API VERSION: 1.2 API SOURCE: NASA/JPL Horizons API ******************************************************************************* JPL/HORIZONS 307261 (2002 MS4) 2024-May-02 16:18:28 Rec #: 307261 (+COV) Soln.date: 2024-Feb-21_20:34:32 # obs: 485 (1954-2022) IAU76/J2000 helio. ecliptic osc. elements (au, days, deg., period=Julian yrs): EPOCH= 2458267.5 ! 2018-May-29.00 (TDB) Residual RMS= .070926 EC= .1397250139993081 QR= 36.08141317030623 TP= 2496593.826328489 OM= 215.904094404325 W= 214.0813529296298 IN= 17.66789422260964 A= 41.94172067938891 MA= 220.9304973470544 ADIST= 47.80202818847159 PER= 271.6299 N= .003628563 ANGMOM= .110312125 DAN= 46.5047 DDN= 36.85751 L= 68.71248900000001 B= -9.791986700000001 MOID= 35.11130142 TP= 2123-May-05.3263284890 Asteroid physical parameters (km, seconds, rotational period in hours): GM= n.a. RAD= n.a. ROTPER= n.a. H= 3.62 G= .150 B-V= n.a. ALBEDO= n.a. STYP= n.a. ASTEROID comments: 1: soln ref.= JPL#22, OCC=1 2: source=ORB ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* Ephemeris / API_USER Thu May 2 16:18:28 2024 Pasadena, USA / Horizons ******************************************************************************* Target body name: 307261 (2002 MS4) {source: JPL#22} Center body name: Sun (10) {source: DE441} Center-site name: BODYCENTRIC ******************************************************************************* Start time : A.D. 1987-Jan-01 00:00:00.0000 UT Stop time : A.D. 1988-Jan-01 00:00:00.0000 UT Step-size : 1440 minutes ******************************************************************************* Target pole/equ : undefined Target radii : undefined Center geodetic : 0.0, 0.0, -695700.0 {E-lon(deg),Lat(deg),Alt(km)} Center cylindric: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 {E-lon(deg),Dxy(km),Dz(km)} Center pole/equ : IAU_SUN {East-longitude positive} Center radii : 695700.0, 695700.0, 695700.0 km {Equator_a, b, pole_c} Target primary : Sun Vis. interferer : None Rel. light bend : Sun {source: DE441} Rel. lght bnd GM: 1.3271E+11 km^3/s^2 Small-body perts: Yes {source: SB441-N16} Atmos refraction: NO (AIRLESS) RA format : HMS Time format : CAL Calendar mode : Mixed Julian/Gregorian EOP file : eop.240502.p240726 EOP coverage : DATA-BASED 1962-JAN-20 TO 2024-MAY-02. PREDICTS-> 2024-JUL-25 Units conversion: 1 au= 149597870.700 km, c= 299792.458 km/s, 1 day= 86400.0 s Table cut-offs 1: Elevation (-90.0deg=NO ),Airmass n.a. , Daylight (NO ) Table cut-offs 2: Solar elongation ( 0.0,180.0=NO ),Local Hour Angle( 0.0=NO ) Table cut-offs 3: RA/DEC angular rate ( 0.0=NO ) ******************************************************************************* Initial IAU76/J2000 heliocentric ecliptic osculating elements (au, days, deg.): EPOCH= 2458267.5 ! 