08832 L= 328.5309928 B= 26.799808 MOID= .31019101 TP= 2006-Aug-28.6832418200 Comet physical (GM= km^3/s^2; RAD= km): GM= n.a. RAD= n.a. M1= 15.7 M2= 18.3 k1= 13. k2= 5. PHCOF= .030 COMET comments 1: soln ref.= JPL#29, data arc: 1889-06-24 to 2006-12-11 2: k1=13., k2=5., phase coef.=0.03; ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* Ephemeris / WWW_USER Wed May 8 16:04:13 2024 Pasadena, USA / Horizons ******************************************************************************* Target body name: 177P/Barnard {source: JPL#29} Center body name: Earth (399) {source: DE441} Center-site name: GEOCENTRIC ******************************************************************************* Start time : A.D. 2066-Oct-20 00:00:00.0000 UT Stop time : A.D. 2066-Nov-20 00:00:00.0000 UT Step-size : 180 minutes ******************************************************************************* Target pole/equ : undefined Target radii : undefined Center geodetic : 0.0, 0.0, -6378.137 {E-lon(deg),Lat(deg),Alt(km)} Center cylindric: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 {E-lon(deg),Dxy(km),Dz(km)} Center pole/equ : ITRF93 {East-longitude positive} Center radii : 6378.137, 6378.137, 6356.752 km {Equator_a, b, pole_c} Target primary : Sun Vis. interferer : MOON (R_eq= 1737.400) km {source: DE441} Rel. light bend : Sun {source: DE441} Rel. lght bnd GM: 1.3271E+11 km^3/s^2 Small-body perts: Yes {source: SB441-N16} Atmos refraction: NO (AIRLESS) RA format : HMS Time format : CAL Calendar mode : Mixed Julian/Gregorian EOP file : eop.240508.p240801 EOP coverage : DATA-BASED 1962-JAN-20 TO 2024-MAY-08. PREDICTS-> 2024-JUL-31 Units conversion: 1 au= 149597870.700 km, c= 299792.458 km/s, 1 day= 86400.0 s Table cut-offs 1: Elevation (-90.0deg=NO ),Airmass (>38.000=NO), Daylight (NO ) Table cut-offs 2: Solar elongation ( 0.0,180.0=NO ),Local Hour Angle( 0.0=NO ) Table cut-offs 3: RA/DEC angular rate ( 0.0=NO ) ******************************************************************************* Initial IAU76/J2000 heliocentric ecliptic osculating elements (au, days, deg.): EPOCH= 2453849.5 ! 2006-Apr-24.0000000 (TDB) RMSW= n.a. EC= .9544420406209868 QR= 1.107271122596795 TP= 2453976.18324182 OM= 272.0677211344989 W= 60.45355083971904 IN= 31.21645855446403 Equivalent ICRF heliocentric cartesian coordinates (au, au/d): X=-8.420413536997813E-01 Y=-1.536265166614096E+00 Z=-1.267481101002943E+00 VX= 1.325968354504323E-02 VY= 8.343633636537394E-04 VZ= 9.219956464834218E-03 Comet physical (GM= km^3/s^2; RAD= km): GM= n.a. RAD= n.a. M1= 15.7 M2= 18.3 k1= 13. k2= 5. PHCOF= .030 ******************************************************************************* Date__(UT)__HR:MN r rdot ************************************************** $$SOE 2066-Oct-20 00:00 47.73612061777 0.0029927 2066-Oct-20 03:00 47.73612083289 0.0029666 2066-Oct-20 06:00 47.73612104613 0.0029404 2066-Oct-20 09:00 47.73612125748 0.0029142 2066-Oct-20 12:00 47.73612146693 0.0028880 2066-Oct-20 15:00 47.73612167450 0.0028618 2066-Oct-20 18:00 47.73612188018 0.0028356 2066-Oct-20 21:00 47.73612208396 0.0028095 2066-Oct-21 00:00 47.73612228586 0.0027833 2066-Oct-21 03:00 47.73612248586 0.0027571 2066-Oct-21 06:00 47.73612268398 0.0027309 2066-Oct-21 09:00 47.73612288020 0.0027047 2066-Oct-21 12:00 47.73612307453 