******************************************************************************* JPL/HORIZONS 12P/Pons-Brooks 2024-May-20 14:20:19 Rec #:90000223 (+COV) Soln.date: 2024-May-14_12:51:15 # obs: 7843 (1953-2024) IAU76/J2000 helio. ecliptic osc. elements (au, days, deg., period=Julian yrs): EPOCH= 2460202.5 ! 2023-Sep-15.0000000 (TDB) RMSW= n.a. EC= .9545604021343332 QR= .780863418843884 TP= 2460421.6315025329 OM= 255.8551012302765 W= 198.9880403452053 IN= 74.1908513997041 A= 17.18464633319056 MA= 356.9682178436606 ADIST= 33.58842924753724 PER= 71.23921089090901 N= .013835446 ANGMOM= .021251693 DAN= 15.67299 DDN= .80218 L= 81.21052330000001 B= -18.243947 MOID= .181381 TP= 2024-Apr-21.1315025329 Comet physical (GM= km^3/s^2; RAD= km): GM= n.a. RAD= n.a. M1= 5. M2= 11. k1= 15. k2= 10. PHCOF= n.a. COMET comments 1: soln ref.= JPL#K242/63, data arc: 1953-06-20 to 2024-05-01 2: k1=15.0, k2=10.0; ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* Ephemeris / WWW_USER Mon May 20 14:20:19 2024 Pasadena, USA / Horizons ******************************************************************************* Target body name: 12P/Pons-Brooks {source: JPL#K242/63} Center body name: Earth (399) {source: DE441} Center-site name: GEOCENTRIC ******************************************************************************* Start time : A.D. 2024-Apr-21 00:00:00.0000 UT Stop time : A.D. 2024-Apr-22 00:00:00.0000 UT Step-size : 10 minutes ******************************************************************************* Target pole/equ : undefined Target radii : undefined Center geodetic : 0.0, 0.0, -6378.137 {E-lon(deg),Lat(deg),Alt(km)} Center cylindric: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 {E-lon(deg),Dxy(km),Dz(km)} Center pole/equ : ITRF93 {East-longitude positive} Center radii : 6378.137, 6378.137, 6356.752 km {Equator_a, b, pole_c} Target primary : Sun Vis. interferer : MOON (R_eq= 1737.400) km {source: DE441} Rel. light bend : Sun {source: DE441} Rel. lght bnd GM: 1.3271E+11 km^3/s^2 Small-body perts: Yes {source: SB441-N16} Atmos refraction: NO (AIRLESS) RA format : HMS Time format : CAL Calendar mode : Mixed Julian/Gregorian EOP file : eop.240517.p240810 EOP coverage : DATA-BASED 1962-JAN-20 TO 2024-MAY-17. PREDICTS-> 2024-AUG-09 Units conversion: 1 au= 149597870.700 km, c= 299792.458 km/s, 1 day= 86400.0 s Table cut-offs 1: Elevation (-90.0deg=NO ),Airmass (>38.000=NO), Daylight (NO ) Table cut-offs 2: Solar elongation ( 0.0,180.0=NO ),Local Hour Angle( 0.0=NO ) Table cut-offs 3: RA/DEC angular rate ( 0.0=NO ) ******************************************************************************* Initial IAU76/J2000 heliocentric ecliptic osculating elements (au, days, deg.): EPOCH= 2460202.5 ! 2023-Sep-15.0000000 (TDB) RMSW= n.a. EC= .9545604021343332 QR= .780863418843884 TP= 2460421.6315025329 OM= 255.8551012302765 W= 198.9880403452053 IN= 74.1908513997041 Equivalent ICRF heliocentric cartesian coordinates (au, au/d): X= 6.282248838029983E-01 Y=-2.169926855266044E+00 Z= 2.384688937518528E+00 VX=-1.323344654172063E-04 VY= 1.207649244975588E-02 VZ=-4.134149846123034E-03 Comet physical (GM= km^3/s^2; RAD= km): GM= n.a. RAD= n.a. M1= 5. M2= 11. k1= 15. k2= 