2018-May-29.00 (TDB) Residual RMS= .070926 EC= .1397250139993081 QR= 36.08141317030623 TP= 2496593.826328489 OM= 215.904094404325 W= 214.0813529296298 IN= 17.66789422260964 Equivalent ICRF heliocentric cartesian coordinates (au, au/d): X= 8.281125157266370E+00 Y=-4.557752351152149E+01 Z=-5.679796262599059E+00 VX= 2.252813724483336E-03 VY= 5.488348116283405E-04 VZ= 4.991658551459920E-04 Asteroid physical parameters (km, seconds, rotational period in hours): GM= n.a. RAD= n.a. ROTPER= n.a. H= 3.62 G= .150 B-V= n.a. ALBEDO= n.a. STYP= n.a. ******************************************************************************* Date__(UT)__HR:MN delta deldot *************************************************** $$SOE 1987-Jan-01 00:00 47.8028349352144 0.0011389 1987-Jan-02 00:00 47.8028355855851 0.0011133 1987-Jan-03 00:00 47.8028362211789 0.0010877 1987-Jan-04 00:00 47.8028368419685 0.0010620 1987-Jan-05 00:00 47.8028374479265 0.0010363 1987-Jan-06 00:00 47.8028380390250 0.0010106 1987-Jan-07 00:00 47.8028386152359 0.0009848 1987-Jan-08 00:00 47.8028391765309 0.0009589 1987-Jan-09 00:00 47.8028397228814 0.0009330 1987-Jan-10 00:00 47.8028402542590 0.0009071 1987-Jan-11 00:00 47.8028407706352 0.0008811 1987-Jan-12 00:00 47.8028412719813 0.0008550 1987-Jan-13 00:00 47.8028417582693 0.0008289 1987-Jan-14 00:00 47.8028422294709 0.0008028 1987-Jan-15 00:00 47.8028426855587 0.0007766 1987-Jan-16 00:00 47.8028431265053 0.0007504 1987-Jan-17 00:00 47.8028435522841 0.0007241 1987-Jan-18 00:00 47.8028439628693 0.0006977 1987-Jan-19 00:00 47.8028443582359 0.0006714 1987-Jan-20 00:00 47.8028447383597 0.0006450 1987-Jan-21 00:00 47.8028451032178 0.0006185 1987-Jan-22 00:00 47.8028454527886 0.0005920 1987-Jan-23 00:00 47.8028457870520 0.0005655 1987-Jan-24 00:00 47.8028461059893 0.0005389 1987-Jan-25 00:00 47.8028464095838 0.0005124 1987-Jan-26 00:00 47.8028466978208 0.0004858 1987-Jan-27 00:00 47.8028469706875 0.0004591 1987-Jan-28 00:00 47.8028472281736 0.0004325 1987-Jan-29 00:00 47.8028474702709 0.0004059 1987-Jan-30 00:00 47.8028476969740 0.0003792 1987-Jan-31 00:00 47.8028479082795 0.0003525 1987-Feb-01 00:00 47.8028481041869 0.0003259 1987-Feb-02 00:00 47.8028482846974 0.0002992 1987-Feb-03 00:00 47.8028484498146 0.0002726 1987-Feb-04 00:00 47.8028485995434 0.0002459 1987-Feb-05 00:00 47.8028487338897 0.0002193 1987-Feb-06 00:00 47.8028488528596 0.0001927 1987-Feb-07 00:00 47.8028489564584 0.0001661 1987-Feb-08 00:00 47.8028490446897 0.0001395 1987-Feb-09 00:00 47.8028491175544 0.0001129 1987-Feb-10 00:00 47.8028491750489 0.0000862 1987-Feb-11 00:00 47.8028492171647 0.0000596 1987-Feb-12 00:00 47.8028492438868 0.0000329 1987-Feb-13 00:00 47.8028492551934 0.0000062 1987-Feb-14 00:00 47.8028492510549 -0.0000206 1987-Feb-15 00:00 47.8028492314347 -0.0000474 1987-Feb-16 00:00 47.8028491962887 -0.0000743 1987-Feb-17 00:00 47.8028491455665 -0.0001013 1987-Feb-18 00:00 47.8028490792122 -0.0001285 1987-Feb-19 00:00 47.8028489971659 -0.0001557 1987-Feb-20 00:00 47.8028488993648 -0.0001830 