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Planetary Satellite Physical Parameters

The following table lists currently available physical parameters for planetary satellites. Table column headings are described below.

Satellites of
GM  (km3/s2) Mean Radius  (km) Mean Density  (g/cm3)
value sigma ref value sigma ref value sigma ref
Earth Moon 301 4902.800 0.001 DE440 1737.4 0.1 1 3.344 0.001 *
Mars Phobos 401 0.0007087 0.0000006 MAR097 11.08 0.04 1 1.872 0.076 *
Mars Deimos 402 0.0000962 0.0000028 MAR097 6.2 0.24 1 1.471 0.166 *
Jupiter Io 501 5959.91547 0.00135 JUP365 1821.49 0.50 1 3.5276 0.0029 *
Jupiter Europa 502 3202.71210 0.00181 JUP365 1560.80 0.30 1 3.0130 0.0017 *
Jupiter Ganymede 503 9887.83275 0.00247 JUP365 2631.20 1.70 1 1.9416 0.0038 *
Jupiter Callisto 504 7179.28340 0.00324 JUP365 2410.30 1.50 1 1.8340 0.0034 *
Jupiter Amalthea 505 0.16456 0.00867 JUP365 83.50 3.00 1 1.0111 0.1213 *
Jupiter Thebe 514 0.03015 0.01250 JUP365 49.30 4.00 1 0.9000 0.4327 *
Jupiter Adrastea 515 0.00014 0.00020 JUP365 8.20 4.00 1 0.9018 1.8507 *
Jupiter Metis 516 0.00250 0.00160 JUP365 21.50 4.00 1 0.9002 0.7642 *
Jupiter Himalia 506 0.15155 0.05763 JUP344 85.00 10.00 1 0.8827 0.4580 *
Saturn Mimas 601 2.50349 0.00014 SAT441 198.20 0.40 1 1.1501 0.0070 *
Saturn Enceladus 602 7.21037 0.00009 SAT441 252.10 0.20 1 1.6097 0.0038 *
Saturn Tethys 603 41.21353 0.00031 SAT441 531.10 0.60 1 0.9840 0.0033 *
Saturn Dione 604 73.11607 0.00005 SAT441 561.40 0.40 1 1.4781 0.0032 *
Saturn Rhea 605 153.94175 0.00041 SAT441 763.50 0.60 1 1.2372 0.0029 *
Saturn Titan 606 8978.13710 0.00025 SAT441 2574.76 0.02 1 1.8814 0.0001 *
Saturn Hyperion 607 0.37049 0.00005 SAT441 135.00 4.00 1 0.5386 0.0479 *
Saturn Iapetus 608 120.51511 0.00242 SAT441 734.30 2.80 1 1.0887 0.0125 *
Saturn Phoebe 609 0.55479 0.00108 SAT441 106.50 0.70 1 1.6428 0.0326 *
Saturn Janus 610 0.12662 0.00007 SAT415 89.2 0.8 1 0.6381 0.0172 *
Saturn Epimetheus 611 0.03514 0.00002 SAT415 58.2 1.2 1 0.6375 0.0394 *
Saturn Helene 612 0.00048 0.00002 SAT441 18.00 0.40 1 0.2918 0.0217 *
Saturn Atlas 615 0.00037 0.00001 SAT415 15.1 0.8 1 0.3850 0.0613 *
Saturn Prometheus 616 0.01071 0.00001 SAT415 43.1 1.2 1 0.4784 0.0400 *
Saturn Pandora 617 0.00926 0.00002 SAT415 40.6 1.5 1 0.4948 0.0549 *
Saturn Pan 618 0.00028 0.00014 SAT415 14.0 1.2 1 0.3650 0.2052 *
Uranus Ariel 701 83.5 1.4 URA111 578.9 0.6 1 1.539 0.026 *
Uranus Umbriel 702 85.1 1.9 URA111 584.7 2.8 1 1.523 0.041 *
Uranus Titania 703 226.9 4.1 URA111 788.9 1.8 1 1.653 0.032 *
Uranus Oberon 704 205.3 5.8 URA111 761.4 2.6 1 1.664 0.050 *
Uranus Miranda 705 4.3 0.2 URA111 235.8 0.7 1 1.178 0.053 *
Neptune Triton 801 1428.49546 0.61603 NEP097 1352.60 2.40 1 2.0649 0.0110 *
Neptune Nereid 802 0.00000 0.00000 NEP101 170.00 25.00 1 n/a n/a n/a
Neptune Naiad 803 0.00853 0.00480 NEP097 29.00 6.00 1 1.2511 1.0478 *
Neptune Thalassa 804 0.02359 0.00522 NEP097 40.00 8.00 1 1.3184 0.8432 *
Neptune Despina 805 0.11673 0.25263 NEP097 74.00 10.00 1 1.0304 2.2689 *
Neptune Galatea 806 0.18990 0.76278 NEP097 79.00 12.00 1 1.3777 5.5695 *
Neptune Larissa 807 0.25484 3.12230 NEP097 96.00 7.00 1 1.0303 12.626 *
Neptune Proteus 808 2.58342 2.42070 NEP097 208.00 8.00 1 1.0269 0.9695 *
Pluto Charon 901 106.1 0.3 PLU060 606.0 0.5 2 1.853 0.004 *
Pluto Nix 902 0.0015 0.0005 PLU060 18.0 1.0 3 0.88 0.31 *
Pluto Hydra 903 0.0020 0.0003 PLU060 18.5 1.0 3 1.21 0.19 *
Pluto Kerberos 904 <0.0002 n/a PLU060 6.0 1.0 3 n/a n/a n/a
Pluto Styx 905 <0.0003 n/a PLU060 5.2 1.0 3 n/a n/a n/a