10. PHCOF= n.a. ******************************************************************************* Date__(UT)__HR:MN r rdot VmagSn VmagOb *************************************************************************** $$SOE 2024-Apr-21 00:00 0.780782328117 -0.1062656 47.1257593 54.3663684 2024-Apr-21 00:10 0.780781913083 -0.1006940 47.1257721 54.3652441 2024-Apr-21 00:20 0.780781520396 -0.0951224 47.1257842 54.3641198 2024-Apr-21 00:30 0.780781150055 -0.0895508 47.1257956 54.3629953 2024-Apr-21 00:40 0.780780802060 -0.0839792 47.1258063 54.3618707 2024-Apr-21 00:50 0.780780476412 -0.0784076 47.1258164 54.3607461 2024-Apr-21 01:00 0.780780173111 -0.0728360 47.1258257 54.3596213 2024-Apr-21 01:10 0.780779892156 -0.0672643 47.1258344 54.3584964 2024-Apr-21 01:20 0.780779633547 -0.0616927 47.1258423 54.3573714 2024-Apr-21 01:30 0.780779397286 -0.0561210 47.1258496 54.3562463 2024-Apr-21 01:40 0.780779183370 -0.0505494 47.1258562 54.3551210 2024-Apr-21 01:50 0.780778991802 -0.0449777 47.1258620 54.3539957 2024-Apr-21 02:00 0.780778822580 -0.0394060 47.1258672 54.3528703 2024-Apr-21 02:10 0.780778675705 -0.0338343 47.1258717 54.3517447 2024-Apr-21 02:20 0.780778551177 -0.0282627 47.1258756 54.3506191 2024-Apr-21 02:30 0.780778448995 -0.0226910 47.1258787 54.3494933 2024-Apr-21 02:40 0.780778369160 -0.0171193 47.1258811 54.3483675 2024-Apr-21 02:50 0.780778311672 -0.0115476 47.1258829 54.3472415 2024-Apr-21 03:00 0.780778276531 -0.0059759 47.1258839 54.3461154 2024-Apr-21 03:10 0.780778263736 -0.0004042 47.1258843 54.3449893 2024-Apr-21 03:20 0.780778273288 0.0051675 47.1258840 54.3438630 2024-Apr-21 03:30 0.780778305187 0.0107392 47.1258830 54.3427366 2024-Apr-21 03:40 0.780778359433 0.0163108 47.1258813 54.3416101 2024-Apr-21 03:50 0.780778436025 0.0218825 47.1258789 54.3404835 2024-Apr-21 04:00 0.780778534964 0.0274542 47.1258758 54.3393568 2024-Apr-21 04:10 0.780778656250 0.0330259 47.1258720 54.3382300 2024-Apr-21 04:20 0.780778799883 0.0385976 47.1258675 54.3371031 2024-Apr-21 04:30 0.780778965862 0.0441693 47.1258624 54.3359761 2024-Apr-21 04:40 0.780779154188 0.0497409 47.1258565 54.3348490 2024-Apr-21 04:50 0.780779364861 0.0553126 47.1258500 54.3337217 2024-Apr-21 05:00 0.780779597880 0.0608842 47.1258428 54.3325944 2024-Apr-21 05:10 0.780779853246 0.0664559 47.1258349 54.3314670 2024-Apr-21 05:20 0.780780130959 0.0720275 47.1258263 54.3303395 2024-Apr-21 05:30 0.780780431018 0.0775992 47.1258170 54.3292118 2024-Apr-21 05:40 0.780780753423 0.0831708 47.1258070 54.3280841 2024-Apr-21 05:50 0.780781098175 0.0887424 47.1257963 54.3269563 2024-Apr-21 06:00 0.780781465274 0.0943140 47.1257849 54.3258284 2024-Apr-21 06:10 0.780781854719 0.0998856 47.1257729 54.3247003 2024-Apr-21 06:20 0.780782266510 0.1054572 47.1257602 54.3235722 2024-Apr-21 06:30 0.780782700648 0.1110288 47.1257467 54.3224440 2024-Apr-21 06:40 0.780783157131 0.1166003 47.1257326 54.3213156 2024-Apr-21 06:50 0.780783635961 0.1221719 47.1257178 54.3201872 2024-Apr-21 07:00 0.780784137138 0.1277434 47.1257023 54.3190587 2024-Apr-21 07:10 0.780784660660 0.1333149 47.1256861 54.3179300 2024-Apr-21 07:20 0.780785206528 0.1388864 47.1256692 54.3168013 2024-Apr-21 07:30 0.780785774742 0.1444579 47.1256516 54.3156725 2024-Apr-21 07:40 0.780786365302 