1987-Feb-21 00:00 47.8028487857446 -0.0002105 1987-Feb-22 00:00 47.8028486562410 -0.0002380 1987-Feb-23 00:00 47.8028485107907 -0.0002657 1987-Feb-24 00:00 47.8028483493322 -0.0002935 1987-Feb-25 00:00 47.8028481718068 -0.0003213 1987-Feb-26 00:00 47.8028479781591 -0.0003493 1987-Feb-27 00:00 47.8028477683371 -0.0003773 1987-Feb-28 00:00 47.8028475422929 -0.0004055 1987-Mar-01 00:00 47.8028472999825 -0.0004337 1987-Mar-02 00:00 47.8028470413656 -0.0004619 1987-Mar-03 00:00 47.8028467664061 -0.0004902 1987-Mar-04 00:00 47.8028464750714 -0.0005186 1987-Mar-05 00:00 47.8028461673324 -0.0005471 1987-Mar-06 00:00 47.8028458431635 -0.0005755 1987-Mar-07 00:00 47.8028455025423 -0.0006040 1987-Mar-08 00:00 47.8028451454494 -0.0006326 1987-Mar-09 00:00 47.8028447718680 -0.0006611 1987-Mar-10 00:00 47.8028443817841 -0.0006897 1987-Mar-11 00:00 47.8028439751864 -0.0007183 1987-Mar-12 00:00 47.8028435520655 -0.0007469 1987-Mar-13 00:00 47.8028431124145 -0.0007756 1987-Mar-14 00:00 47.8028426562284 -0.0008042 1987-Mar-15 00:00 47.8028421835045 -0.0008328 1987-Mar-16 00:00 47.8028416942414 -0.0008615 1987-Mar-17 00:00 47.8028411884401 -0.0008901 1987-Mar-18 00:00 47.8028406661029 -0.0009187 1987-Mar-19 00:00 47.8028401272339 -0.0009473 1987-Mar-20 00:00 47.8028395718387 -0.0009759 1987-Mar-21 00:00 47.8028389999245 -0.0010045 1987-Mar-22 00:00 47.8028384115001 -0.0010331 1987-Mar-23 00:00 47.8028378065754 -0.0010617 1987-Mar-24 00:00 47.8028371851621 -0.0010902 1987-Mar-25 00:00 47.8028365472730 -0.0011187 1987-Mar-26 00:00 47.8028358929223 -0.0011472 1987-Mar-27 00:00 47.8028352221258 -0.0011757 1987-Mar-28 00:00 47.8028345349001 -0.0012041 1987-Mar-29 00:00 47.8028338312637 -0.0012325 1987-Mar-30 00:00 47.8028331112359 -0.0012609 1987-Mar-31 00:00 47.8028323748375 -0.0012892 1987-Apr-01 00:00 47.8028316220905 -0.0013175 1987-Apr-02 00:00 47.8028308530183 -0.0013457 1987-Apr-03 00:00 47.8028300676454 -0.0013739 1987-Apr-04 00:00 47.8028292659976 -0.0014021 1987-Apr-05 00:00 47.8028284481022 -0.0014302 1987-Apr-06 00:00 47.8028276139875 -0.0014583 1987-Apr-07 00:00 47.8028267636832 -0.0014863 1987-Apr-08 00:00 47.8028258972206 -0.0015142 1987-Apr-09 00:00 47.8028250146319 -0.0015421 1987-Apr-10 00:00 47.8028241159509 -0.0015699 1987-Apr-11 00:00 47.8028232012130 -0.0015977 1987-Apr-12 00:00 47.8028222704548 -0.0016254 1987-Apr-13 00:00 47.8028213237144 -0.0016531 1987-Apr-14 00:00 47.8028203610317 -0.0016806 1987-Apr-15 00:00 47.8028193824480 -0.0017081 1987-Apr-16 00:00 47.8028183880063 -0.0017355 1987-Apr-17 00:00 47.8028173777516 -0.0017629 1987-Apr-18 00:00 47.8028163517304 -0.0017901 1987-Apr-19 00:00 47.8028153099914 -0.0018173 1987-Apr-20 00:00 47.8028142525853 -0.0018444 1987-Apr-21 00:00 47.8028131795648 -0.0018714 1987-Apr-22 00:00 47.8028120909852 -0.0018983 1987-Apr-23 00:00 47.8028109869038 -0.0019251 1987-Apr-24 00:00 47.8028098673806 -0.0019517 