0.0026785 2066-Oct-21 15:00 47.73612326698 0.0026523 2066-Oct-21 18:00 47.73612345753 0.0026262 2066-Oct-21 21:00 47.73612364619 0.0026000 2066-Oct-22 00:00 47.73612383296 0.0025738 2066-Oct-22 03:00 47.73612401784 0.0025476 2066-Oct-22 06:00 47.73612420082 0.0025214 2066-Oct-22 09:00 47.73612438192 0.0024952 2066-Oct-22 12:00 47.73612456112 0.0024690 2066-Oct-22 15:00 47.73612473844 0.0024428 2066-Oct-22 18:00 47.73612491386 0.0024166 2066-Oct-22 21:00 47.73612508739 0.0023904 2066-Oct-23 00:00 47.73612525903 0.0023642 2066-Oct-23 03:00 47.73612542878 0.0023380 2066-Oct-23 06:00 47.73612559663 0.0023118 2066-Oct-23 09:00 47.73612576260 0.0022856 2066-Oct-23 12:00 47.73612592667 0.0022594 2066-Oct-23 15:00 47.73612608885 0.0022332 2066-Oct-23 18:00 47.73612624913 0.0022070 2066-Oct-23 21:00 47.73612640753 0.0021808 2066-Oct-24 00:00 47.73612656403 0.0021546 2066-Oct-24 03:00 47.73612671864 0.0021283 2066-Oct-24 06:00 47.73612687136 0.0021021 2066-Oct-24 09:00 47.73612702219 0.0020759 2066-Oct-24 12:00 47.73612717112 0.0020497 2066-Oct-24 15:00 47.73612731816 0.0020235 2066-Oct-24 18:00 47.73612746331 0.0019973 2066-Oct-24 21:00 47.73612760657 0.0019711 2066-Oct-25 00:00 47.73612774793 0.0019448 2066-Oct-25 03:00 47.73612788740 0.0019186 2066-Oct-25 06:00 47.73612802497 0.0018924 2066-Oct-25 09:00 47.73612816066 0.0018662 2066-Oct-25 12:00 47.73612829444 0.0018399 2066-Oct-25 15:00 47.73612842634 0.0018137 2066-Oct-25 18:00 47.73612855634 0.0017875 2066-Oct-25 21:00 47.73612868445 0.0017613 2066-Oct-26 00:00 47.73612881066 0.0017350 2066-Oct-26 03:00 47.73612893498 0.0017088 2066-Oct-26 06:00 47.73612905741 0.0016826 2066-Oct-26 09:00 47.73612917794 0.0016563 2066-Oct-26 12:00 47.73612929658 0.0016301 2066-Oct-26 15:00 47.73612941332 0.0016038 2066-Oct-26 18:00 47.73612952817 0.0015776 2066-Oct-26 21:00 47.73612964113 0.0015514 2066-Oct-27 00:00 47.73612975219 0.0015251 2066-Oct-27 03:00 47.73612986135 0.0014989 2066-Oct-27 06:00 47.73612996862 0.0014726 2066-Oct-27 09:00 47.73613007400 0.0014464 2066-Oct-27 12:00 47.73613017748 0.0014201 2066-Oct-27 15:00 47.73613027906 0.0013939 2066-Oct-27 18:00 47.73613037875 0.0013676 2066-Oct-27 21:00 47.73613047654 0.0013414 2066-Oct-28 00:00 47.73613057244 0.0013151 2066-Oct-28 03:00 47.73613066644 0.0012888 2066-Oct-28 06:00 47.73613075855 0.0012626 2066-Oct-28 09:00 47.73613084876 0.0012363 2066-Oct-28 12:00 47.73613093707 0.0012101 2066-Oct-28 15:00 47.73613102349 0.0011838 2066-Oct-28 18:00 47.73613110801 0.0011575 2066-Oct-28 21:00 47.73613119063 0.0011313 2066-Oct-29 00:00 47.73613127136 0.0011050 2066-Oct-29 03:00 47.73613135019 0.0010787 2066-Oct-29 06:00 47.73613142713 0.0010524 2066-Oct-29 09:00 47.73613150216 0.0010262 2066-Oct-29 12:00 47.73613157530 0.0009999 2066-Oct-29 15:00 47.73613164654 0.0009736 2066-Oct-29 18:00 47.73613171589 0.0009473 2066-Oct-29 21:00 47.73613178333 0.0009210 2066-Oct-30 00:00 47.73613184888 0.0008947 2066-Oct-30 03:00 47.73613191253 0.0008684 2066-Oct-30 06:00 47.73613197428 0.0008421 2066-Oct-30 09:00 47.73613203414 0.0008159 2066-Oct-30 12:00 47.73613209209 0.0007896 2066-Oct-30 15:00 47.73613214815 0.0007633 2066-Oct-30 18:00 47.73613220230 0.0007370 2066-Oct-30 21:00 47.73613225456 0.0007107 2066-Oct-31 00:00 47.73613230492 0.0006844 2066-Oct-31 03:00 47.73613235338 