0.1500293 47.1256334 54.3145435 2024-Apr-21 07:50 0.780786978208 0.1556008 47.1256144 54.3134145 2024-Apr-21 08:00 0.780787613460 0.1611722 47.1255948 54.3122854 2024-Apr-21 08:10 0.780788271058 0.1667436 47.1255744 54.3111561 2024-Apr-21 08:20 0.780788951001 0.1723150 47.1255534 54.3100268 2024-Apr-21 08:30 0.780789653289 0.1778864 47.1255317 54.3088974 2024-Apr-21 08:40 0.780790377923 0.1834577 47.1255093 54.3077679 2024-Apr-21 08:50 0.780791124903 0.1890291 47.1254862 54.3066383 2024-Apr-21 09:00 0.780791894227 0.1946004 47.1254624 54.3055086 2024-Apr-21 09:10 0.780792685897 0.2001717 47.1254379 54.3043787 2024-Apr-21 09:20 0.780793499912 0.2057429 47.1254128 54.3032488 2024-Apr-21 09:30 0.780794336272 0.2113142 47.1253869 54.3021188 2024-Apr-21 09:40 0.780795194977 0.2168854 47.1253604 54.3009887 2024-Apr-21 09:50 0.780796076026 0.2224566 47.1253331 54.2998585 2024-Apr-21 10:00 0.780796979421 0.2280277 47.1253052 54.2987283 2024-Apr-21 10:10 0.780797905160 0.2335989 47.1252766 54.2975979 2024-Apr-21 10:20 0.780798853243 0.2391700 47.1252473 54.2964674 2024-Apr-21 10:30 0.780799823671 0.2447411 47.1252173 54.2953368 2024-Apr-21 10:40 0.780800816443 0.2503121 47.1251866 54.2942062 2024-Apr-21 10:50 0.780801831560 0.2558832 47.1251552 54.2930754 2024-Apr-21 11:00 0.780802869020 0.2614541 47.1251232 54.2919445 2024-Apr-21 11:10 0.780803928824 0.2670251 47.1250904 54.2908136 2024-Apr-21 11:20 0.780805010972 0.2725960 47.1250570 54.2896825 2024-Apr-21 11:30 0.780806115464 0.2781669 47.1250228 54.2885514 2024-Apr-21 11:40 0.780807242299 0.2837378 47.1249880 54.2874202 2024-Apr-21 11:50 0.780808391478 0.2893087 47.1249525 54.2862888 2024-Apr-21 12:00 0.780809563000 0.2948795 47.1249163 54.2851574 2024-Apr-21 12:10 0.780810756865 0.3004502 47.1248794 54.2840259 2024-Apr-21 12:20 0.780811973073 0.3060210 47.1248418 54.2828943 2024-Apr-21 12:30 0.780813211624 0.3115917 47.1248035 54.2817626 2024-Apr-21 12:40 0.780814472518 0.3171623 47.1247646 54.2806308 2024-Apr-21 12:50 0.780815755754 0.3227330 47.1247249 54.2794990 2024-Apr-21 13:00 0.780817061333 0.3283035 47.1246846 54.2783670 2024-Apr-21 13:10 0.780818389254 0.3338741 47.1246436 54.2772349 2024-Apr-21 13:20 0.780819739517 0.3394446 47.1246018 54.2761028 2024-Apr-21 13:30 0.780821112122 0.3450151 47.1245594 54.2749706 2024-Apr-21 13:40 0.780822507069 0.3505855 47.1245163 54.2738382 2024-Apr-21 13:50 0.780823924357 0.3561559 47.1244725 54.2727058 2024-Apr-21 14:00 0.780825363987 0.3617263 47.1244281 54.2715733 2024-Apr-21 14:10 0.780826825959 0.3672966 47.1243829 54.2704407 2024-Apr-21 14:20 0.780828310271 0.3728668 47.1243370 54.2693080 2024-Apr-21 14:30 0.780829816925 0.3784371 47.1242905 54.2681752 2024-Apr-21 14:40 0.780831345919 0.3840072 47.1242432 54.2670424 2024-Apr-21 14:50 0.780832897254 0.3895774 47.1241953 54.2659094 2024-Apr-21 15:00 0.780834470929 0.3951475 47.1241467 54.2647764 2024-Apr-21 15:10 0.780836066945 0.4007175 47.1240974 54.2636433 2024-Apr-21 15:20 0.780837685300 0.4062875 47.1240474 54.2625100 2024-Apr-21 15:30 0.780839325996 0.4118575 47.1239967 54.2613767 2024-Apr-21 15:40 0.780840989031 0.4174274 47.1239453 54.2602434 2024-Apr-21 15:50 0.780842674406 0.4229972 47.1238933 54.2591099 2024-Apr-21 16:00 