API VERSION: 1.2 API SOURCE: NASA/JPL Horizons API ******************************************************************************* JPL/HORIZONS 96P/Machholz 1 2024-May-12 15:42:03 Rec #:90000927 (+COV) Soln.date: 2023-Jul-05_11:39:52 # obs: 667 (2012-2023) IAU76/J2000 helio. ecliptic osc. elements (au, days, deg., period=Julian yrs): EPOCH= 2457952.5 ! 2017-Jul-18.0000000 (TDB) RMSW= n.a. EC= .9591604569014904 QR= .1239494080283305 TP= 2458054.4609305882 OM= 94.25475500848404 W= 14.79291874358058 IN= 58.1379341982923 A= 3.035034151321199 MA= 340.9939227088016 ADIST= 5.946118894614067 PER= 5.2875389026816 N= .186405491 ANGMOM= .008476931 DAN= .12599 DDN= 3.34343 L= 102.1907077 B= 12.5243233 MOID= .33308101 TP= 2017-Oct-27.9609305882 Comet physical (GM= km^3/s^2; RAD= km): GM= n.a. RAD= 3.2 M1= 13.6 M2= 16.9 k1= 9. k2= 5. PHCOF= .030 Comet non-gravitational force model (AMRAT=m^2/kg;A1-A3=au/d^2;DT=days;R0=au): AMRAT= 0. DT= 0. A1= 2.699154429138E-10 A2= -2.426658174954E-12 A3= 1.027365215123E-10 Standard model: ALN= .1112620426 NK= 4.6142 NM= 2.15 NN= 5.093 R0= 2.808 COMET comments 1: soln ref.= JPL#K233/7, data arc: 2012-04-20 to 2023-06-22 2: k1=9., k2=5., phase coef.=0.03; ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* Ephemeris / API_USER Sun May 12 15:42:03 2024 Pasadena, USA / Horizons ******************************************************************************* Target body name: 96P/Machholz 1 {source: JPL#K233/7} Center body name: Earth (399) {source: DE441} Center-site name: GEOCENTRIC ******************************************************************************* Start time : A.D. 2028-May-10 00:00:00.0000 UT Stop time : A.D. 2028-May-14 00:00:00.0000 UT Step-size : 180 minutes ******************************************************************************* Target pole/equ : undefined Target radii : 3.2 km Center geodetic : 0.0, 0.0, -6378.137 {E-lon(deg),Lat(deg),Alt(km)} Center cylindric: 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 {E-lon(deg),Dxy(km),Dz(km)} Center pole/equ : ITRF93 {East-longitude positive} Center radii : 6378.137, 6378.137, 6356.752 km {Equator_a, b, pole_c} Target primary : Sun Vis. interferer : MOON (R_eq= 1737.400) km {source: DE441} Rel. light bend : Sun {source: DE441} Rel. lght bnd GM: 1.3271E+11 km^3/s^2 Small-body perts: Yes {source: SB441-N16} Atmos refraction: NO (AIRLESS) RA format : HMS Time format : CAL Calendar mode : Mixed Julian/Gregorian EOP file : eop.240510.p240803 EOP coverage : DATA-BASED 1962-JAN-20 TO 2024-MAY-10. PREDICTS-> 2024-AUG-02 Units conversion: 1 au= 149597870.700 km, c= 299792.458 km/s, 1 day= 86400.0 s Table cut-offs 1: Elevation (-90.0deg=NO ),Airmass (>38.000=NO), Daylight (NO ) Table cut-offs 2: Solar elongation ( 0.0,180.0=NO ),Local Hour Angle( 0.0=NO ) Table cut-offs 3: RA/DEC angular rate ( 0.0=NO ) ******************************************************************************* Initial IAU76/J2000 heliocentric ecliptic osculating elements (au, days, deg.): EPOCH= 2457952.5 ! 2017-Jul-18.0000000 (TDB) RMSW= n.a. EC= .9591604569014904 QR= .1239494080283305 TP= 2458054.4609305882 OM= 94.25475500848404 W= 14.79291874358058 IN= 58.1379341982923 Equivalent ICRF heliocentric cartesian coordinates (au, au/d): X= 7.935795962993413E-01 Y=-1.032912854488775E+00 Z=-1.628089945915151E+00 VX=-3.450839588281754E-03 VY= 9.932728131878905E-03 VZ= 8.705069063639640E-03 Comet physical (GM= km^3/s^2; RAD= km): GM= n.a. RAD= 3.2 M1= 13.6 M2= 16.9 k1= 9. k2= 5. PHCOF= .030 Comet non-gravitational force model (AMRAT=m^2/kg;A1-A3=au/d^2;DT=days;R0=au): AMRAT= 0. DT= 0. A1= 2.699154429138E-10 A2= -2.426658174954E-12 A3= 1.027365215123E-10 Standard model: ALN= .1112620426 NK= 4.6142 NM= 2.15 NN= 5.093 R0= 2.808 ******************************************************************************* Date__(UT)__HR:MN r rdot VmagSn VmagOb *************************************************************************** $$SOE 2028-May-10 00:00 0.153930157366 -52.0706681 105.9886663 124.8872701 2028-May-10 03:00 0.150219410904 -50.6936320 107.3234516 125.8720020 2028-May-10 06:00 0.146614331596 -49.1405039 108.6680453 126.8424512 2028-May-10 09:00 0.143128192673 -47.3957472 110.0158954 127.7904144 2028-May-10 12:00 0.139775389908 -45.4438903 111.3590900 128.7063551 2028-May-10 15:00 0.136571418197 -43.2700727 112.6882392 129.5793388 2028-May-10 18:00 0.133532803146 -40.8607473 113.9923931 130.3970193 2028-May-10 21:00 0.130676976098 -38.2045445 115.2590184 131.1456982 2028-May-11 00:00 0.128022081228 -35.2932861 116.4740587 131.8104805 2028-May-11 03:00 0.125586705080 -32.1231106 117.6221027 132.3755512 2028-May-11 06:00 0.123389522754 -28.6956417 