1987-Apr-25 00:00 47.8028087324782 -0.0019783 1987-Apr-26 00:00 47.8028075822617 -0.0020048 1987-Apr-27 00:00 47.8028064167991 -0.0020311 1987-Apr-28 00:00 47.8028052361610 -0.0020573 1987-Apr-29 00:00 47.8028040404209 -0.0020834 1987-Apr-30 00:00 47.8028028296545 -0.0021094 1987-May-01 00:00 47.8028016039403 -0.0021352 1987-May-02 00:00 47.8028003633584 -0.0021608 1987-May-03 00:00 47.8027991079906 -0.0021864 1987-May-04 00:00 47.8027978379197 -0.0022118 1987-May-05 00:00 47.8027965532285 -0.0022370 1987-May-06 00:00 47.8027952539988 -0.0022621 1987-May-07 00:00 47.8027939403106 -0.0022871 1987-May-08 00:00 47.8027926122406 -0.0023119 1987-May-09 00:00 47.8027912698609 -0.0023366 1987-May-10 00:00 47.8027899132382 -0.0023612 1987-May-11 00:00 47.8027885424324 -0.0023857 1987-May-12 00:00 47.8027871574959 -0.0024102 1987-May-13 00:00 47.8027857584730 -0.0024345 1987-May-14 00:00 47.8027843454000 -0.0024588 1987-May-15 00:00 47.8027829183054 -0.0024831 1987-May-16 00:00 47.8027814772107 -0.0025073 1987-May-17 00:00 47.8027800221311 -0.0025315 1987-May-18 00:00 47.8027785530769 -0.0025557 1987-May-19 00:00 47.8027770700548 -0.0025799 1987-May-20 00:00 47.8027755730693 -0.0026041 1987-May-21 00:00 47.8027740621236 -0.0026282 1987-May-22 00:00 47.8027725372210 -0.0026524 1987-May-23 00:00 47.8027709983659 -0.0026765 1987-May-24 00:00 47.8027694455641 -0.0027007 1987-May-25 00:00 47.8027678788236 -0.0027248 1987-May-26 00:00 47.8027662981549 -0.0027489 1987-May-27 00:00 47.8027647035711 -0.0027730 1987-May-28 00:00 47.8027630950879 -0.0027970 1987-May-29 00:00 47.8027614727240 -0.0028211 1987-May-30 00:00 47.8027598365001 -0.0028450 1987-May-31 00:00 47.8027581864397 -0.0028690 1987-Jun-01 00:00 47.8027565225682 -0.0028929 1987-Jun-02 00:00 47.8027548449130 -0.0029167 1987-Jun-03 00:00 47.8027531535035 -0.0029405 1987-Jun-04 00:00 47.8027514483700 -0.0029642 1987-Jun-05 00:00 47.8027497295448 -0.0029879 1987-Jun-06 00:00 47.8027479970607 -0.0030115 1987-Jun-07 00:00 47.8027462509518 -0.0030351 1987-Jun-08 00:00 47.8027444912527 -0.0030586 1987-Jun-09 00:00 47.8027427179986 -0.0030820 1987-Jun-10 00:00 47.8027409312252 -0.0031054 1987-Jun-11 00:00 47.8027391309685 -0.0031287 1987-Jun-12 00:00 47.8027373172646 -0.0031520 1987-Jun-13 00:00 47.8027354901496 -0.0031752 1987-Jun-14 00:00 47.8027336496598 -0.0031983 1987-Jun-15 00:00 47.8027317958311 -0.0032214 1987-Jun-16 00:00 47.8027299286994 -0.0032444 1987-Jun-17 00:00 47.8027280483003 -0.0032673 1987-Jun-18 00:00 47.8027261546691 -0.0032902 1987-Jun-19 00:00 47.8027242478405 -0.0033130 1987-Jun-20 00:00 47.8027223278490 -0.0033358 1987-Jun-21 00:00 47.8027203947287 -0.0033585 1987-Jun-22 00:00 47.8027184485129 -0.0033811 1987-Jun-23 00:00 47.8027164892348 -0.0034037 1987-Jun-24 00:00 47.8027145169265 -0.0034262 1987-Jun-25 00:00 47.8027125316200 -0.0034487 1987-Jun-26 00:00 47.8027105333466 -0.0034711 1987-Jun-27 00:00 47.8027085221367 -0.0034935 1987-Jun-28 00:00 47.8027064980204 -0.0035158 1987-Jun-29 00:00 47.8027044610273 -0.0035381 1987-Jun-30 00:00 47.8027024111859 -0.0035603 1987-Jul-01 00:00 47.8027003485246 -0.0035825 1987-Jul-02 00:00 47.8026982730709 -0.0036046 1987-Jul-03 00:00 47.8026961848520 -0.0036267 1987-Jul-04 00:00 47.8026940838942 -0.0036487 1987-Jul-05 00:00 47.8026919702237 -0.0036707 1987-Jul-06 00:00 47.8026898438658 -0.0036927 1987-Jul-07 00:00 47.8026877048456 -0.0037146 1987-Jul-08 00:00 47.8026855531878 -0.0037364 1987-Jul-09 00:00 47.8026833889168 -0.0037582 1987-Jul-10 00:00 47.8026812120564 -0.0037800 1987-Jul-11 00:00 47.8026790226307 -0.0038018 1987-Jul-12 00:00 47.8026768206632 -0.0038235 1987-Jul-13 00:00 47.8026746061777 -0.0038451 1987-Jul-14 00:00 47.8026723791980 -0.0038667 1987-Jul-15 00:00 47.8026701397479 -0.0038883 1987-Jul-16 00:00 47.8026678878516 -0.0039098 1987-Jul-17 00:00 47.8026656235338 -0.0039313 1987-Jul-18 00:00 47.8026633468196 -0.0039527 1987-Jul-19 00:00 47.8026610577349 -0.0039741 1987-Jul-20 00:00 47.8026587563065 -0.0039955 1987-Jul-21 00:00 47.8026564425620 -0.0040168 1987-Jul-22 00:00 47.8026541165301 -0.0040380 1987-Jul-23 00:00 47.8026517782409 -0.0040592 1987-Jul-24 00:00 47.8026494277258 -0.0040804 1987-Jul-25 00:00 47.8026470650173 -0.0041015 1987-Jul-26 00:00 47.8026446901496 -0.0041225 1987-Jul-27 00:00 47.8026423031579 -0.0041434 1987-Jul-28 00:00 47.8026399040786 -0.0041643 1987-Jul-29 00:00 47.8026374929488 -0.0041852 1987-Jul-30 00:00 47.8026350698062 -0.0042059 1987-Jul-31 00:00 47.8026326346879 -0.0042266 1987-Aug-01 00:00 47.8026301876302 -0.0042473 1987-Aug-02 00:00 47.8026277286674 -0.0042679 1987-Aug-03 00:00 47.8026252578308 -0.0042884 1987-Aug-04 00:00 47.8026227751474 -0.0043089 1987-Aug-05 00:00 47.8026202806390 -0.0043294 1987-Aug-06 00:00 47.8026177743207 -0.0043498 1987-Aug-07 00:00 47.8026152562002 -0.0043702 1987-Aug-08 00:00 47.8026127262768 -0.0043907 1987-Aug-09 00:00 47.8026101845411 -0.0044111 1987-Aug-10 00:00 47.8026076309750 -0.0044316 1987-Aug-11 00:00 47.8026050655521 -0.0044522 1987-Aug-12 00:00 47.8026024882380 -0.0044728 1987-Aug-13 00:00 47.8025998989919 -0.0044935 1987-Aug-14 00:00 47.8025972977676 -0.0045143 1987-Aug-15 00:00 47.8025946845149 -0.0045352 1987-Aug-16 00:00 47.8025920591809 -0.0045561 1987-Aug-17 00:00 47.8025894217113 -0.0045772 1987-Aug-18 00:00 47.8025867720517 -0.0045984 1987-Aug-19 00:00 47.8025841101482 -0.0046196 1987-Aug-20 00:00 47.8025814359487 -0.0046409 1987-Aug-21 00:00 47.8025787494028 -0.0046624 1987-Aug-22 00:00 47.8025760504629 -0.0046839 1987-Aug-23 00:00 47.8025733390836 -0.0047054 1987-Aug-24 00:00 47.8025706152226 -0.0047271 1987-Aug-25 00:00 47.8025678788404 -0.0047488 1987-Aug-26 00:00 47.8025651299000 -0.0047706 1987-Aug-27 00:00 47.8025623683669 -0.0047924 1987-Aug-28 00:00 