Planet and Pluto GM Values

Planet GM (km3/s2) Reference
Earth 398600.436 ±0.001 DE440
Mars 42828.37362 ±0.0008 MAR097
Jupiter 126686531.9 ±0.42 JUP365
Saturn 37931206.23 ±0.24 SAT441
Uranus 5793951.3 ±4.4 URA111
Neptune 6835099.97 ±9.63 NEP097
Pluto 869.3 ±0.4 PLU060

Table Column Descriptions

GM See glossary definition of GM.
Mean Radius Radius of a sphere with the equivalent volume of the planetary satellite.
Mean Density Density computed using the volume of a sphere with the specified mean radius and mass (derived from GM) of the planet.

Mean Radius References

  1. B. A. Archinal, C. H. Acton, M. F. A’Hearn, et al. (2018) "Report of the IAU Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements: 2015". Celest.~Mech. 130:22.
  2. Francis Nimmo, Orkan Umurhan, Carey M. Lisse, Carver J. Bierson, Tod R. Lauer, Marc W. Buie, Henry B. Throop, Josh A. Kammer, James H. Roberts, William B. McKinnon, Amanda M. Zangari, Jeffrey M. Moore, S. Alan Stern, Leslie A. Young, Harold A. Weaver, Cathy B. Olkin, Kim Ennico (2017) "Mean radius and shape of Pluto and Charon from New Horizons images". Icarus 287:12-29.
  3. S. Alan Stern, William M. Grundy, William B. McKinnon, Harold A. Weaver, Leslie A. Young (2018) "The Pluto System After New Horizons". Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 56:357-392.
  4. R. A. Jacobson (2021) "The Orbits of the Regular Jovian Satellites and the Orientation of the Pole of Jupiter". submitted to AJ  : .
  5. R. A. Jacobson (2021) "The Orbits of the Major Saturnian Satellites,the Trajectories of Spacecraft at Saturn, the Gravity Field of the Saturnian System, and the Orientation of Saturn's Pole". personal communication to Horizons/NAIF.