******************************************************************************* JPL/HORIZONS (2009 JF1) 2024-May-22 21:36:41 Rec #:50091635 (+COV) Soln.date: 2022-Feb-07_08:33:36 # obs: 20 (1 days) IAU76/J2000 helio. ecliptic osc. elements (au, days, deg., period=Julian yrs): EPOCH= 2454956.5 ! 2009-May-05.00 (TDB) Residual RMS= .19786 EC= .7386046617161813 QR= .4903258367735946 TP= 2455004.8858384411 OM= 46.00252425519285 W= 281.3253332064018 IN= 5.996995190395809 A= 1.875801764456897 MA= 341.4372662788185 ADIST= 3.2612776921402 PER= 2.56914 N= .383639807 ANGMOM= .015882697 DAN= .7445000000000001 DDN= .9971100000000001 L= 327.3885543 B= -5.8798055 MOID= .00140143 TP= 2009-Jun-22.3858384411 Asteroid physical parameters (km, seconds, rotational period in hours): GM= n.a. RAD= n.a. ROTPER= n.a. H= 27.76 G= .150 B-V= n.a. ALBEDO= n.a. STYP= n.a. ASTEROID comments: 1: soln ref.= JPL#8, OCC=7 2: source=ORB ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* Ephemeris / WWW_USER Wed May 22 21:36:41 2024 Pasadena, USA / Horizons ******************************************************************************* Target body name: (2009 JF1) {source: JPL#8} Center body name: Earth (399) {source: DE441} Center-site name: GEOCENTRIC ******************************************************************************* Start time : A.D. 2022-May-01 00:00:00.0000 UT Stop time : A.D. 2022-May-16 00:00:00.0000 UT Step-size : 180 minutes ******************************************************************************* Target pole/equ : undefined Target radii : undefined Center geodetic : 0.0, 0.0, -6378.137 {E-lon(deg),Lat(deg),Alt(km)} Center cylindric: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 {E-lon(deg),Dxy(km),Dz(km)} Center pole/equ : ITRF93 {East-longitude positive} Center radii : 6378.137, 6378.137, 6356.752 km {Equator_a, b, pole_c} Target primary : Sun Vis. interferer : MOON (R_eq= 1737.400) km {source: DE441} Rel. light bend : Sun {source: DE441} Rel. lght bnd GM: 1.3271E+11 km^3/s^2 Small-body perts: Yes {source: SB441-N16} Atmos refraction: NO (AIRLESS) RA format : HMS Time format : CAL Calendar mode : Mixed Julian/Gregorian EOP file : eop.240522.p240815 EOP coverage : DATA-BASED 1962-JAN-20 TO 2024-MAY-22. PREDICTS-> 2024-AUG-14 Units conversion: 1 au= 149597870.700 km, c= 299792.458 km/s, 1 day= 86400.0 s Table cut-offs 1: Elevation (-90.0deg=NO ),Airmass (>38.000=NO), Daylight (NO ) Table cut-offs 2: Solar elongation ( 0.0,180.0=NO ),Local Hour Angle( 0.0=NO ) Table cut-offs 3: RA/DEC angular rate ( 0.0=NO ) ******************************************************************************* Initial IAU76/J2000 heliocentric ecliptic osculating elements (au, days, deg.): EPOCH= 2454956.5 ! 2009-May-05.00 (TDB) Residual RMS= .19786 EC= .7386046617161813 QR= .4903258367735946 TP= 2455004.8858384411 OM= 46.00252425519285 W= 281.3253332064018 IN= 5.996995190395809 Equivalent ICRF heliocentric cartesian coordinates (au, au/d): X=-7.271790223718233E-01 Y=-6.569455244533324E-01 Z=-2.817776070048898E-01 VX= 2.042483160870937E-02 VY=-8.468982146937745E-04 VZ=-2.180295539553751E-03 Asteroid physical parameters (km, seconds, rotational period in hours): GM= n.a. RAD= n.a. ROTPER= n.a. H= 27.76 G= .150 B-V= n.a. ALBEDO= n.a. STYP= n.a. ******************************************************************************* Date__(UT)__HR:MN APmag S-brt delta deldot ******************************************************************** $$SOE 2022-May-01 00:00 26.129 n.a. 0.22298457385039 -14.3936422 2022-May-01 03:00 26.126 n.a. 