47.8025595942095 -0.0048143 1987-Aug-29 00:00 47.8025568073981 -0.0048362 1987-Aug-30 00:00 47.8025540079052 -0.0048582 1987-Aug-31 00:00 47.8025511957052 -0.0048802 1987-Sep-01 00:00 47.8025483707746 -0.0049023 1987-Sep-02 00:00 47.8025455330912 -0.0049244 1987-Sep-03 00:00 47.8025426826345 -0.0049465 1987-Sep-04 00:00 47.8025398193853 -0.0049687 1987-Sep-05 00:00 47.8025369433257 -0.0049909 1987-Sep-06 00:00 47.8025340544391 -0.0050131 1987-Sep-07 00:00 47.8025311527099 -0.0050353 1987-Sep-08 00:00 47.8025282381234 -0.0050576 1987-Sep-09 00:00 47.8025253106662 -0.0050799 1987-Sep-10 00:00 47.8025223703256 -0.0051022 1987-Sep-11 00:00 47.8025194170897 -0.0051246 1987-Sep-12 00:00 47.8025164509478 -0.0051469 1987-Sep-13 00:00 47.8025134718896 -0.0051693 1987-Sep-14 00:00 47.8025104799060 -0.0051917 1987-Sep-15 00:00 47.8025074749884 -0.0052141 1987-Sep-16 00:00 47.8025044571291 -0.0052365 1987-Sep-17 00:00 47.8025014263213 -0.0052589 1987-Sep-18 00:00 47.8024983825589 -0.0052814 1987-Sep-19 00:00 47.8024953258365 -0.0053038 1987-Sep-20 00:00 47.8024922561496 -0.0053263 1987-Sep-21 00:00 47.8024891734946 -0.0053487 1987-Sep-22 00:00 47.8024860778686 -0.0053712 1987-Sep-23 00:00 47.8024829692697 -0.0053936 1987-Sep-24 00:00 47.8024798476968 -0.0054161 1987-Sep-25 00:00 47.8024767131497 -0.0054386 1987-Sep-26 00:00 47.8024735656292 -0.0054610 1987-Sep-27 00:00 47.8024704051370 -0.0054835 1987-Sep-28 00:00 47.8024672316758 -0.0055059 1987-Sep-29 00:00 47.8024640452494 -0.0055284 1987-Sep-30 00:00 47.8024608458628 -0.0055508 1987-Oct-01 00:00 47.8024576335220 -0.0055732 1987-Oct-02 00:00 47.8024544082341 -0.0055957 1987-Oct-03 00:00 47.8024511700076 -0.0056180 1987-Oct-04 00:00 47.8024479188524 -0.0056404 1987-Oct-05 00:00 47.8024446547795 -0.0056628 1987-Oct-06 00:00 47.8024413778015 -0.0056851 1987-Oct-07 00:00 47.8024380879326 -0.0057074 1987-Oct-08 00:00 47.8024347851885 -0.0057297 1987-Oct-09 00:00 47.8024314695867 -0.0057519 1987-Oct-10 00:00 47.8024281411465 -0.0057742 1987-Oct-11 00:00 47.8024247998890 -0.0057963 1987-Oct-12 00:00 47.8024214458375 -0.0058185 1987-Oct-13 00:00 47.8024180790175 -0.0058405 1987-Oct-14 00:00 47.8024146994567 -0.0058626 1987-Oct-15 00:00 47.8024113071852 -0.0058846 1987-Oct-16 00:00 47.8024079022357 -0.0059065 1987-Oct-17 00:00 47.8024044846438 -0.0059283 1987-Oct-18 00:00 47.8024010544477 -0.0059501 1987-Oct-19 00:00 47.8023976116886 -0.0059718 1987-Oct-20 00:00 47.8023941564108 -0.0059935 1987-Oct-21 00:00 47.8023906886615 -0.0060150 1987-Oct-22 00:00 47.8023872084910 -0.0060365 1987-Oct-23 00:00 47.8023837159526 -0.0060579 1987-Oct-24 00:00 47.8023802111021 -0.0060791 1987-Oct-25 00:00 47.8023766939979 -0.0061003 1987-Oct-26 00:00 47.8023731647002 -0.0061213 1987-Oct-27 00:00 47.8023696232706 -0.0061423 1987-Oct-28 00:00 47.8023660697711 -0.0061631 1987-Oct-29 00:00 47.8023625042632 -0.0061839 1987-Oct-30 