0.780844382120 0.4285670 47.1238405 54.2579763 2024-Apr-21 16:10 0.780846112173 0.4341368 47.1237871 54.2568427 2024-Apr-21 16:20 0.780847864565 0.4397065 47.1237329 54.2557089 2024-Apr-21 16:30 0.780849639296 0.4452761 47.1236781 54.2545751 2024-Apr-21 16:40 0.780851436365 0.4508457 47.1236226 54.2534412 2024-Apr-21 16:50 0.780853255773 0.4564153 47.1235664 54.2523072 2024-Apr-21 17:00 0.780855097519 0.4619848 47.1235095 54.2511731 2024-Apr-21 17:10 0.780856961602 0.4675542 47.1234519 54.2500389 2024-Apr-21 17:20 0.780858848024 0.4731236 47.1233936 54.2489047 2024-Apr-21 17:30 0.780860756782 0.4786930 47.1233347 54.2477704 2024-Apr-21 17:40 0.780862687878 0.4842622 47.1232750 54.2466359 2024-Apr-21 17:50 0.780864641311 0.4898315 47.1232147 54.2455014 2024-Apr-21 18:00 0.780866617081 0.4954006 47.1231536 54.2443669 2024-Apr-21 18:10 0.780868615187 0.5009697 47.1230919 54.2432322 2024-Apr-21 18:20 0.780870635629 0.5065388 47.1230295 54.2420974 2024-Apr-21 18:30 0.780872678408 0.5121078 47.1229664 54.2409626 2024-Apr-21 18:40 0.780874743523 0.5176767 47.1229026 54.2398277 2024-Apr-21 18:50 0.780876830973 0.5232456 47.1228381 54.2386927 2024-Apr-21 19:00 0.780878940758 0.5288144 47.1227730 54.2375576 2024-Apr-21 19:10 0.780881072879 0.5343832 47.1227071 54.2364224 2024-Apr-21 19:20 0.780883227334 0.5399519 47.1226406 54.2352872 2024-Apr-21 19:30 0.780885404124 0.5455205 47.1225733 54.2341518 2024-Apr-21 19:40 0.780887603248 0.5510890 47.1225054 54.2330164 2024-Apr-21 19:50 0.780889824707 0.5566575 47.1224368 54.2318809 2024-Apr-21 20:00 0.780892068499 0.5622260 47.1223675 54.2307454 2024-Apr-21 20:10 0.780894334625 0.5677944 47.1222975 54.2296097 2024-Apr-21 20:20 0.780896623084 0.5733627 47.1222268 54.2284740 2024-Apr-21 20:30 0.780898933877 0.5789309 47.1221555 54.2273382 2024-Apr-21 20:40 0.780901267002 0.5844991 47.1220834 54.2262023 2024-Apr-21 20:50 0.780903622459 0.5900672 47.1220107 54.2250663 2024-Apr-21 21:00 0.780906000249 0.5956352 47.1219372 54.2239302 2024-Apr-21 21:10 0.780908400371 0.6012032 47.1218631 54.2227941 2024-Apr-21 21:20 0.780910822825 0.6067711 47.1217883 54.2216579 2024-Apr-21 21:30 0.780913267610 0.6123389 47.1217128 54.2205216 2024-Apr-21 21:40 0.780915734726 0.6179067 47.1216366 54.2193852 2024-Apr-21 21:50 0.780918224173 0.6234743 47.1215597 54.2182488 2024-Apr-21 22:00 0.780920735951 0.6290420 47.1214821 54.2171123 2024-Apr-21 22:10 0.780923270059 0.6346095 47.1214039 54.2159757 2024-Apr-21 22:20 0.780925826497 0.6401770 47.1213249 54.2148390 2024-Apr-21 22:30 0.780928405264 0.6457444 47.1212453 54.2137022 2024-Apr-21 22:40 0.780931006361 0.6513117 47.1211650 54.2125654 2024-Apr-21 22:50 0.780933629787 0.6568789 47.1210839 54.2114285 2024-Apr-21 23:00 0.780936275542 0.6624461 47.1210022 54.2102915 2024-Apr-21 23:10 0.780938943625 0.6680132 47.1209198 54.2091544 2024-Apr-21 23:20 0.780941634037 0.6735802 47.1208368 54.2080173 2024-Apr-21 23:30 0.780944346776 0.6791471 47.1207530 54.2068801 2024-Apr-21 23:40 0.780947081843 0.6847140 47.1206685 54.2057428 2024-Apr-21 23:50 0.780949839237 0.6902808 47.1205834 54.2046054 2024-Apr-22 00:00 0.780952618958 0.6958474 47.1204975 54.2034680 $$EOE ******************************************************************************* Column