0.22194837000600 -14.3096472 2022-May-01 06:00 26.123 n.a. 0.22091825317618 -14.2250191 2022-May-01 09:00 26.121 n.a. 0.21989426934663 -14.1397503 2022-May-01 12:00 26.118 n.a. 0.21887646504378 -14.0538335 2022-May-01 15:00 26.115 n.a. 0.21786488733701 -13.9672611 2022-May-01 18:00 26.113 n.a. 0.21685958384070 -13.8800254 2022-May-01 21:00 26.110 n.a. 0.21586060271571 -13.7921191 2022-May-02 00:00 26.108 n.a. 0.21486799267092 -13.7035343 2022-May-02 03:00 26.105 n.a. 0.21388180296418 -13.6142637 2022-May-02 06:00 26.103 n.a. 0.21290208340299 -13.5242994 2022-May-02 09:00 26.101 n.a. 0.21192888434493 -13.4336339 2022-May-02 12:00 26.098 n.a. 0.21096225669762 -13.3422597 2022-May-02 15:00 26.096 n.a. 0.21000225191829 -13.2501690 2022-May-02 18:00 26.094 n.a. 0.20904892201300 -13.1573543 2022-May-02 21:00 26.092 n.a. 0.20810231953542 -13.0638080 2022-May-03 00:00 26.090 n.a. 0.20716249758526 -12.9695226 2022-May-03 03:00 26.089 n.a. 0.20622950980591 -12.8744906 2022-May-03 06:00 26.087 n.a. 0.20530341038209 -12.7787044 2022-May-03 09:00 26.085 n.a. 0.20438425403670 -12.6821567 2022-May-03 12:00 26.084 n.a. 0.20347209602716 -12.5848401 2022-May-03 15:00 26.082 n.a. 0.20256699214134 -12.4867472 2022-May-03 18:00 26.081 n.a. 0.20166899869293 -12.3878708 2022-May-03 21:00 26.080 n.a. 0.20077817251600 -12.2882038 2022-May-04 00:00 26.078 n.a. 0.19989457095950 -12.1877391 2022-May-04 03:00 26.077 n.a. 0.19901825188043 -12.0864696 2022-May-04 06:00 26.076 n.a. 0.19814927363712 -11.9843885 2022-May-04 09:00 26.076 n.a. 0.19728769508129 -11.8814891 2022-May-04 12:00 26.075 n.a. 0.19643357554980 -11.7777645 2022-May-04 15:00 26.074 n.a. 0.19558697485556 -11.6732085 2022-May-04 18:00 26.074 n.a. 0.19474795327776 -11.5678144 2022-May-04 21:00 26.073 n.a. 0.19391657155141 -11.4615761 2022-May-05 00:00 26.073 n.a. 0.19309289085616 -11.3544876 2022-May-05 03:00 26.073 n.a. 0.19227697280430 -11.2465429 2022-May-05 06:00 26.073 n.a. 0.19146887942807 -11.1377362 2022-May-05 09:00 26.073 n.a. 0.19066867316606 -11.0280622 2022-May-05 12:00 26.073 n.a. 0.18987641684905 -10.9175154 2022-May-05 15:00 26.074 n.a. 0.18909217368466 -10.8060907 2022-May-05 18:00 26.074 n.a. 0.18831600724163 -10.6937832 2022-May-05 21:00 26.075 n.a. 0.18754798143275 -10.5805883 2022-May-06 00:00 26.076 n.a. 0.18678816049739 -10.4665017 2022-May-06 03:00 26.076 n.a. 0.18603660898287 -10.3515191 2022-May-06 06:00 26.077 n.a. 0.18529339172506 -10.2356367 2022-May-06 09:00 26.079 n.a. 0.18455857382803 -10.1188509 2022-May-06 12:00 26.080 n.a. 0.18383222064290 -10.0011585 2022-May-06 15:00 26.082 n.a. 0.18311439774565 -9.8825566 2022-May-06 18:00 26.083 n.a. 0.18240517091422 -9.7630423 2022-May-06 21:00 26.085 n.a. 0.18170460610440 -9.6426136 2022-May-07 00:00 26.087 n.a. 0.18101276942502 -9.5212684 2022-May-07 03:00 26.089 n.a. 0.18032972711225 -9.3990052 2022-May-07 06:00 26.092 n.a. 0.17965554550277 -9.2758227 2022-May-07 09:00 26.094 n.a. 0.17899029100625 -9.1517202 2022-May-07 12:00 26.097 n.a. 0.17833403007666 -9.0266972 2022-May-07 15:00 26.100 n.a. 0.17768682918298 -8.9007537 2022-May-07 18:00 26.103 n.a. 0.17704875477878 -8.7738901 2022-May-07 21:00 26.106 n.a. 0.17641987327092 -8.6461074 2022-May-08 00:00 26.109 n.a. 0.17580025098756 -8.5174068 2022-May-08 03:00 26.113 n.a. 0.17518995414504 -8.3877901 2022-May-08 06:00 26.117 n.a. 0.17458904881412 -8.2572596 2022-May-08 09:00 26.120 n.a. 0.17399760088535 -8.1258180 2022-May-08 12:00 26.125 n.a. 0.17341567603347 -7.9934685 2022-May-08 15:00 26.129 n.a. 0.17284333968134 -7.8602149 2022-May-08 18:00 26.134 n.a. 