00:00 47.8023589268071 -0.0062045 1987-Oct-31 00:00 47.8023553374600 -0.0062251 1987-Nov-01 00:00 47.8023517362752 -0.0062455 1987-Nov-02 00:00 47.8023481233009 -0.0062659 1987-Nov-03 00:00 47.8023444985789 -0.0062862 1987-Nov-04 00:00 47.8023408621442 -0.0063065 1987-Nov-05 00:00 47.8023372140243 -0.0063267 1987-Nov-06 00:00 47.8023335542391 -0.0063469 1987-Nov-07 00:00 47.8023298828015 -0.0063670 1987-Nov-08 00:00 47.8023261997177 -0.0063872 1987-Nov-09 00:00 47.8023225049884 -0.0064073 1987-Nov-10 00:00 47.8023187986103 -0.0064275 1987-Nov-11 00:00 47.8023150805768 -0.0064477 1987-Nov-12 00:00 47.8023113508799 -0.0064679 1987-Nov-13 00:00 47.8023076095110 -0.0064881 1987-Nov-14 00:00 47.8023038564622 -0.0065084 1987-Nov-15 00:00 47.8023000917274 -0.0065286 1987-Nov-16 00:00 47.8022963153025 -0.0065488 1987-Nov-17 00:00 47.8022925271864 -0.0065691 1987-Nov-18 00:00 47.8022887273812 -0.0065893 1987-Nov-19 00:00 47.8022849158920 -0.0066095 1987-Nov-20 00:00 47.8022810927275 -0.0066297 1987-Nov-21 00:00 47.8022772578998 -0.0066499 1987-Nov-22 00:00 47.8022734114241 -0.0066701 1987-Nov-23 00:00 47.8022695533185 -0.0066902 1987-Nov-24 00:00 47.8022656836042 -0.0067103 1987-Nov-25 00:00 47.8022618023051 -0.0067303 1987-Nov-26 00:00 47.8022579094471 -0.0067503 1987-Nov-27 00:00 47.8022540050589 -0.0067702 1987-Nov-28 00:00 47.8022500891708 -0.0067901 1987-Nov-29 00:00 47.8022461618150 -0.0068100 1987-Nov-30 00:00 47.8022422230254 -0.0068297 1987-Dec-01 00:00 47.8022382728372 -0.0068494 1987-Dec-02 00:00 47.8022343112871 -0.0068691 1987-Dec-03 00:00 47.8022303384127 -0.0068886 1987-Dec-04 00:00 47.8022263542529 -0.0069081 1987-Dec-05 00:00 47.8022223588472 -0.0069276 1987-Dec-06 00:00 47.8022183522360 -0.0069470 1987-Dec-07 00:00 47.8022143344604 -0.0069662 1987-Dec-08 00:00 47.8022103055620 -0.0069855 1987-Dec-09 00:00 47.8022062655831 -0.0070046 1987-Dec-10 00:00 47.8022022145661 -0.0070237 1987-Dec-11 00:00 47.8021981525541 -0.0070427 1987-Dec-12 00:00 47.8021940795903 -0.0070616 1987-Dec-13 00:00 47.8021899957182 -0.0070805 1987-Dec-14 00:00 47.8021859009815 -0.0070992 1987-Dec-15 00:00 47.8021817954241 -0.0071179 1987-Dec-16 00:00 47.8021776790898 -0.0071366 1987-Dec-17 00:00 47.8021735520229 -0.0071551 1987-Dec-18 00:00 47.8021694142673 -0.0071736 1987-Dec-19 00:00 47.8021652658671 -0.0071920 1987-Dec-20 00:00 47.8021611068664 -0.0072103 1987-Dec-21 00:00 47.8021569373093 -0.0072285 1987-Dec-22 00:00 47.8021527572398 -0.0072467 1987-Dec-23 00:00 47.8021485667018 -0.0072648 1987-Dec-24 00:00 47.8021443657393 -0.0072828 1987-Dec-25 00:00 47.8021401543960 -0.0073007 1987-Dec-26 00:00 47.8021359327158 -0.0073186 1987-Dec-27 00:00 47.8021317007422 -0.0073364 1987-Dec-28 00:00 47.8021274585189 -0.0073541 1987-Dec-29 00:00 47.8021232060896 -0.0073717 1987-Dec-30 00:00 47.8021189434977 -0.0073893 1987-Dec-31 00:00 47.8021146707868 -0.0074067 