118.6866858 132.8245879 2028-May-11 09:00 0.121448861197 -25.0190944 119.6507393 133.1413190 2028-May-11 12:00 0.119782188827 -21.1091836 120.4971886 133.3102167 2028-May-11 15:00 0.118405551355 -16.9896772 121.2096831 133.3172919 2028-May-11 18:00 0.117332985025 -12.6924438 121.7734131 133.1509365 2028-May-11 21:00 0.116575948332 -8.2568765 122.1759478 132.8027328 2028-May-12 00:00 0.116142819369 -3.7286495 122.4080092 132.2681392 2028-May-12 03:00 0.116038505963 0.8421462 122.4640908 131.5469619 2028-May-12 06:00 0.116264208419 5.4033329 122.3428412 130.6435426 2028-May-12 09:00 0.116817360438 9.9032057 122.0471604 129.5666252 2028-May-12 12:00 0.117691754727 14.2930396 121.5839945 128.3289114 2028-May-12 15:00 0.118877839529 18.5292730 120.9638587 126.9463566 2028-May-12 18:00 0.120363154615 22.5751578 120.2001512 125.4372919 2028-May-12 21:00 0.122132863411 26.4017590 119.3083456 123.8214726 2028-May-13 00:00 0.124170333268 29.9882929 118.3051512 122.1191501 2028-May-13 03:00 0.126457718366 33.3218788 117.2077211 120.3502463 2028-May-13 06:00 0.128976507409 36.3968365 116.0329671 118.5336822 2028-May-13 09:00 0.131708008999 39.2136888 114.7970144 116.6868844 2028-May-13 12:00 0.134633758831 41.7780171 113.5148077 114.8254677 2028-May-13 15:00 0.137735842918 44.0992988 112.1998607 112.9630747 2028-May-13 18:00 0.140997138977 46.1898157 110.8641300 111.1113452 2028-May-13 21:00 0.144401483418 48.0636922 109.5179888 109.2799819 2028-May-14 00:00 0.147933774409 49.7360901 108.1702743 107.4768832 $$EOE ******************************************************************************* Column meaning: TIME Times PRIOR to 1962 are UT1, a mean-solar time closely related to the prior but now-deprecated GMT. Times AFTER 1962 are in UTC, the current civil or "wall-clock" time-scale. UTC is kept within 0.9 seconds of UT1 using integer leap-seconds for 1972 and later years. Conversion from the internal Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB) of solar system dynamics to the non-uniform civil UT time-scale requested for output has not been determined for UTC times after the next July or January 1st. Therefore, the last known leap-second is used as a constant over future intervals. Time tags refer to the UT time-scale conversion from TDB on Earth regardless of observer location within the solar system, although clock rates may differ due to the local gravity field and no analog to "UT" may be defined for that location. Any 'b' symbol in the 1st-column denotes a B.C. date. First-column blank (" ") denotes an A.D. date. CALENDAR SYSTEM Mixed calendar mode was active such that calendar dates after AD 1582-Oct-15 (if any) are in the modern Gregorian system. Dates prior to 1582-Oct-5 (if any) are in the Julian calendar system, which is automatically extended for dates prior to its adoption on 45-Jan-1 BC. The Julian calendar is useful for matching historical dates. The Gregorian calendar more accurately corresponds to the Earth's orbital motion and seasons. A "Gregorian-only" calendar mode is available if such physical events are the primary interest. NOTE: "n.a." in output means quantity "not available" at the print-time. 'r rdot' = The Sun's apparent range ("r", light-time aberrated) and range-rate ("rdot") relative to the target center, as seen by the observer. A positive "rdot" means the target center was moving away from the Sun, negative means moving toward the Sun. Units: AU and KM/S 'VmagSn VmagOb' = Magnitude of target centers' velocity with respect to the Sun ("VmagSn") and the observer ("VmagOb") at the time light left the target center to be observed (print time minus down-leg light-time). These are absolute values of the velocity vectors (total speeds) and do NOT indicate direction of motion. Units: KM/S Computations by ... Solar System Dynamics Group, Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA General site: https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ Mailing list: https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/email_list.html System news : https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/news.html User Guide : https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/manual.html Connect : browser https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/app.html#/x API https://ssd-api.jpl.nasa.gov/doc/horizons.html command-line telnet ssd.jpl.nasa.gov 6775 e-mail/batch https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ftp/ssd/hrzn_batch.txt scripts https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/ftp/ssd/SCRIPTS Author : Jon.D.Giorgini@jpl.nasa.gov *******************************************************************************