Format for the Astrolabe R.A. and Dec. Observations column 1-10 xxxxx^xxxxx JD-2400000 of East Passage 11-15 ^xxxxx JD fractional part of West Passage 16 x [A1]"*" to use present eph for BBA0, BBA24, etc 17 x planet # 18 x observatory # (see table below) 19-20 xx observer # 21-24 xx^xx ET-UT in seconds of time 25 b (blank) 26-30 +/-x^xxx RA0 : [sec] r.a. resid, no phase correction 31-35 +/-x^xxx RA1 : [sec] r.a. resid, phase correction #1 36-40 +/-x^xxx RA2 : [sec] r.a. resid, phase correction #2 41-43 x^xx apriori sigma of r.a. 44 b (blank) 45-48 +/-x^xx DE0 : ["] dec. resid, no phase correction 49-52 +/-x^xx DE1 : ["] dec. resid, phase correction #1 53-56 +/-x^xx DE2 : ["] dec. resid, phase correction #2 57-59 x^xx apriori sigma of dec. 60 b (blank) 61-65 xx^xxx r.a.(AENA) : (time-)seconds part at 0h ET 66-70 xx^xxx r.a.(AENA) : (time-)seconds part at 24h ET 71 b (blank) 72-75 xx^xx dec.(AENA) : (arc-)seconds part at 0h ET 76-79 xx^xx dec.(AENA) : (arc-)seconds part at 24h ET 80 b (blank) ---------------------------------------- Observatory Numbers Nr S angle longitude latitude 01 P PARIS 30.0 2.33 48.83 02 B BESNCN 30.0 5.98 47.25 03 C CRGA30 30.0 7.00 43.75 04 Z SAOPLO 30.0 313.03 -23.00 05 M SANFDO 30.0 353.80 36.47 06 A ALGERS 30.0 356.97 36.60 07 Q QUITO 30.0 281.52 -00.22 08 S SANTGO 30.0 289.37 -33.42 09 D CRGA45 45.0 7.00 43.75 10 E CRGA60 60.0 7.00 43.75 ----------------------------------------