meaning: TIME Times PRIOR to 1962 are UT1, a mean-solar time closely related to the prior but now-deprecated GMT. Times AFTER 1962 are in UTC, the current civil or "wall-clock" time-scale. UTC is kept within 0.9 seconds of UT1 using integer leap-seconds for 1972 and later years. Conversion from the internal Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB) of solar system dynamics to the non-uniform civil UT time-scale requested for output has not been determined for UTC times after the next July or January 1st. Therefore, the last known leap-second is used as a constant over future intervals. Time tags refer to the UT time-scale conversion from TDB on Earth regardless of observer location within the solar system, although clock rates may differ due to the local gravity field and no analog to "UT" may be defined for that location. Any 'b' symbol in the 1st-column denotes a B.C. date. First-column blank (" ") denotes an A.D. date. CALENDAR SYSTEM Mixed calendar mode was active such that calendar dates after AD 1582-Oct-15 (if any) are in the modern Gregorian system. Dates prior to 1582-Oct-5 (if any) are in the Julian calendar system, which is automatically extended for dates prior to its adoption on 45-Jan-1 BC. The Julian calendar is useful for matching historical dates. The Gregorian calendar more accurately corresponds to the Earth's orbital motion and seasons. A "Gregorian-only" calendar mode is available if such physical events are the primary interest. NOTE: "n.a." in output means quantity "not available" at the print-time. 'r rdot' = The Sun's apparent range ("r", light-time aberrated) and range-rate ("rdot") relative to the target center, as seen by the observer. A positive "rdot" means the target center was moving away from the Sun, negative means moving toward the Sun. Units: AU and KM/S 'VmagSn VmagOb' = Magnitude of target centers' velocity with respect to the Sun ("VmagSn") and the observer ("VmagOb") at the time light left the target center to be observed (print time minus down-leg light-time). These are absolute values of the velocity vectors (total speeds) and do NOT indicate direction of motion. Units: KM/S Computations by ... Solar System Dynamics Group, Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA General site: https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ Mailing list: https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/email_list.html System news : https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/news.html User Guide : https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/manual.html Connect : browser https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/app.html#/x API https://ssd-api.jpl.nasa.gov/doc/horizons.html command-line telnet ssd.jpl.nasa.gov 6775 e-mail/batch https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ftp/ssd/hrzn_batch.txt scripts https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ftp/ssd/SCRIPTS Author : Jon.D.Giorgini@jpl.nasa.gov ******************************************************************************* !$$SOF COMMAND = '90000223' QUANTITIES = '19,22' START_TIME = '2024-Apr-21' STEP_SIZE = '10 minutes' STOP_TIME = '2024-Apr-22'