0.17228065696279 -7.7260614 2022-May-08 21:00 26.138 n.a. 0.17172769268493 -7.5910128 2022-May-09 00:00 26.143 n.a. 0.17118451128984 -7.4550745 2022-May-09 03:00 26.149 n.a. 0.17065117681527 -7.3182524 2022-May-09 06:00 26.154 n.a. 0.17012775285511 -7.1805527 2022-May-09 09:00 26.160 n.a. 0.16961430251902 -7.0419826 2022-May-09 12:00 26.166 n.a. 0.16911088839167 -6.9025496 2022-May-09 15:00 26.172 n.a. 0.16861757249129 -6.7622617 2022-May-09 18:00 26.178 n.a. 0.16813441622800 -6.6211278 2022-May-09 21:00 26.185 n.a. 0.16766148036167 -6.4791571 2022-May-10 00:00 26.192 n.a. 0.16719882495931 -6.3363595 2022-May-10 03:00 26.199 n.a. 0.16674650935227 -6.1927455 2022-May-10 06:00 26.206 n.a. 0.16630459209336 -6.0483262 2022-May-10 09:00 26.214 n.a. 0.16587313091344 -5.9031132 2022-May-10 12:00 26.222 n.a. 0.16545218267823 -5.7571189 2022-May-10 15:00 26.230 n.a. 0.16504180334490 -5.6103560 2022-May-10 18:00 26.238 n.a. 0.16464204791876 -5.4628381 2022-May-10 21:00 26.247 n.a. 0.16425297041001 -5.3145793 2022-May-11 00:00 26.255 n.a. 0.16387462379057 -5.1655942 2022-May-11 03:00 26.265 n.a. 0.16350705995137 -5.0158981 2022-May-11 06:00 26.274 n.a. 0.16315032965960 -4.8655068 2022-May-11 09:00 26.284 n.a. 0.16280448251656 -4.7144368 2022-May-11 12:00 26.294 n.a. 0.16246956691609 -4.5627051 2022-May-11 15:00 26.304 n.a. 0.16214563000307 -4.4103293 2022-May-11 18:00 26.315 n.a. 0.16183271763300 -4.2573274 2022-May-11 21:00 26.325 n.a. 0.16153087433197 -4.1037183 2022-May-12 00:00 26.337 n.a. 0.16124014325745 -3.9495210 2022-May-12 03:00 26.348 n.a. 0.16096056615992 -3.7947553 2022-May-12 06:00 26.360 n.a. 0.16069218334539 -3.6394415 2022-May-12 09:00 26.372 n.a. 0.16043503363892 -3.4836004 2022-May-12 12:00 26.384 n.a. 0.16018915434914 -3.3272531 2022-May-12 15:00 26.397 n.a. 0.15995458123389 -3.1704214 2022-May-12 18:00 26.410 n.a. 0.15973134846708 -3.0131275 2022-May-12 21:00 26.423 n.a. 0.15951948860687 -2.8553939 2022-May-13 00:00 26.436 n.a. 0.15931903256501 -2.6972436 2022-May-13 03:00 26.450 n.a. 0.15913000957778 -2.5387000 2022-May-13 06:00 26.465 n.a. 0.15895244717818 -2.3797869 2022-May-13 09:00 26.479 n.a. 0.15878637116987 -2.2205284 2022-May-13 12:00 26.494 n.a. 0.15863180560240 -2.0609490 2022-May-13 15:00 26.509 n.a. 0.15848877274840 -1.9010734 2022-May-13 18:00 26.525 n.a. 0.15835729308215 -1.7409267 2022-May-13 21:00 26.541 n.a. 0.15823738526015 -1.5805341 2022-May-14 00:00 26.557 n.a. 0.15812906610320 -1.4199212 2022-May-14 03:00 26.573 n.a. 0.15803235058056 -1.2591137 2022-May-14 06:00 26.590 n.a. 0.15794725179589 -1.0981376 2022-May-14 09:00 26.607 n.a. 0.15787378097484 -0.9370189 2022-May-14 12:00 26.625 n.a. 0.15781194745503 -0.7757838 2022-May-14 15:00 26.643 n.a. 0.15776175867760 -0.6144587 2022-May-14 18:00 26.661 n.a. 0.15772322018098 -0.4530699 2022-May-14 21:00 26.680 n.a. 0.15769633559641 -0.2916439 2022-May-15 00:00 26.699 n.a. 0.15768110664576 -0.1302071 2022-May-15 03:00 26.718 n.a. 0.15767753314112 0.0312141 2022-May-15 06:00 26.738 n.a. 0.15768561298674 0.1925933 2022-May-15 09:00 26.758 n.a. 0.15770534218252 0.3539040 2022-May-15 12:00 26.778 n.a. 0.15773671483007 0.5151202 2022-May-15 15:00 26.799 n.a. 0.15777972314042 0.6762157 2022-May-15 18:00 26.820 n.a. 0.15783435744391 0.8371644 2022-May-15 21:00 26.842 n.a. 0.15790060620209 0.9979407 2022-May-16 00:00 26.864 n.a. 0.15797845602154 1.1585189 $$EOE ******************************************************************************* Column meaning: TIME Times PRIOR to 1962 are UT1, a mean-solar time closely related to the prior but