0.0006580 2066-Oct-31 06:00 47.73613239994 0.0006317 2066-Oct-31 09:00 47.73613244461 0.0006054 2066-Oct-31 12:00 47.73613248737 0.0005791 2066-Oct-31 15:00 47.73613252823 0.0005528 2066-Oct-31 18:00 47.73613256719 0.0005265 2066-Oct-31 21:00 47.73613260425 0.0005002 2066-Nov-01 00:00 47.73613263941 0.0004738 2066-Nov-01 03:00 47.73613267268 0.0004475 2066-Nov-01 06:00 47.73613270404 0.0004212 2066-Nov-01 09:00 47.73613273350 0.0003949 2066-Nov-01 12:00 47.73613276105 0.0003685 2066-Nov-01 15:00 47.73613278671 0.0003422 2066-Nov-01 18:00 47.73613281047 0.0003159 2066-Nov-01 21:00 47.73613283232 0.0002895 2066-Nov-02 00:00 47.73613285228 0.0002632 2066-Nov-02 03:00 47.73613287033 0.0002368 2066-Nov-02 06:00 47.73613288648 0.0002105 2066-Nov-02 09:00 47.73613290072 0.0001842 2066-Nov-02 12:00 47.73613291307 0.0001578 2066-Nov-02 15:00 47.73613292351 0.0001315 2066-Nov-02 18:00 47.73613293205 0.0001051 2066-Nov-02 21:00 47.73613293869 0.0000788 2066-Nov-03 00:00 47.73613294342 0.0000524 2066-Nov-03 03:00 47.73613294625 0.0000260 2066-Nov-03 06:00 47.73613294718 -0.0000003 2066-Nov-03 09:00 47.73613294621 -0.0000267 2066-Nov-03 12:00 47.73613294333 -0.0000531 2066-Nov-03 15:00 47.73613293855 -0.0000794 2066-Nov-03 18:00 47.73613293186 -0.0001058 2066-Nov-03 21:00 47.73613292327 -0.0001322 2066-Nov-04 00:00 47.73613291278 -0.0001585 2066-Nov-04 03:00 47.73613290038 -0.0001849 2066-Nov-04 06:00 47.73613288608 -0.0002113 2066-Nov-04 09:00 47.73613286987 -0.0002377 2066-Nov-04 12:00 47.73613285176 -0.0002641 2066-Nov-04 15:00 47.73613283174 -0.0002904 2066-Nov-04 18:00 47.73613280982 -0.0003168 2066-Nov-04 21:00 47.73613278599 -0.0003432 2066-Nov-05 00:00 47.73613276025 -0.0003696 2066-Nov-05 03:00 47.73613273262 -0.0003960 2066-Nov-05 06:00 47.73613270307 -0.0004224 2066-Nov-05 09:00 47.73613267162 -0.0004488 2066-Nov-05 12:00 47.73613263827 -0.0004752 2066-Nov-05 15:00 47.73613260300 -0.0005016 2066-Nov-05 18:00 47.73613256583 -0.0005280 2066-Nov-05 21:00 47.73613252676 -0.0005544 2066-Nov-06 00:00 47.73613248578 -0.0005808 2066-Nov-06 03:00 47.73613244289 -0.0006072 2066-Nov-06 06:00 47.73613239809 -0.0006336 2066-Nov-06 09:00 47.73613235139 -0.0006601 2066-Nov-06 12:00 47.73613230278 -0.0006865 2066-Nov-06 15:00 47.73613225227 -0.0007129 2066-Nov-06 18:00 47.73613219984 -0.0007393 2066-Nov-06 21:00 47.73613214551 -0.0007657 2066-Nov-07 00:00 47.73613208927 -0.0007922 2066-Nov-07 03:00 47.73613203112 -0.0008186 2066-Nov-07 06:00 47.73613197107 -0.0008450 2066-Nov-07 09:00 47.73613190911 -0.0008714 2066-Nov-07 12:00 47.73613184523 -0.0008979 2066-Nov-07 15:00 47.73613177945 -0.0009243 2066-Nov-07 18:00 47.73613171177 -0.0009507 2066-Nov-07 21:00 47.73613164217 -0.0009772 2066-Nov-08 00:00 47.73613157066 -0.0010036 2066-Nov-08 03:00 47.73613149725 -0.0010300 2066-Nov-08 06:00 47.73613142193 -0.0010565 2066-Nov-08 09:00 47.73613134469 -0.0010829 2066-Nov-08 12:00 47.73613126555 -0.0011094 2066-Nov-08 15:00 47.73613118450 -0.0011358 2066-Nov-08 18:00 47.73613110154 -0.0011623 2066-Nov-08 21:00 47.73613101667 -0.0011887 2066-Nov-09 00:00 47.73613092989 -0.0012152 2066-Nov-09 03:00 47.73613084120 -0.0012416 2066-Nov-09 06:00 47.73613075060 -0.0012681 2066-Nov-09 09:00 47.73613065809 -0.0012945 2066-Nov-09 12:00 47.73613056367 -0.0013210 2066-Nov-09 15:00 47.73613046734 -0.0013474 2066-Nov-09 18:00 47.73613036910 -0.0013739 2066-Nov-09 21:00 47.73613026895 -0.0014004 2066-Nov-10 00:00 47.73613016689 -0.0014268 2066-Nov-10 03:00 47.73613006292 -0.0014533 2066-Nov-10 06:00 47.73612995704 -0.0014798 2066-Nov-10 09:00 47.73612984924 -0.0015062 2066-Nov-10 12:00 47.73612973954 -0.0015327 2066-Nov-10 15:00 47.73612962792 -0.0015592 2066-Nov-10 18:00 47.73612951440 -0.0015856 2066-Nov-10 21:00 47.73612939896 -0.0016121 2066-Nov-11 00:00 47.73612928161 -0.0016386 2066-Nov-11 03:00 47.73612916235 -0.0016650 2066-Nov-11 06:00 47.73612904118 -0.0016915 2066-Nov-11 09:00 47.73612891809 -0.0017180 2066-Nov-11 12:00 47.73612879310 -0.0017445 2066-Nov-11 15:00 47.73612866619 -0.0017710 2066-Nov-11 18:00 47.73612853737 -0.0017974 2066-Nov-11 21:00 47.73612840664 -0.0018239 2066-Nov-12 00:00 47.73612827400 -0.0018504 2066-Nov-12 03:00 47.73612813945 -0.0018769 2066-Nov-12 06:00 47.73612800298 -0.0019034 2066-Nov-12 09:00 47.73612786460 -0.0019298 2066-Nov-12 12:00 47.73612772431 -0.0019563 2066-Nov-12 15:00 47.73612758211 -0.0019828 2066-Nov-12 18:00 47.73612743799 -0.0020093 2066-Nov-12 21:00 47.73612729196 -0.0020358 2066-Nov-13 00:00 47.73612714402 -0.0020623 2066-Nov-13 03:00 47.73612699417 -0.0020888 2066-Nov-13 06:00 47.73612684240 -0.0021153 2066-Nov-13 09:00 47.73612668872 -0.0021418 2066-Nov-13 12:00 47.73612653313 -0.0021683 2066-Nov-13 15:00 47.73612637563 -0.0021948 2066-Nov-13 18:00 47.73612621621 -0.0022213 2066-Nov-13 21:00 47.73612605488 -0.0022477 2066-Nov-14 00:00 47.73612589163 -0.0022742 2066-Nov-14 03:00 47.73612572648 -0.0023007 2066-Nov-14 06:00 47.73612555941 -0.0023272 2066-Nov-14 09:00 47.73612539042 -0.0023537 2066-Nov-14 12:00 47.73612521953 -0.0023802 2066-Nov-14 15:00 47.73612504672 -0.0024067 2066-Nov-14 18:00 47.73612487199 -0.0024333 2066-Nov-14 21:00 47.73612469535 -0.0024598 2066-Nov-15 00:00 47.73612451680 -0.0024863 2066-Nov-15 03:00 47.73612433634 -0.0025128 2066-Nov-15 06:00 47.73612415396 -0.0025393 2066-Nov-15 09:00 47.73612396967 -0.0025658 2066-Nov-15 12:00 47.73612378346 -0.0025923 2066-Nov-15 15:00 47.73612359534 -0.0026188 2066-Nov-15 18:00 47.73612340531 -0.0026453 2066-Nov-15 21:00 47.73612321336 -0.0026718 2066-Nov-16 00:00 47.73612301950 -0.0026983 2066-Nov-16 03:00 47.73612282372 -0.0027248 2066-Nov-16 06:00 47.73612262603 -0.0027513 2066-Nov-16 09:00 47.73612242643 -0.0027779 2066-Nov-16 12:00 47.73612222491 -0.0028044 2066-Nov-16 15:00 47.73612202148 -0.0028309 2066-Nov-16 18:00 47.73612181613 -0.0028574 2066-Nov-16 21:00 47.73612160887 -0.0028839 2066-Nov-17 00:00 47.73612139970 -0.0029104 2066-Nov-17 03:00 47.73612118861 -0.0029369 2066-Nov-17 06:00 47.73612097561 -0.0029635 2066-Nov-17 09:00 47.73612076069 -0.0029900 2066-Nov-17 12:00 47.73612054385 -0.0030165 2066-Nov-17 15:00 47.73612032511 -0.0030430 2066-Nov-17 18:00 47.73612010444 -0.0030695 2066-Nov-17 21:00 47.73611988187 -0.0030960 2066-Nov-18 00:00 47.73611965738 -0.0031226 2066-Nov-18 03:00 47.73611943097 -0.0031491 2066-Nov-18 06:00 47.73611920265 -0.0031756 2066-Nov-18 09:00 47.73611897241 -0.0032021 2066-Nov-18 12:00 47.73611874026 -0.0032286 2066-Nov-18 15:00 47.73611850620 -0.0032552 2066-Nov-18 18:00 47.73611827021 -0.0032817 2066-Nov-18 21:00 47.73611803232 -0.0033082 2066-Nov-19 00:00 47.73611779251 -0.0033347 2066-Nov-19 03:00 47.73611755078 -0.0033613 2066-Nov-19 06:00 47.73611730714 -0.0033878 2066-Nov-19 09:00 47.73611706159 -0.0034143 2066-Nov-19 12:00 47.73611681411 -0.0034408 2066-Nov-19 15:00 47.73611656473 -0.0034674 2066-Nov-19 18:00 47.73611631343 -0.0034939 2066-Nov-19 21:00 47.73611606021 -0.0035204 2066-Nov-20 00:00 47.73611580508 -0.0035470 $$EOE ******************************************************************************* Column meaning: TIME Times PRIOR to 1962 are UT1, a mean-solar time closely related to the prior but now-deprecated GMT. Times AFTER 1962 are in UTC, the current civil or "wall-clock" time-scale. UTC is kept within 0.9 seconds of UT1 using integer leap-seconds for 1972 and later years. Conversion from the internal Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB) of solar system dynamics to the non-uniform civil UT time-scale requested for output has not been determined for UTC times after the next July or January 1st. Therefore, the last known leap-second is used as a constant over future intervals. Time tags refer to the UT time-scale conversion from TDB on Earth regardless of observer location within the solar system, although clock rates may differ due to the local gravity field and no analog to "UT" may be defined for that location. Any 'b' symbol in the 1st-column denotes a B.C. date. First-column blank (" ") denotes an A.D. date. CALENDAR SYSTEM Mixed calendar mode was active such that calendar dates after AD 1582-Oct-15 (if any) are in the modern Gregorian system. Dates prior to 1582-Oct-5 (if any) are in the Julian calendar system, which is automatically extended for dates prior to its adoption on 45-Jan-1 BC. The Julian calendar is useful for matching historical dates. The Gregorian calendar more accurately corresponds to the Earth's orbital motion and seasons. A "Gregorian-only" calendar mode is available if such physical events are the primary interest. NOTE: "n.a." in output means quantity "not available" at the print-time. 'r rdot' = The Sun's apparent range ("r", light-time aberrated) and range-rate ("rdot") relative to the target center, as seen by the observer. A positive "rdot" means the target center was moving away from the Sun, negative means moving toward the Sun. Units: AU and KM/S Computations by ... Solar System Dynamics Group, Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA General site: https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ Mailing list: https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/email_list.html System news : https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/news.html User Guide : https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/manual.html Connect : browser https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/app.html#/x API https://ssd-api.jpl.nasa.gov/doc/horizons.html command-line telnet ssd.jpl.nasa.gov 6775 e-mail/batch https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ftp/ssd/hrzn_batch.txt scripts https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ftp/ssd/SCRIPTS Author : Jon.D.Giorgini@jpl.nasa.gov ******************************************************************************* !$$SOF COMMAND = '177P' START_TIME = '2066-Oct-20' STOP_TIME = '2066-Nov-20' STEP_SIZE = '3 hours' QUANTITIES = '19'