1988-Jan-01 00:00 47.8021103879508 -0.0074242 $$EOE ******************************************************************************* Column meaning: TIME Times PRIOR to 1962 are UT1, a mean-solar time closely related to the prior but now-deprecated GMT. Times AFTER 1962 are in UTC, the current civil or "wall-clock" time-scale. UTC is kept within 0.9 seconds of UT1 using integer leap-seconds for 1972 and later years. Conversion from the internal Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB) of solar system dynamics to the non-uniform civil UT time-scale requested for output has not been determined for UTC times after the next July or January 1st. Therefore, the last known leap-second is used as a constant over future intervals. Time tags refer to the UT time-scale conversion from TDB on Earth regardless of observer location within the solar system, although clock rates may differ due to the local gravity field and no analog to "UT" may be defined for that location. Any 'b' symbol in the 1st-column denotes a B.C. date. First-column blank (" ") denotes an A.D. date. CALENDAR SYSTEM Mixed calendar mode was active such that calendar dates after AD 1582-Oct-15 (if any) are in the modern Gregorian system. Dates prior to 1582-Oct-5 (if any) are in the Julian calendar system, which is automatically extended for dates prior to its adoption on 45-Jan-1 BC. The Julian calendar is useful for matching historical dates. The Gregorian calendar more accurately corresponds to the Earth's orbital motion and seasons. A "Gregorian-only" calendar mode is available if such physical events are the primary interest. NOTE: "n.a." in output means quantity "not available" at the print-time. 'delta deldot' = Apparent range ("delta", light-time aberrated) and range-rate ("delta-dot") of the target center relative to the observer. A positive "deldot" means the target center is moving away from the observer, negative indicates movement toward the observer. Units: AU and KM/S Computations by ... Solar System Dynamics Group, Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA General site: https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ Mailing list: https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/email_list.html System news : https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/news.html User Guide : https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/manual.html Connect : browser https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/app.html#/x API https://ssd-api.jpl.nasa.gov/doc/horizons.html command-line telnet ssd.jpl.nasa.gov 6775 e-mail/batch https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ftp/ssd/hrzn_batch.txt scripts https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ftp/ssd/SCRIPTS Author : Jon.D.Giorgini@jpl.nasa.gov *******************************************************************************