now-deprecated GMT. Times AFTER 1962 are in UTC, the current civil or "wall-clock" time-scale. UTC is kept within 0.9 seconds of UT1 using integer leap-seconds for 1972 and later years. Conversion from the internal Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB) of solar system dynamics to the non-uniform civil UT time-scale requested for output has not been determined for UTC times after the next July or January 1st. Therefore, the last known leap-second is used as a constant over future intervals. Time tags refer to the UT time-scale conversion from TDB on Earth regardless of observer location within the solar system, although clock rates may differ due to the local gravity field and no analog to "UT" may be defined for that location. Any 'b' symbol in the 1st-column denotes a B.C. date. First-column blank (" ") denotes an A.D. date. CALENDAR SYSTEM Mixed calendar mode was active such that calendar dates after AD 1582-Oct-15 (if any) are in the modern Gregorian system. Dates prior to 1582-Oct-5 (if any) are in the Julian calendar system, which is automatically extended for dates prior to its adoption on 45-Jan-1 BC. The Julian calendar is useful for matching historical dates. The Gregorian calendar more accurately corresponds to the Earth's orbital motion and seasons. A "Gregorian-only" calendar mode is available if such physical events are the primary interest. NOTE: "n.a." in output means quantity "not available" at the print-time. 'APmag S-brt' = The asteroids' approximate apparent airless visual magnitude and surface brightness using the standard IAU H-G system magnitude model: APmag = H + 5*log10(delta) + 5*log10(r) - 2.5*log10((1-G)*phi_1 + G*phi_2) For solar phase angles >90 deg, the error could exceed 1 magnitude. For phase angles >120 degrees, output values are rounded to the nearest integer to indicate error could be large and unknown. For Earth-based observers, the estimated dimming due to atmospheric absorption (extinction) is available as a separate, requestable quantity. Surface brightness is the average airless visual magnitude of a square-arcsecond of the illuminated portion of the apparent disk. It is computed only if the target radius is known. Units: MAGNITUDES & MAGNITUDES PER SQUARE ARCSECOND 'delta deldot' = Apparent range ("delta", light-time aberrated) and range-rate ("delta-dot") of the target center relative to the observer. A positive "deldot" means the target center is moving away from the observer, negative indicates movement toward the observer. Units: AU and KM/S Computations by ... Solar System Dynamics Group, Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA General site: https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ Mailing list: https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/email_list.html System news : https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/news.html User Guide : https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/manual.html Connect : browser https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/app.html#/x API https://ssd-api.jpl.nasa.gov/doc/horizons.html command-line telnet ssd.jpl.nasa.gov 6775 e-mail/batch https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ftp/ssd/hrzn_batch.txt scripts https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ftp/ssd/SCRIPTS Author : Jon.D.Giorgini@jpl.nasa.gov ******************************************************************************* !$$SOF COMMAND = '2009 JF1' QUANTITIES = '09,20' START_TIME = '2022-05-01' STEP_SIZE = '3 hour' STOP_TIME = '2022-05-16'